openWB als externen Ladepunkt einbinden
- Beiträge: 166
- Registriert: Di Okt 22, 2019 9:42 am
Re: openWB als externen Ladepunkt einbinden
Wenn ich meine Duo ganz normal mit dem internen Raspberry und 1.9 betreibe, sind die beiden LP so konfiguriert:
Schalte ich meine Duo nun in den "nur Ladepunkt" Modus und binde die beiden Ladepunkte in der Alpha 3 ein (zweiter Raspi im Netz mit eurem Image), sieht es so aus (Auto ist nicht angesteckt)
- Beiträge: 166
- Registriert: Di Okt 22, 2019 9:42 am
Re: openWB als externen Ladepunkt einbinden
und zur Info: Auf der Duo ist wieder die Stable: 1.9.271. Musste gestern noch laden und es ging nix mehr.
- Beiträge: 166
- Registriert: Di Okt 22, 2019 9:42 am
Re: openWB als externen Ladepunkt einbinden
Habe Alpha 3 neu installiert und aktualisiert. Nicht konfiguriert, nur einen Zähler damit ich Ladepunkte einrichten kann.
LP 1 auf der remote DUO ist eingestellt auf "Serien1/2 Autoerkennung".
So sieht es dann aus:
LP 1 auf der remote DUO ist eingestellt auf "Serien1/2 Autoerkennung".
So sieht es dann aus:
Code: Alles auswählen
2022-07-25 16:31:25,474 - {helpermodules.command:185} - INFO - Neuer Ladepunkt mit ID 1 wird hinzugefügt.
2022-07-25 16:31:25,517 - {control.chargepoint:848} - INFO - LP 1: Keine Ladung, da kein Auto angesteckt ist.
2022-07-25 16:31:25,524 - {helpermodules.command:153} - DEBUG - Max ID hierarchy 1
2022-07-25 16:31:33,467 - {root:45} - INFO - # ***Start***
2022-07-25 16:31:33,483 - {modules.loadvars:91} - ERROR - Fehler im loadvars-Modul
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/", line 87, in _get_cp
thread = threading.Thread(target=chargepoint_module.get_values, args=())
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_values'
2022-07-25 16:31:33,485 - {modules.loadvars:91} - ERROR - Fehler im loadvars-Modul
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/", line 87, in _get_cp
thread = threading.Thread(target=chargepoint_module.get_values, args=())
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_values'
2022-07-25 16:31:33,487 - {soc.modules.common.component_context:24} - DEBUG - Update Komponente ['Ladepunkt']
2022-07-25 16:31:33,489 - {} - ERROR - Fehler im pub-Modul. Host None
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/helpermodules/", line 59, in pub_single
publish.single(topic, json.dumps(payload), hostname=hostname, retain=True)
File "/home/openwb/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/", line 240, in single
multiple([msg], hostname, port, client_id, keepalive, will, auth, tls,
File "/home/openwb/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/", line 176, in multiple
client.connect(hostname, port, keepalive)
File "/home/openwb/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/", line 912, in connect
self.connect_async(host, port, keepalive,
File "/home/openwb/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/", line 978, in connect_async
raise ValueError('Invalid host.')
ValueError: Invalid host.
2022-07-25 16:31:33,490 - {modules.solaredge.device:79} - DEBUG - Start device reading {'component0': <modules.solaredge.counter.SolaredgeCounter object at 0x747592e0>}
2022-07-25 16:31:33,506 - {} - ERROR - Fehler im pub-Modul. Host None
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/helpermodules/", line 57, in pub_single
publish.single(topic, payload, hostname=hostname, retain=True)
File "/home/openwb/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/", line 240, in single
multiple([msg], hostname, port, client_id, keepalive, will, auth, tls,
File "/home/openwb/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/", line 176, in multiple
client.connect(hostname, port, keepalive)
File "/home/openwb/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/", line 912, in connect
self.connect_async(host, port, keepalive,
File "/home/openwb/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/", line 978, in connect_async
raise ValueError('Invalid host.')
ValueError: Invalid host.
2022-07-25 16:31:33,507 - {soc.modules.common.component_context:51} - DEBUG - Update Komponenten ['Verbrauch']
2022-07-25 16:31:33,509 - {} - ERROR - Fehler im pub-Modul. Host None
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/helpermodules/", line 59, in pub_single
publish.single(topic, json.dumps(payload), hostname=hostname, retain=True)
File "/home/openwb/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/", line 240, in single
multiple([msg], hostname, port, client_id, keepalive, will, auth, tls,
File "/home/openwb/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/", line 176, in multiple
client.connect(hostname, port, keepalive)
File "/home/openwb/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/", line 912, in connect
self.connect_async(host, port, keepalive,
File "/home/openwb/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/", line 978, in connect_async
raise ValueError('Invalid host.')
ValueError: Invalid host.
2022-07-25 16:31:33,971 - {} - DEBUG - Saving CounterState(voltages=[245.62, 240.57, 241.78], powers=[144.0, 167.0, 166.0], currents=[0.9, 1.1, 0.8], power_factors=[0.6423000000000001, 0.5949, 0.8417], imported=23156368.0, exported=641456.0, power=478.0, frequency=50.0)
2022-07-25 16:31:34,571 - {control.counter:395} - DEBUG - 10522.0W EVU-Leistung, die noch bezogen werden kann.
2022-07-25 16:31:34,574 - {control.prepare:31} - ERROR - Fehler im Prepare-Modul
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 24, in setup_algorithm
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 846, in update
KeyError: 'ev<property object at 0x75fe9e88>'
2022-07-25 16:31:34,577 - {} - DEBUG - all
{'get': {'power': 0}, 'config': {'configured': False}, 'set': {'charging_power_left': 0, 'switch_on_soc_reached': False}}
2022-07-25 16:31:34,578 - {} - DEBUG - cp_all_data
AllChargepointData(get=AllGet(daily_imported=0, daily_exported=0, power=0, imported=0, exported=0))
2022-07-25 16:31:34,578 - {} - DEBUG - cp16
ChargepointData(get=Get(charge_state=False, connected_vehicle=ConnectedVehicle(config=ConnectedConfig(average_consumption=17, charge_template=0, chargemode='stop', current_plan=0, ev_template=0, priority=False), info=ConnectedInfo(id=0, name='Ladepunkt'), soc=ConnectedSoc(fault_str='Kein Fehler.', fault_state=0, range_charged=0, range_unit='km', range=0, soc=0, timestamp=None)), currents=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], daily_imported=0, daily_exported=0, exported=0, fault_str='Kein Fehler.', fault_state=0, imported=2171337.0, phases_in_use=1, plug_state=False, power=0, rfid_timestamp=None, rfid=None, state_str=None, voltages=[245.1, 240.3, 241.0]), set=Set(autolock_state=0, change_ev_permitted=False, charging_ev=-1, charging_ev_prev=-1, current=0, energy_to_charge=0, loadmanagement_available=True, log=Log(chargemode_log_entry='_', imported_at_mode_switch=0, imported_at_plugtime=0, imported_since_mode_switch=0, imported_since_plugged=0, range_charged=0, time_charged='00:00', timestamp_start_charging=None), manual_lock=False, phases_to_use=0, plug_time=None, required_power=0, rfid=None, charging_ev_data=<control.ev.Ev object at 0x747a44d8>), config=Config(connection_module={}, power_module={}, ev=<property object at 0x75fe9e88>, name='Standard-Ladepunkt', type=None, template=0, connected_phases=3, phase_1=0, auto_phase_switch_hw=False, control_pilot_interruption_hw=False, id=0))
2022-07-25 16:31:34,579 - {} - DEBUG - cp14
ChargepointData(get=Get(charge_state=False, connected_vehicle=ConnectedVehicle(config=ConnectedConfig(average_consumption=17, charge_template=0, chargemode='stop', current_plan=0, ev_template=0, priority=False), info=ConnectedInfo(id=0, name='Ladepunkt'), soc=ConnectedSoc(fault_str='Kein Fehler.', fault_state=0, range_charged=0, range_unit='km', range=0, soc=0, timestamp=None)), currents=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], daily_imported=0, daily_exported=0, exported=0, fault_str='Kein Fehler.', fault_state=0, imported=2687182.0, phases_in_use=2, plug_state=False, power=0, rfid_timestamp=None, rfid=None, state_str=None, voltages=[240.7, 244.9, 240.7]), set=Set(autolock_state=0, change_ev_permitted=False, charging_ev=-1, charging_ev_prev=-1, current=0, energy_to_charge=0, loadmanagement_available=True, log=Log(chargemode_log_entry='_', imported_at_mode_switch=0, imported_at_plugtime=0, imported_since_mode_switch=0, imported_since_plugged=0, range_charged=0, time_charged='00:00', timestamp_start_charging=None), manual_lock=False, phases_to_use=0, plug_time=None, required_power=0, rfid=None, charging_ev_data=<control.ev.Ev object at 0x747a4c40>), config=Config(connection_module={}, power_module={}, ev=<property object at 0x75fe9e88>, name='Standard-Ladepunkt', type=None, template=0, connected_phases=3, phase_1=0, auto_phase_switch_hw=False, control_pilot_interruption_hw=False, id=0))
2022-07-25 16:31:34,581 - {} - DEBUG - cp1
ChargepointData(get=Get(charge_state=False, connected_vehicle=ConnectedVehicle(config=ConnectedConfig(average_consumption=17, charge_template=0, chargemode='stop', current_plan=0, ev_template=0, priority=False), info=ConnectedInfo(id=0, name='Ladepunkt'), soc=ConnectedSoc(fault_str='Kein Fehler.', fault_state=0, range_charged=0, range_unit='km', range=0, soc=0, timestamp=None)), currents=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], daily_imported=0, daily_exported=0, exported=0, fault_str='Kein Fehler.', fault_state=0, imported=0, phases_in_use=0, plug_state=False, power=0, rfid_timestamp=None, rfid=None, state_str=None, voltages=[230.0, 230.0, 230.0]), set=Set(autolock_state=0, change_ev_permitted=False, charging_ev=-1, charging_ev_prev=-1, current=0, energy_to_charge=0, loadmanagement_available=True, log=Log(chargemode_log_entry='_', imported_at_mode_switch=0, imported_at_plugtime=0, imported_since_mode_switch=0, imported_since_plugged=0, range_charged=0, time_charged='00:00', timestamp_start_charging=None), manual_lock=False, phases_to_use=0, plug_time=None, required_power=0, rfid=None, charging_ev_data=<control.ev.Ev object at 0x74766b08>), config=Config(connection_module={'type': 'external_openwb', 'name': 'Externe openWB', 'configuration': {'ip_address': None, 'duo_num': 1}}, power_module={}, ev=0, name='Standard-Ladepunkt', type='external_openwb', template=0, connected_phases=3, phase_1=0, auto_phase_switch_hw=False, control_pilot_interruption_hw=False, id=1))
2022-07-25 16:31:34,581 - {} - DEBUG - cpt0
{'name': 'Standard Ladepunkt-Vorlage', 'autolock': {'wait_for_charging_end': False, 'active': False, 'plans': {}}, 'rfid_enabling': False, 'valid_tags': []}
2022-07-25 16:31:34,581 - {} - DEBUG - all
{'set': {'loadmanagement_active': False, 'home_consumption': 0, 'invalid_home_consumption': 0, 'daily_yield_home_consumption': 0}, 'get': {'hierarchy': [{'id': 0, 'type': 'counter', 'children': [{'id': 1, 'type': 'cp', 'children': []}]}]}}
2022-07-25 16:31:34,582 - {} - DEBUG - counter0
{'set': {'consumption_left': 10522.0, 'currents_used': [0.9, 1.1, 0.8]}, 'get': {'daily_exported': 0, 'daily_imported': 0, 'voltages': [245.62, 240.57, 241.78], 'currents': [0.9, 1.1, 0.8], 'powers': [144.0, 167.0, 166.0], 'power_factors': [0.64, 0.59, 0.84], 'imported': 23156368.0, 'exported': 641456.0, 'power': 478.0, 'frequency': 50.0, 'fault_str': 'Kein Fehler.', 'fault_state': 0}, 'config': {'max_currents': [16, 16, 16], 'max_total_power': 11000}}
2022-07-25 16:31:34,582 - {} - DEBUG - ct0
{'name': 'Standard-Ladeprofil-Vorlage', 'disable_after_unplug': False, 'prio': False, 'load_default': False, 'time_charging': {'active': False, 'plans': {}}, 'chargemode': {'selected': 'stop', 'pv_charging': {'min_soc_current': 10, 'min_current': 0, 'feed_in_limit': False, 'min_soc': 0, 'max_soc': 100}, 'scheduled_charging': {'plans': {}}, 'instant_charging': {'current': 10, 'limit': {'selected': 'none', 'soc': 50, 'amount': 10000}}}}
2022-07-25 16:31:34,583 - {} - DEBUG - ev0
{'set': {}, 'control_parameter': {'required_current': 0, 'phases': 0, 'prio': False, 'timestamp_switch_on_off': None, 'timestamp_auto_phase_switch': None, 'timestamp_perform_phase_switch': None, 'submode': 'stop', 'chargemode': 'stop', 'used_amount_instant_charging': 0, 'imported_at_plan_start': 0, 'current_plan': None}, 'name': 'Standard-Fahrzeug', 'charge_template': 0, 'ev_template': 0, 'tag_id': [], 'get': {'soc': 0}}
2022-07-25 16:31:34,584 - {} - DEBUG - et0
{'name': 'Standard-Fahrzeug-Vorlage', 'max_current_multi_phases': 16, 'max_phases': 3, 'phase_switch_pause': 2, 'prevent_phase_switch': False, 'prevent_charge_stop': False, 'control_pilot_interruption': False, 'control_pilot_interruption_duration': 4, 'average_consump': 17, 'min_current': 6, 'max_current_one_phase': 32, 'battery_capacity': 82, 'nominal_difference': 2, 'soc': {'request_interval_charging': 5, 'request_interval_not_charging': 720, 'request_only_plugged': False}}
2022-07-25 16:31:34,585 - {} - DEBUG - general
{'grid_protection_active': False, 'chargemode_config': {'instant_charging': {'phases_to_use': 1}, 'pv_charging': {'bat_prio': True, 'switch_on_soc': 60, 'switch_off_soc': 40, 'rundown_power': 1000, 'rundown_soc': 50, 'charging_power_reserve': 200, 'control_range': [0, 230], 'switch_off_threshold': 5, 'switch_off_delay': 60, 'switch_on_delay': 30, 'switch_on_threshold': 1500, 'feed_in_yield': 15000, 'phase_switch_delay': 7, 'phases_to_use': 1}, 'scheduled_charging': {'phases_to_use': 0}, 'standby': {'phases_to_use': 1}, 'phases_to_use': 1, 'time_charging': {'phases_to_use': 1}, 'individual_mode': True, 'unbalanced_load': False, 'unbalanced_load_limit': 18}, 'control_interval': 10, 'extern': False, 'extern_display_mode': 'local', 'external_buttons_hw': False, 'grid_protection_configured': True, 'notifications': {'selected': 'none', 'plug': False, 'start_charging': False, 'stop_charging': False, 'smart_home': False, 'configuration': {}}, 'price_kwh': 0.3, 'range_unit': 'km', 'ripple_control_receiver': {'configured': False}}
2022-07-25 16:31:34,586 - {} - DEBUG - graph
{'config': {'duration': 120}}
2022-07-25 16:31:34,586 - {} - DEBUG - optional
{'et': {'get': {}, 'active': False, 'config': {'max_price': 0, 'provider': {}}}, 'int_display': {'active': False, 'on_if_plugged_in': True, 'pin_active': False, 'pin_code': '0000', 'standby': 60, 'theme': 'cards'}, 'led': {'active': False}, 'active': False, 'max_current': 16, 'rfid': {'active': False}}
2022-07-25 16:31:34,586 - {} - DEBUG - all
{'set': {'overhang_power_left': 0, 'available_power': 0, 'reserved_evu_overhang': 0, 'released_evu_overhang': 0}, 'get': {'power': 0}, 'config': {'configured': False}}
2022-07-25 16:31:34,587 - {} - DEBUG - system
{'update_in_progress': False, 'perform_update': False, 'boot_done': True, 'ip_address': '', 'dataprotection_acknowledged': False, 'debug_level': 10, 'release_train': 'master', 'version': '1.99.003', 'current_commit': '2022-07-24 16:08:07 +0200 [2a53f742]', 'current_master_commit': '2022-07-24 16:08:07 +0200 [2a53f742]', 'current_missing_commits': [], 'module_update_completed': True, 'lastlivevaluesJson': {'timestamp': 1658759484, 'time': '16:31:24', 'grid': 0.479, 'house-power': 0.0, 'charging-all': 0.0, 'cp16-power': 0.0, 'cp14-power': 0.0}}
2022-07-25 16:31:34,588 - {} - DEBUG - device0
{'name': 'SE17K', 'type': 'solaredge', 'id': 0, 'configuration': {'port': 502, 'fix_only_bat_discharging': False, 'ip_address': ''}}
2022-07-25 16:31:34,588 - {} - DEBUG - component0
{'name': 'Verbrauch', 'type': 'counter', 'id': 0, 'configuration': {'modbus_id': 1}}
2022-07-25 16:31:34,588 - {} - DEBUG -
2022-07-25 16:31:34,589 - {control.algorithm:43} - DEBUG - # Algorithmus-Start
2022-07-25 16:31:34,589 - {control.algorithm:45} - INFO - EVU-Punkt: Leistung[W] 478.0, Ströme[A] [0.9, 1.1, 0.8]
2022-07-25 16:31:34,590 - {control.algorithm:83} - INFO - ## Überschuss-Ladung über Mindeststrom bei PV-Laden zurücknehmen.
2022-07-25 16:31:34,592 - {control.algorithm:200} - DEBUG - ## Ladung muss nicht wegen aktiven Lastmanagements gestoppt werden.
2022-07-25 16:31:34,594 - {control.algorithm:562} - INFO - ## Zuteilung des Überschusses
2022-07-25 16:31:34,602 - {control.algorithm:598} - INFO - ## Zuteilung beendet, da kein Ladepunkt mehr auf Zuteilung wartet.
2022-07-25 16:31:34,602 - {control.algorithm:851} - INFO - ## Übrigen Überschuss verteilen.
2022-07-25 16:31:34,610 - {control.process:22} - DEBUG - # Ladung starten.
2022-07-25 16:31:34,612 - {control.process:51} - ERROR - Fehler im Process-Modul für Ladepunkt cp16
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 49, in process_algorithm_results
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 110, in _start_charging
return threading.Thread(target=chargepoint.chargepoint_module.set_current,
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'set_current'
2022-07-25 16:31:34,616 - {control.process:51} - ERROR - Fehler im Process-Modul für Ladepunkt cp14
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 49, in process_algorithm_results
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 110, in _start_charging
return threading.Thread(target=chargepoint.chargepoint_module.set_current,
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'set_current'
2022-07-25 16:31:34,622 - {soc.modules.common.component_context:24} - DEBUG - Update Komponente ['Ladepunkt']
2022-07-25 16:31:34,623 - {} - ERROR - Fehler im pub-Modul. Host None
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/helpermodules/", line 59, in pub_single
publish.single(topic, json.dumps(payload), hostname=hostname, retain=True)
File "/home/openwb/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/", line 240, in single
multiple([msg], hostname, port, client_id, keepalive, will, auth, tls,
File "/home/openwb/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/", line 176, in multiple
client.connect(hostname, port, keepalive)
File "/home/openwb/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/", line 912, in connect
self.connect_async(host, port, keepalive,
File "/home/openwb/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/", line 978, in connect_async
raise ValueError('Invalid host.')
ValueError: Invalid host.
2022-07-25 16:31:34,627 - {control.pv:439} - DEBUG - 0W EVU-Überschuss, der für die Regelung verfügbar ist, davon 0W für die Einschaltverzögerung reservierte Leistung.
2022-07-25 16:31:34,628 - {control.counter:414} - DEBUG - 10522.0W verbleibende EVU-Bezugs-Leistung
2022-07-25 16:31:43,467 - {root:45} - INFO - # ***Start***
2022-07-25 16:31:43,483 - {modules.loadvars:91} - ERROR - Fehler im loadvars-Modul
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/", line 87, in _get_cp
thread = threading.Thread(target=chargepoint_module.get_values, args=())
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_values'
2022-07-25 16:31:43,485 - {modules.loadvars:91} - ERROR - Fehler im loadvars-Modul
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/", line 87, in _get_cp
thread = threading.Thread(target=chargepoint_module.get_values, args=())
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_values'
2022-07-25 16:31:43,487 - {soc.modules.common.component_context:24} - DEBUG - Update Komponente ['Ladepunkt']
2022-07-25 16:31:43,488 - {} - ERROR - Fehler im pub-Modul. Host None
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/helpermodules/", line 59, in pub_single
publish.single(topic, json.dumps(payload), hostname=hostname, retain=True)
File "/home/openwb/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/", line 240, in single
multiple([msg], hostname, port, client_id, keepalive, will, auth, tls,
File "/home/openwb/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/", line 176, in multiple
client.connect(hostname, port, keepalive)
File "/home/openwb/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/", line 912, in connect
self.connect_async(host, port, keepalive,
File "/home/openwb/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/", line 978, in connect_async
raise ValueError('Invalid host.')
ValueError: Invalid host.
2022-07-25 16:31:43,490 - {modules.solaredge.device:79} - DEBUG - Start device reading {'component0': <modules.solaredge.counter.SolaredgeCounter object at 0x747592e0>}
2022-07-25 16:31:43,492 - {} - ERROR - Fehler im pub-Modul. Host None
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/helpermodules/", line 57, in pub_single
publish.single(topic, payload, hostname=hostname, retain=True)
File "/home/openwb/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/", line 240, in single
multiple([msg], hostname, port, client_id, keepalive, will, auth, tls,
File "/home/openwb/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/", line 176, in multiple
client.connect(hostname, port, keepalive)
File "/home/openwb/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/", line 912, in connect
self.connect_async(host, port, keepalive,
File "/home/openwb/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/", line 978, in connect_async
raise ValueError('Invalid host.')
ValueError: Invalid host.
2022-07-25 16:31:43,492 - {soc.modules.common.component_context:51} - DEBUG - Update Komponenten ['Verbrauch']
2022-07-25 16:31:43,494 - {} - ERROR - Fehler im pub-Modul. Host None
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/helpermodules/", line 59, in pub_single
publish.single(topic, json.dumps(payload), hostname=hostname, retain=True)
File "/home/openwb/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/", line 240, in single
multiple([msg], hostname, port, client_id, keepalive, will, auth, tls,
File "/home/openwb/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/", line 176, in multiple
client.connect(hostname, port, keepalive)
File "/home/openwb/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/", line 912, in connect
self.connect_async(host, port, keepalive,
File "/home/openwb/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/", line 978, in connect_async
raise ValueError('Invalid host.')
ValueError: Invalid host.
2022-07-25 16:31:43,898 - {} - DEBUG - Saving CounterState(voltages=[245.38, 240.59, 241.45000000000002], powers=[143.0, 168.0, 167.0], currents=[0.9, 1.1, 0.8], power_factors=[0.6412, 0.5884, 0.8385000000000001], imported=23156372.0, exported=641456.0, power=479.0, frequency=50.0)
2022-07-25 16:31:44,493 - {control.counter:395} - DEBUG - 10521.0W EVU-Leistung, die noch bezogen werden kann.
2022-07-25 16:31:44,499 - {control.prepare:31} - ERROR - Fehler im Prepare-Modul
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 24, in setup_algorithm
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 846, in update
KeyError: 'ev<property object at 0x75fe9e88>'
2022-07-25 16:31:44,505 - {} - DEBUG - all
{'get': {'power': 0}, 'config': {'configured': False}, 'set': {'charging_power_left': 0, 'switch_on_soc_reached': False}}
2022-07-25 16:31:44,506 - {} - DEBUG - cp_all_data
AllChargepointData(get=AllGet(daily_imported=0, daily_exported=0, power=0, imported=0, exported=0))
2022-07-25 16:31:44,508 - {} - DEBUG - cp16
ChargepointData(get=Get(charge_state=False, connected_vehicle=ConnectedVehicle(config=ConnectedConfig(average_consumption=17, charge_template=0, chargemode='stop', current_plan=0, ev_template=0, priority=False), info=ConnectedInfo(id=0, name='Ladepunkt'), soc=ConnectedSoc(fault_str='Kein Fehler.', fault_state=0, range_charged=0, range_unit='km', range=0, soc=0, timestamp=None)), currents=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], daily_imported=0, daily_exported=0, exported=0, fault_str='Kein Fehler.', fault_state=0, imported=2171337.0, phases_in_use=1, plug_state=False, power=0, rfid_timestamp=None, rfid=None, state_str=None, voltages=[244.9, 239.8, 241.1]), set=Set(autolock_state=0, change_ev_permitted=False, charging_ev=-1, charging_ev_prev=-1, current=0, energy_to_charge=0, loadmanagement_available=True, log=Log(chargemode_log_entry='_', imported_at_mode_switch=0, imported_at_plugtime=0, imported_since_mode_switch=0, imported_since_plugged=0, range_charged=0, time_charged='00:00', timestamp_start_charging=None), manual_lock=False, phases_to_use=0, plug_time=None, required_power=0, rfid=None, charging_ev_data=<control.ev.Ev object at 0x74759fb8>), config=Config(connection_module={}, power_module={}, ev=<property object at 0x75fe9e88>, name='Standard-Ladepunkt', type=None, template=0, connected_phases=3, phase_1=0, auto_phase_switch_hw=False, control_pilot_interruption_hw=False, id=0))
2022-07-25 16:31:44,511 - {} - DEBUG - cp14
ChargepointData(get=Get(charge_state=False, connected_vehicle=ConnectedVehicle(config=ConnectedConfig(average_consumption=17, charge_template=0, chargemode='stop', current_plan=0, ev_template=0, priority=False), info=ConnectedInfo(id=0, name='Ladepunkt'), soc=ConnectedSoc(fault_str='Kein Fehler.', fault_state=0, range_charged=0, range_unit='km', range=0, soc=0, timestamp=None)), currents=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], daily_imported=0, daily_exported=0, exported=0, fault_str='Kein Fehler.', fault_state=0, imported=2687182.0, phases_in_use=2, plug_state=False, power=0, rfid_timestamp=None, rfid=None, state_str=None, voltages=[241.0, 245.0, 240.1]), set=Set(autolock_state=0, change_ev_permitted=False, charging_ev=-1, charging_ev_prev=-1, current=0, energy_to_charge=0, loadmanagement_available=True, log=Log(chargemode_log_entry='_', imported_at_mode_switch=0, imported_at_plugtime=0, imported_since_mode_switch=0, imported_since_plugged=0, range_charged=0, time_charged='00:00', timestamp_start_charging=None), manual_lock=False, phases_to_use=0, plug_time=None, required_power=0, rfid=None, charging_ev_data=<control.ev.Ev object at 0x7476bee0>), config=Config(connection_module={}, power_module={}, ev=<property object at 0x75fe9e88>, name='Standard-Ladepunkt', type=None, template=0, connected_phases=3, phase_1=0, auto_phase_switch_hw=False, control_pilot_interruption_hw=False, id=0))
2022-07-25 16:31:44,512 - {} - DEBUG - cp1
ChargepointData(get=Get(charge_state=False, connected_vehicle=ConnectedVehicle(config=ConnectedConfig(average_consumption=17, charge_template=0, chargemode='stop', current_plan=0, ev_template=0, priority=False), info=ConnectedInfo(id=0, name='Ladepunkt'), soc=ConnectedSoc(fault_str='Kein Fehler.', fault_state=0, range_charged=0, range_unit='km', range=0, soc=0, timestamp=None)), currents=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], daily_imported=0, daily_exported=0, exported=0, fault_str='Kein Fehler.', fault_state=0, imported=0, phases_in_use=0, plug_state=False, power=0, rfid_timestamp=None, rfid=None, state_str=None, voltages=[230.0, 230.0, 230.0]), set=Set(autolock_state=0, change_ev_permitted=False, charging_ev=-1, charging_ev_prev=-1, current=0, energy_to_charge=0, loadmanagement_available=True, log=Log(chargemode_log_entry='_', imported_at_mode_switch=0, imported_at_plugtime=0, imported_since_mode_switch=0, imported_since_plugged=0, range_charged=0, time_charged='00:00', timestamp_start_charging=None), manual_lock=False, phases_to_use=0, plug_time=None, required_power=0, rfid=None, charging_ev_data=<control.ev.Ev object at 0x7476d358>), config=Config(connection_module={'type': 'external_openwb', 'name': 'Externe openWB', 'configuration': {'ip_address': None, 'duo_num': 1}}, power_module={}, ev=0, name='Standard-Ladepunkt', type='external_openwb', template=0, connected_phases=3, phase_1=0, auto_phase_switch_hw=False, control_pilot_interruption_hw=False, id=1))
2022-07-25 16:31:44,514 - {} - DEBUG - cpt0
{'name': 'Standard Ladepunkt-Vorlage', 'autolock': {'wait_for_charging_end': False, 'active': False, 'plans': {}}, 'rfid_enabling': False, 'valid_tags': []}
2022-07-25 16:31:44,516 - {} - DEBUG - all
{'set': {'loadmanagement_active': False, 'home_consumption': 0, 'invalid_home_consumption': 0, 'daily_yield_home_consumption': 0}, 'get': {'hierarchy': [{'id': 0, 'type': 'counter', 'children': [{'id': 1, 'type': 'cp', 'children': []}]}]}}
2022-07-25 16:31:44,517 - {} - DEBUG - counter0
{'set': {'consumption_left': 10521.0, 'currents_used': [0.9, 1.1, 0.8]}, 'get': {'daily_exported': 0, 'daily_imported': 0, 'voltages': [245.38, 240.59, 241.45], 'currents': [0.9, 1.1, 0.8], 'powers': [143.0, 168.0, 167.0], 'power_factors': [0.64, 0.59, 0.84], 'imported': 23156372.0, 'exported': 641456.0, 'power': 479.0, 'frequency': 50.0, 'fault_str': 'Kein Fehler.', 'fault_state': 0}, 'config': {'max_currents': [16, 16, 16], 'max_total_power': 11000}}
2022-07-25 16:31:44,517 - {} - DEBUG - ct0
{'name': 'Standard-Ladeprofil-Vorlage', 'disable_after_unplug': False, 'prio': False, 'load_default': False, 'time_charging': {'active': False, 'plans': {}}, 'chargemode': {'selected': 'stop', 'pv_charging': {'min_soc_current': 10, 'min_current': 0, 'feed_in_limit': False, 'min_soc': 0, 'max_soc': 100}, 'scheduled_charging': {'plans': {}}, 'instant_charging': {'current': 10, 'limit': {'selected': 'none', 'soc': 50, 'amount': 10000}}}}
2022-07-25 16:31:44,517 - {} - DEBUG - ev0
{'set': {}, 'control_parameter': {'required_current': 0, 'phases': 0, 'prio': False, 'timestamp_switch_on_off': None, 'timestamp_auto_phase_switch': None, 'timestamp_perform_phase_switch': None, 'submode': 'stop', 'chargemode': 'stop', 'used_amount_instant_charging': 0, 'imported_at_plan_start': 0, 'current_plan': None}, 'name': 'Standard-Fahrzeug', 'charge_template': 0, 'ev_template': 0, 'tag_id': [], 'get': {'soc': 0}}
2022-07-25 16:31:44,518 - {} - DEBUG - et0
{'name': 'Standard-Fahrzeug-Vorlage', 'max_current_multi_phases': 16, 'max_phases': 3, 'phase_switch_pause': 2, 'prevent_phase_switch': False, 'prevent_charge_stop': False, 'control_pilot_interruption': False, 'control_pilot_interruption_duration': 4, 'average_consump': 17, 'min_current': 6, 'max_current_one_phase': 32, 'battery_capacity': 82, 'nominal_difference': 2, 'soc': {'request_interval_charging': 5, 'request_interval_not_charging': 720, 'request_only_plugged': False}}
2022-07-25 16:31:44,518 - {} - DEBUG - general
{'grid_protection_active': False, 'chargemode_config': {'instant_charging': {'phases_to_use': 1}, 'pv_charging': {'bat_prio': True, 'switch_on_soc': 60, 'switch_off_soc': 40, 'rundown_power': 1000, 'rundown_soc': 50, 'charging_power_reserve': 200, 'control_range': [0, 230], 'switch_off_threshold': 5, 'switch_off_delay': 60, 'switch_on_delay': 30, 'switch_on_threshold': 1500, 'feed_in_yield': 15000, 'phase_switch_delay': 7, 'phases_to_use': 1}, 'scheduled_charging': {'phases_to_use': 0}, 'standby': {'phases_to_use': 1}, 'phases_to_use': 1, 'time_charging': {'phases_to_use': 1}, 'individual_mode': True, 'unbalanced_load': False, 'unbalanced_load_limit': 18}, 'control_interval': 10, 'extern': False, 'extern_display_mode': 'local', 'external_buttons_hw': False, 'grid_protection_configured': True, 'notifications': {'selected': 'none', 'plug': False, 'start_charging': False, 'stop_charging': False, 'smart_home': False, 'configuration': {}}, 'price_kwh': 0.3, 'range_unit': 'km', 'ripple_control_receiver': {'configured': False}}
2022-07-25 16:31:44,519 - {} - DEBUG - graph
{'config': {'duration': 120}}
2022-07-25 16:31:44,519 - {} - DEBUG - optional
{'et': {'get': {}, 'active': False, 'config': {'max_price': 0, 'provider': {}}}, 'int_display': {'active': False, 'on_if_plugged_in': True, 'pin_active': False, 'pin_code': '0000', 'standby': 60, 'theme': 'cards'}, 'led': {'active': False}, 'active': False, 'max_current': 16, 'rfid': {'active': False}}
2022-07-25 16:31:44,522 - {} - DEBUG - all
{'set': {'overhang_power_left': 0, 'available_power': 0, 'reserved_evu_overhang': 0, 'released_evu_overhang': 0}, 'get': {'power': 0}, 'config': {'configured': False}}
2022-07-25 16:31:44,523 - {} - DEBUG - system
{'update_in_progress': False, 'perform_update': False, 'boot_done': True, 'ip_address': '', 'dataprotection_acknowledged': False, 'debug_level': 10, 'release_train': 'master', 'version': '1.99.003', 'current_commit': '2022-07-24 16:08:07 +0200 [2a53f742]', 'current_master_commit': '2022-07-24 16:08:07 +0200 [2a53f742]', 'current_missing_commits': [], 'module_update_completed': True, 'lastlivevaluesJson': {'timestamp': 1658759494, 'time': '16:31:34', 'grid': 0.478, 'house-power': 0.0, 'charging-all': 0.0, 'cp16-power': 0.0, 'cp14-power': 0.0, 'cp1-power': 0.0}}
2022-07-25 16:31:44,523 - {} - DEBUG - device0
{'name': 'SE17K', 'type': 'solaredge', 'id': 0, 'configuration': {'port': 502, 'fix_only_bat_discharging': False, 'ip_address': ''}}
2022-07-25 16:31:44,524 - {} - DEBUG - component0
{'name': 'Verbrauch', 'type': 'counter', 'id': 0, 'configuration': {'modbus_id': 1}}
2022-07-25 16:31:44,524 - {} - DEBUG -
2022-07-25 16:31:44,524 - {control.algorithm:43} - DEBUG - # Algorithmus-Start
2022-07-25 16:31:44,525 - {control.algorithm:45} - INFO - EVU-Punkt: Leistung[W] 479.0, Ströme[A] [0.9, 1.1, 0.8]
2022-07-25 16:31:44,525 - {control.algorithm:83} - INFO - ## Überschuss-Ladung über Mindeststrom bei PV-Laden zurücknehmen.
2022-07-25 16:31:44,527 - {control.algorithm:200} - DEBUG - ## Ladung muss nicht wegen aktiven Lastmanagements gestoppt werden.
2022-07-25 16:31:44,528 - {control.algorithm:562} - INFO - ## Zuteilung des Überschusses
2022-07-25 16:31:44,530 - {control.algorithm:598} - INFO - ## Zuteilung beendet, da kein Ladepunkt mehr auf Zuteilung wartet.
2022-07-25 16:31:44,530 - {control.algorithm:851} - INFO - ## Übrigen Überschuss verteilen.
2022-07-25 16:31:44,533 - {control.process:22} - DEBUG - # Ladung starten.
2022-07-25 16:31:44,550 - {control.process:51} - ERROR - Fehler im Process-Modul für Ladepunkt cp16
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 49, in process_algorithm_results
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 110, in _start_charging
return threading.Thread(target=chargepoint.chargepoint_module.set_current,
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'set_current'
2022-07-25 16:31:44,556 - {control.process:51} - ERROR - Fehler im Process-Modul für Ladepunkt cp14
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 49, in process_algorithm_results
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 110, in _start_charging
return threading.Thread(target=chargepoint.chargepoint_module.set_current,
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'set_current'
2022-07-25 16:31:44,567 - {soc.modules.common.component_context:24} - DEBUG - Update Komponente ['Ladepunkt']
2022-07-25 16:31:44,568 - {} - ERROR - Fehler im pub-Modul. Host None
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/helpermodules/", line 59, in pub_single
publish.single(topic, json.dumps(payload), hostname=hostname, retain=True)
File "/home/openwb/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/", line 240, in single
multiple([msg], hostname, port, client_id, keepalive, will, auth, tls,
File "/home/openwb/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/", line 176, in multiple
client.connect(hostname, port, keepalive)
File "/home/openwb/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/", line 912, in connect
self.connect_async(host, port, keepalive,
File "/home/openwb/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/", line 978, in connect_async
raise ValueError('Invalid host.')
ValueError: Invalid host.
2022-07-25 16:31:44,580 - {control.pv:439} - DEBUG - 0W EVU-Überschuss, der für die Regelung verfügbar ist, davon 0W für die Einschaltverzögerung reservierte Leistung.
2022-07-25 16:31:44,581 - {control.counter:414} - DEBUG - 10521.0W verbleibende EVU-Bezugs-Leistung
2022-07-25 16:31:53,467 - {root:45} - INFO - # ***Start***
2022-07-25 16:31:53,483 - {modules.loadvars:91} - ERROR - Fehler im loadvars-Modul
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/", line 87, in _get_cp
thread = threading.Thread(target=chargepoint_module.get_values, args=())
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_values'
2022-07-25 16:31:53,485 - {modules.loadvars:91} - ERROR - Fehler im loadvars-Modul
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/", line 87, in _get_cp
thread = threading.Thread(target=chargepoint_module.get_values, args=())
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_values'
2022-07-25 16:31:53,487 - {soc.modules.common.component_context:24} - DEBUG - Update Komponente ['Ladepunkt']
2022-07-25 16:31:53,489 - {modules.solaredge.device:79} - DEBUG - Start device reading {'component0': <modules.solaredge.counter.SolaredgeCounter object at 0x747592e0>}
2022-07-25 16:31:53,490 - {soc.modules.common.component_context:51} - DEBUG - Update Komponenten ['Verbrauch']
2022-07-25 16:31:53,850 - {} - DEBUG - Saving CounterState(voltages=[245.36, 241.33, 241.20000000000002], powers=[150.0, 164.0, 165.0], currents=[0.9, 1.1, 0.8], power_factors=[0.6428, 0.5868, 0.8438], imported=23156372.0, exported=641456.0, power=480.0, frequency=50.0)
2022-07-25 16:31:54,450 - {control.counter:395} - DEBUG - 10520.0W EVU-Leistung, die noch bezogen werden kann.
2022-07-25 16:31:54,457 - {control.prepare:31} - ERROR - Fehler im Prepare-Modul
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 24, in setup_algorithm
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 846, in update
KeyError: 'ev<property object at 0x75fe9e88>'
2022-07-25 16:31:54,461 - {} - DEBUG - all
{'get': {'power': 0}, 'config': {'configured': False}, 'set': {'charging_power_left': 0, 'switch_on_soc_reached': False}}
2022-07-25 16:31:54,462 - {} - DEBUG - cp_all_data
AllChargepointData(get=AllGet(daily_imported=0, daily_exported=0, power=0, imported=0, exported=0))
2022-07-25 16:31:54,463 - {} - DEBUG - cp16
ChargepointData(get=Get(charge_state=False, connected_vehicle=ConnectedVehicle(config=ConnectedConfig(average_consumption=17, charge_template=0, chargemode='stop', current_plan=0, ev_template=0, priority=False), info=ConnectedInfo(id=0, name='Ladepunkt'), soc=ConnectedSoc(fault_str='Kein Fehler.', fault_state=0, range_charged=0, range_unit='km', range=0, soc=0, timestamp=None)), currents=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], daily_imported=0, daily_exported=0, exported=0, fault_str='Kein Fehler.', fault_state=0, imported=2171337.0, phases_in_use=1, plug_state=False, power=0, rfid_timestamp=None, rfid=None, state_str=None, voltages=[244.0, 240.4, 240.6]), set=Set(autolock_state=0, change_ev_permitted=False, charging_ev=-1, charging_ev_prev=-1, current=0, energy_to_charge=0, loadmanagement_available=True, log=Log(chargemode_log_entry='_', imported_at_mode_switch=0, imported_at_plugtime=0, imported_since_mode_switch=0, imported_since_plugged=0, range_charged=0, time_charged='00:00', timestamp_start_charging=None), manual_lock=False, phases_to_use=0, plug_time=None, required_power=0, rfid=None, charging_ev_data=<control.ev.Ev object at 0x7476bf70>), config=Config(connection_module={}, power_module={}, ev=<property object at 0x75fe9e88>, name='Standard-Ladepunkt', type=None, template=0, connected_phases=3, phase_1=0, auto_phase_switch_hw=False, control_pilot_interruption_hw=False, id=0))
2022-07-25 16:31:54,464 - {} - DEBUG - cp14
ChargepointData(get=Get(charge_state=False, connected_vehicle=ConnectedVehicle(config=ConnectedConfig(average_consumption=17, charge_template=0, chargemode='stop', current_plan=0, ev_template=0, priority=False), info=ConnectedInfo(id=0, name='Ladepunkt'), soc=ConnectedSoc(fault_str='Kein Fehler.', fault_state=0, range_charged=0, range_unit='km', range=0, soc=0, timestamp=None)), currents=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], daily_imported=0, daily_exported=0, exported=0, fault_str='Kein Fehler.', fault_state=0, imported=2687182.0, phases_in_use=2, plug_state=False, power=0, rfid_timestamp=None, rfid=None, state_str=None, voltages=[240.4, 244.2, 240.8]), set=Set(autolock_state=0, change_ev_permitted=False, charging_ev=-1, charging_ev_prev=-1, current=0, energy_to_charge=0, loadmanagement_available=True, log=Log(chargemode_log_entry='_', imported_at_mode_switch=0, imported_at_plugtime=0, imported_since_mode_switch=0, imported_since_plugged=0, range_charged=0, time_charged='00:00', timestamp_start_charging=None), manual_lock=False, phases_to_use=0, plug_time=None, required_power=0, rfid=None, charging_ev_data=<control.ev.Ev object at 0x73dfc388>), config=Config(connection_module={}, power_module={}, ev=<property object at 0x75fe9e88>, name='Standard-Ladepunkt', type=None, template=0, connected_phases=3, phase_1=0, auto_phase_switch_hw=False, control_pilot_interruption_hw=False, id=0))
2022-07-25 16:31:54,465 - {} - DEBUG - cp1
ChargepointData(get=Get(charge_state=False, connected_vehicle=ConnectedVehicle(config=ConnectedConfig(average_consumption=17, charge_template=0, chargemode='stop', current_plan=0, ev_template=0, priority=False), info=ConnectedInfo(id=0, name='Ladepunkt'), soc=ConnectedSoc(fault_str='Kein Fehler.', fault_state=0, range_charged=0, range_unit='km', range=0, soc=0, timestamp=None)), currents=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], daily_imported=0, daily_exported=0, exported=0, fault_str='Kein Fehler.', fault_state=0, imported=0, phases_in_use=0, plug_state=False, power=0, rfid_timestamp=None, rfid=None, state_str=None, voltages=[230.0, 230.0, 230.0]), set=Set(autolock_state=0, change_ev_permitted=False, charging_ev=-1, charging_ev_prev=-1, current=0, energy_to_charge=0, loadmanagement_available=True, log=Log(chargemode_log_entry='_', imported_at_mode_switch=0, imported_at_plugtime=0, imported_since_mode_switch=0, imported_since_plugged=0, range_charged=0, time_charged='00:00', timestamp_start_charging=None), manual_lock=False, phases_to_use=0, plug_time=None, required_power=0, rfid=None, charging_ev_data=<control.ev.Ev object at 0x73dfc718>), config=Config(connection_module={'type': 'external_openwb', 'name': 'Externe openWB', 'configuration': {'ip_address': '', 'duo_num': 1}}, power_module={}, ev=0, name='Draußen', type='external_openwb', template=0, connected_phases=3, phase_1=1, auto_phase_switch_hw=True, control_pilot_interruption_hw=True, id=1))
2022-07-25 16:31:54,466 - {} - DEBUG - cpt0
{'name': 'Standard Ladepunkt-Vorlage', 'autolock': {'wait_for_charging_end': False, 'active': False, 'plans': {}}, 'rfid_enabling': False, 'valid_tags': []}
2022-07-25 16:31:54,466 - {} - DEBUG - all
{'set': {'loadmanagement_active': False, 'home_consumption': 0, 'invalid_home_consumption': 0, 'daily_yield_home_consumption': 0}, 'get': {'hierarchy': [{'id': 0, 'type': 'counter', 'children': [{'id': 1, 'type': 'cp', 'children': []}]}]}}
2022-07-25 16:31:54,467 - {} - DEBUG - counter0
{'set': {'consumption_left': 10520.0, 'currents_used': [0.9, 1.1, 0.8]}, 'get': {'daily_exported': 0, 'daily_imported': 0, 'voltages': [245.36, 241.33, 241.2], 'currents': [0.9, 1.1, 0.8], 'powers': [150.0, 164.0, 165.0], 'power_factors': [0.64, 0.59, 0.84], 'imported': 23156372.0, 'exported': 641456.0, 'power': 480.0, 'frequency': 50.0, 'fault_str': 'Kein Fehler.', 'fault_state': 0}, 'config': {'max_currents': [16, 16, 16], 'max_total_power': 11000}}
2022-07-25 16:31:54,468 - {} - DEBUG - ct0
{'name': 'Standard-Ladeprofil-Vorlage', 'disable_after_unplug': False, 'prio': False, 'load_default': False, 'time_charging': {'active': False, 'plans': {}}, 'chargemode': {'selected': 'stop', 'pv_charging': {'min_soc_current': 10, 'min_current': 0, 'feed_in_limit': False, 'min_soc': 0, 'max_soc': 100}, 'scheduled_charging': {'plans': {}}, 'instant_charging': {'current': 10, 'limit': {'selected': 'none', 'soc': 50, 'amount': 10000}}}}
2022-07-25 16:31:54,469 - {} - DEBUG - ev0
{'set': {}, 'control_parameter': {'required_current': 0, 'phases': 0, 'prio': False, 'timestamp_switch_on_off': None, 'timestamp_auto_phase_switch': None, 'timestamp_perform_phase_switch': None, 'submode': 'stop', 'chargemode': 'stop', 'used_amount_instant_charging': 0, 'imported_at_plan_start': 0, 'current_plan': None}, 'name': 'Standard-Fahrzeug', 'charge_template': 0, 'ev_template': 0, 'tag_id': [], 'get': {'soc': 0}}
2022-07-25 16:31:54,469 - {} - DEBUG - et0
{'name': 'Standard-Fahrzeug-Vorlage', 'max_current_multi_phases': 16, 'max_phases': 3, 'phase_switch_pause': 2, 'prevent_phase_switch': False, 'prevent_charge_stop': False, 'control_pilot_interruption': False, 'control_pilot_interruption_duration': 4, 'average_consump': 17, 'min_current': 6, 'max_current_one_phase': 32, 'battery_capacity': 82, 'nominal_difference': 2, 'soc': {'request_interval_charging': 5, 'request_interval_not_charging': 720, 'request_only_plugged': False}}
2022-07-25 16:31:54,470 - {} - DEBUG - general
{'grid_protection_active': False, 'chargemode_config': {'instant_charging': {'phases_to_use': 1}, 'pv_charging': {'bat_prio': True, 'switch_on_soc': 60, 'switch_off_soc': 40, 'rundown_power': 1000, 'rundown_soc': 50, 'charging_power_reserve': 200, 'control_range': [0, 230], 'switch_off_threshold': 5, 'switch_off_delay': 60, 'switch_on_delay': 30, 'switch_on_threshold': 1500, 'feed_in_yield': 15000, 'phase_switch_delay': 7, 'phases_to_use': 1}, 'scheduled_charging': {'phases_to_use': 0}, 'standby': {'phases_to_use': 1}, 'phases_to_use': 1, 'time_charging': {'phases_to_use': 1}, 'individual_mode': True, 'unbalanced_load': False, 'unbalanced_load_limit': 18}, 'control_interval': 10, 'extern': False, 'extern_display_mode': 'local', 'external_buttons_hw': False, 'grid_protection_configured': True, 'notifications': {'selected': 'none', 'plug': False, 'start_charging': False, 'stop_charging': False, 'smart_home': False, 'configuration': {}}, 'price_kwh': 0.3, 'range_unit': 'km', 'ripple_control_receiver': {'configured': False}}
2022-07-25 16:31:54,470 - {} - DEBUG - graph
{'config': {'duration': 120}}
2022-07-25 16:31:54,470 - {} - DEBUG - optional
{'et': {'get': {}, 'active': False, 'config': {'max_price': 0, 'provider': {}}}, 'int_display': {'active': False, 'on_if_plugged_in': True, 'pin_active': False, 'pin_code': '0000', 'standby': 60, 'theme': 'cards'}, 'led': {'active': False}, 'active': False, 'max_current': 16, 'rfid': {'active': False}}
2022-07-25 16:31:54,471 - {} - DEBUG - all
{'set': {'overhang_power_left': 0, 'available_power': 0, 'reserved_evu_overhang': 0, 'released_evu_overhang': 0}, 'get': {'power': 0}, 'config': {'configured': False}}
2022-07-25 16:31:54,471 - {} - DEBUG - system
{'update_in_progress': False, 'perform_update': False, 'boot_done': True, 'ip_address': '', 'dataprotection_acknowledged': False, 'debug_level': 10, 'release_train': 'master', 'version': '1.99.003', 'current_commit': '2022-07-24 16:08:07 +0200 [2a53f742]', 'current_master_commit': '2022-07-24 16:08:07 +0200 [2a53f742]', 'current_missing_commits': [], 'module_update_completed': True, 'lastlivevaluesJson': {'timestamp': 1658759504, 'time': '16:31:44', 'grid': 0.479, 'house-power': 0.0, 'charging-all': 0.0, 'cp16-power': 0.0, 'cp14-power': 0.0, 'cp1-power': 0.0}}
2022-07-25 16:31:54,472 - {} - DEBUG - device0
{'name': 'SE17K', 'type': 'solaredge', 'id': 0, 'configuration': {'port': 502, 'fix_only_bat_discharging': False, 'ip_address': ''}}
2022-07-25 16:31:54,474 - {} - DEBUG - component0
{'name': 'Verbrauch', 'type': 'counter', 'id': 0, 'configuration': {'modbus_id': 1}}
2022-07-25 16:31:54,474 - {} - DEBUG -
2022-07-25 16:31:54,475 - {control.algorithm:43} - DEBUG - # Algorithmus-Start
2022-07-25 16:31:54,475 - {control.algorithm:45} - INFO - EVU-Punkt: Leistung[W] 480.0, Ströme[A] [0.9, 1.1, 0.8]
2022-07-25 16:31:54,476 - {control.algorithm:83} - INFO - ## Überschuss-Ladung über Mindeststrom bei PV-Laden zurücknehmen.
2022-07-25 16:31:54,477 - {control.algorithm:200} - DEBUG - ## Ladung muss nicht wegen aktiven Lastmanagements gestoppt werden.
2022-07-25 16:31:54,479 - {control.algorithm:562} - INFO - ## Zuteilung des Überschusses
2022-07-25 16:31:54,481 - {control.algorithm:598} - INFO - ## Zuteilung beendet, da kein Ladepunkt mehr auf Zuteilung wartet.
2022-07-25 16:31:54,481 - {control.algorithm:851} - INFO - ## Übrigen Überschuss verteilen.
2022-07-25 16:31:54,483 - {control.process:22} - DEBUG - # Ladung starten.
2022-07-25 16:31:54,486 - {control.process:51} - ERROR - Fehler im Process-Modul für Ladepunkt cp16
Re: openWB als externen Ladepunkt einbinden
Um wieder eine saubere Installation zu bekommen, bitte das Reset-Skript unter ausführen. Dies leert den Broker und löscht damit alle Einstellungen. Dann nochmal den Zähler und die beiden Lp einrichten. (Deine LP-Leichen von gestern hat die Neuinstallation nicht entfernt.)
Der neu konfigurierte Ladepunkt sieht gut aus, Daten kommen an.
Auf der Duo kann auch die Stable installiert sein, sie muss nur auf den NurLadepunkt-Modus gestellt sein. (Nach der Umstellung 5Min warten)
Code: Alles auswählen
Der neu konfigurierte Ladepunkt sieht gut aus, Daten kommen an.
Auf der Duo kann auch die Stable installiert sein, sie muss nur auf den NurLadepunkt-Modus gestellt sein. (Nach der Umstellung 5Min warten)
- Beiträge: 166
- Registriert: Di Okt 22, 2019 9:42 am
Re: openWB als externen Ladepunkt einbinden
Zu den reset, ist das so OK?:
Am Ende schreibt er:
Code: Alles auswählen
openwb@openwb2-alpha3:~ $ /var/www/html/openWB/
this script has to be run with sudo
openwb@openwb2-alpha3:~ $ sudo /var/www/html/openWB/
please pass "clearall" as parameter if you really want to reset all data stored in the internal and external broker
openwb@openwb2-alpha3:~ $ sudo /var/www/html/openWB/ clearall
stopping openwb2 service...
deleting retained message store of external mosquitto...
Code: Alles auswählen
starting openwb2 service...
reset done, now running
/var/www/html/openWB/runs/ line 268: /var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/main.log: Permission denied
all done
- Beiträge: 166
- Registriert: Di Okt 22, 2019 9:42 am
Re: openWB als externen Ladepunkt einbinden
Nun geht nix mehr, keine Einstellungen können gesetzt werden, z.B. sind keine Komponenten mehr in der Auswahl. Ich werd die SD mit dem Image neu betanken:
Nur für den Fall das es von Interesse ist:
Nur für den Fall das es von Interesse ist:
Code: Alles auswählen started
apache default site...
checking required apache modules...
headers (enabled by site administrator)
headers already enabled
ssl (enabled by site administrator)
ssl already enabled
proxy_wstunnel (enabled by site administrator)
proxy_wstunnel already enabled
apt packages...
check mosquitto installation...
mosquitto.conf already up to date
mosquitto openwb.conf already up to date
mosquitto_local.conf already up to date
mosquitto openwb_local.conf already up to date
mosquitto done
python packages...
2022-07-26 12:45:04,824 - {root:171} - DEBUG - Warten auf das Ende des Boot-Prozesses
Looking in indexes:,
Requirement already satisfied: jq==1.1.3 in ./.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages (from -r /var/www/html/openWB/requirements.txt (line 1)) (1.1.3)
Requirement already satisfied: paho_mqtt==1.6.1 in ./.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages (from -r /var/www/html/openWB/requirements.txt (line 2)) (1.6.1)
Requirement already satisfied: pymodbus==2.5.2 in ./.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages (from -r /var/www/html/openWB/requirements.txt (line 3)) (2.5.2)
Requirement already satisfied: pytest==6.2.5 in ./.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages (from -r /var/www/html/openWB/requirements.txt (line 4)) (6.2.5)
Requirement already satisfied: requests_mock==1.9.3 in ./.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages (from -r /var/www/html/openWB/requirements.txt (line 5)) (1.9.3)
Requirement already satisfied: pyserial>=3.4 in ./.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages (from pymodbus==2.5.2->-r /var/www/html/openWB/requirements.txt (line 3)) (3.5)
Requirement already satisfied: six>=1.15.0 in /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages (from pymodbus==2.5.2->-r /var/www/html/openWB/requirements.txt (line 3)) (1.16.0)
Requirement already satisfied: attrs>=19.2.0 in ./.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages (from pytest==6.2.5->-r /var/www/html/openWB/requirements.txt (line 4)) (21.4.0)
Requirement already satisfied: pluggy<2.0,>=0.12 in ./.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages (from pytest==6.2.5->-r /var/www/html/openWB/requirements.txt (line 4)) (1.0.0)
Requirement already satisfied: iniconfig in ./.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages (from pytest==6.2.5->-r /var/www/html/openWB/requirements.txt (line 4)) (1.1.1)
Requirement already satisfied: py>=1.8.2 in ./.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages (from pytest==6.2.5->-r /var/www/html/openWB/requirements.txt (line 4)) (1.11.0)
Requirement already satisfied: packaging in ./.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages (from pytest==6.2.5->-r /var/www/html/openWB/requirements.txt (line 4)) (21.3)
Requirement already satisfied: toml in ./.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages (from pytest==6.2.5->-r /var/www/html/openWB/requirements.txt (line 4)) (0.10.2)
Requirement already satisfied: requests<3,>=2.3 in /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages (from requests_mock==1.9.3->-r /var/www/html/openWB/requirements.txt (line 5)) (2.25.1)
Requirement already satisfied: pyparsing!=3.0.5,>=2.0.2 in ./.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages (from packaging->pytest==6.2.5->-r /var/www/html/openWB/requirements.txt (line 4)) (3.0.9)
RTNETLINK answers: Network is unreachable
2022-07-26 12:45:14: boot done :-)
2022-07-26 12:45:14,838 - {root:174} - DEBUG - Boot-Prozess abgeschlossen
2022-07-26 12:45:14,839 - {helpermodules.update_config:326} - DEBUG - Broker-Konfiguration aktualisieren
2022-07-26 12:45:32,997 - {helpermodules.command:153} - DEBUG - Max ID autolock_plan -1
2022-07-26 12:45:32,998 - {helpermodules.command:153} - DEBUG - Max ID mqtt_bridge -1
2022-07-26 12:45:32,999 - {helpermodules.command:153} - DEBUG - Max ID charge_template 0
2022-07-26 12:45:33,000 - {helpermodules.command:153} - DEBUG - Max ID charge_template_scheduled_plan -1
2022-07-26 12:45:33,001 - {helpermodules.command:153} - DEBUG - Max ID charge_template_time_charging_plan -1
2022-07-26 12:45:33,002 - {helpermodules.command:153} - DEBUG - Max ID chargepoint_template 0
2022-07-26 12:45:33,003 - {helpermodules.command:153} - DEBUG - Max ID device -1
2022-07-26 12:45:33,004 - {helpermodules.command:153} - DEBUG - Max ID ev_template 0
2022-07-26 12:45:33,006 - {helpermodules.command:153} - DEBUG - Max ID vehicle 0
2022-07-26 12:45:33,007 - {helpermodules.command:153} - DEBUG - Max ID hierarchy -1
2022-07-26 12:45:37,002 - {root:45} - INFO - # ***Start***
2022-07-26 12:45:37,014 - {modules.loadvars:91} - ERROR - Fehler im loadvars-Modul
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/", line 46, in handler10Sec
exit_time =["general"].data["control_interval"]
KeyError: 'general'
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/", line 87, in _get_cp
thread = threading.Thread(target=chargepoint_module.get_values, args=())
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_values'
2022-07-26 12:45:37,019 - {modules.loadvars:91} - ERROR - Fehler im loadvars-Modul
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/", line 46, in handler10Sec
exit_time =["general"].data["control_interval"]
KeyError: 'general'
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/", line 87, in _get_cp
thread = threading.Thread(target=chargepoint_module.get_values, args=())
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_values'
2022-07-26 12:45:37,355 - {control.prepare:31} - ERROR - Fehler im Prepare-Modul
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/", line 46, in handler10Sec
exit_time =["general"].data["control_interval"]
KeyError: 'general'
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 24, in setup_algorithm
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 846, in update
KeyError: 'ev<property object at 0x75f4d730>'
2022-07-26 12:45:37,374 - {} - DEBUG - all
{'get': {'power': 0}, 'config': {'configured': False}, 'set': {'charging_power_left': 0, 'switch_on_soc_reached': False}}
2022-07-26 12:45:37,375 - {} - DEBUG - cp_all_data
AllChargepointData(get=AllGet(daily_imported=0, daily_exported=0, power=0, imported=0, exported=0))
2022-07-26 12:45:37,376 - {} - DEBUG - cp14
ChargepointData(get=Get(charge_state=False, connected_vehicle=ConnectedVehicle(config=ConnectedConfig(average_consumption=17, charge_template=0, chargemode='stop', current_plan=0, ev_template=0, priority=False), info=ConnectedInfo(id=0, name='Ladepunkt'), soc=ConnectedSoc(fault_str='Kein Fehler.', fault_state=0, range_charged=0, range_unit='km', range=0, soc=0, timestamp=None)), currents=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], daily_imported=0.0, daily_exported=0, exported=0, fault_str='Kein Fehler.', fault_state=0, imported=2687182.0, phases_in_use=2, plug_state=False, power=0, rfid_timestamp=None, rfid=None, state_str=None, voltages=[239.0, 236.9, 238.4]), set=Set(autolock_state=0, change_ev_permitted=False, charging_ev=-1, charging_ev_prev=-1, current=0, energy_to_charge=0, loadmanagement_available=True, log=Log(chargemode_log_entry='_', imported_at_mode_switch=0, imported_at_plugtime=0, imported_since_mode_switch=0, imported_since_plugged=0, range_charged=0, time_charged='00:00', timestamp_start_charging=None), manual_lock=False, phases_to_use=0, plug_time=None, required_power=0, rfid=None, charging_ev_data=<control.ev.Ev object at 0x74f90ca0>), config=Config(connection_module={}, power_module={}, ev=<property object at 0x75f4d730>, name='Standard-Ladepunkt', type=None, template=0, connected_phases=3, phase_1=0, auto_phase_switch_hw=False, control_pilot_interruption_hw=False, id=0))
2022-07-26 12:45:37,377 - {} - DEBUG - cp5
ChargepointData(get=Get(charge_state=False, connected_vehicle=ConnectedVehicle(config=ConnectedConfig(average_consumption=17, charge_template=0, chargemode='stop', current_plan=0, ev_template=0, priority=False), info=ConnectedInfo(id=0, name='Ladepunkt'), soc=ConnectedSoc(fault_str='Kein Fehler.', fault_state=0, range_charged=0, range_unit='km', range=0, soc=0, timestamp=None)), currents=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], daily_imported=0.0, daily_exported=0, exported=0, fault_str='Kein Fehler.', fault_state=0, imported=2171337.0, phases_in_use=1, plug_state=False, power=0, rfid_timestamp=None, rfid=None, state_str=None, voltages=[237.0, 238.1, 239.2]), set=Set(autolock_state=0, change_ev_permitted=False, charging_ev=-1, charging_ev_prev=-1, current=0, energy_to_charge=0, loadmanagement_available=True, log=Log(chargemode_log_entry='_', imported_at_mode_switch=0, imported_at_plugtime=0, imported_since_mode_switch=0, imported_since_plugged=0, range_charged=0, time_charged='00:00', timestamp_start_charging=None), manual_lock=False, phases_to_use=0, plug_time=None, required_power=0, rfid=None, charging_ev_data=<control.ev.Ev object at 0x74f90280>), config=Config(connection_module={}, power_module={}, ev=<property object at 0x75f4d730>, name='Standard-Ladepunkt', type=None, template=0, connected_phases=3, phase_1=0, auto_phase_switch_hw=False, control_pilot_interruption_hw=False, id=0))
2022-07-26 12:45:37,379 - {} - DEBUG - cpt0
{'name': 'Standard Ladepunkt-Vorlage', 'autolock': {'wait_for_charging_end': False, 'active': False, 'plans': {}}, 'rfid_enabling': False, 'valid_tags': []}
2022-07-26 12:45:37,380 - {} - DEBUG - all
{'set': {'loadmanagement_active': False, 'home_consumption': 0, 'invalid_home_consumption': 0, 'daily_yield_home_consumption': 0}, 'get': {'hierarchy': []}}
2022-07-26 12:45:37,380 - {} - DEBUG - ct0
{'name': 'Standard-Ladeprofil-Vorlage', 'disable_after_unplug': False, 'prio': False, 'load_default': False, 'time_charging': {'active': False, 'plans': {}}, 'chargemode': {'selected': 'stop', 'pv_charging': {'min_soc_current': 10, 'min_current': 0, 'feed_in_limit': False, 'min_soc': 0, 'max_soc': 100}, 'scheduled_charging': {'plans': {}}, 'instant_charging': {'current': 10, 'limit': {'selected': 'none', 'soc': 50, 'amount': 10000}}}}
2022-07-26 12:45:37,381 - {} - DEBUG - ev0
{'set': {}, 'control_parameter': {'required_current': 0, 'phases': 0, 'prio': False, 'timestamp_switch_on_off': None, 'timestamp_auto_phase_switch': None, 'timestamp_perform_phase_switch': None, 'submode': 'stop', 'chargemode': 'stop', 'used_amount_instant_charging': 0, 'imported_at_plan_start': 0, 'current_plan': None}, 'name': 'Standard-Fahrzeug', 'charge_template': 0, 'ev_template': 0, 'tag_id': [], 'get': {'soc': 0}}
2022-07-26 12:45:37,381 - {} - DEBUG - et0
{'name': 'Standard-Fahrzeug-Vorlage', 'max_current_multi_phases': 16, 'max_phases': 3, 'phase_switch_pause': 2, 'prevent_phase_switch': False, 'prevent_charge_stop': False, 'control_pilot_interruption': False, 'control_pilot_interruption_duration': 4, 'average_consump': 17, 'min_current': 6, 'max_current_one_phase': 32, 'battery_capacity': 82, 'nominal_difference': 2, 'soc': {'request_interval_charging': 5, 'request_interval_not_charging': 720, 'request_only_plugged': False}}
2022-07-26 12:45:37,382 - {} - DEBUG - general
{'grid_protection_active': False, 'chargemode_config': {'instant_charging': {'phases_to_use': 1}, 'pv_charging': {'bat_prio': True, 'switch_on_soc': 60, 'switch_off_soc': 40, 'rundown_power': 1000, 'rundown_soc': 50, 'charging_power_reserve': 200, 'control_range': [0, 230], 'switch_off_threshold': 5, 'switch_off_delay': 60, 'switch_on_delay': 30, 'switch_on_threshold': 1500, 'feed_in_yield': 15000, 'phase_switch_delay': 7, 'phases_to_use': 1}, 'scheduled_charging': {'phases_to_use': 0}, 'standby': {'phases_to_use': 1}, 'phases_to_use': 1, 'time_charging': {'phases_to_use': 1}, 'individual_mode': True, 'unbalanced_load': False, 'unbalanced_load_limit': 18}, 'control_interval': 10, 'extern': False, 'extern_display_mode': 'local', 'external_buttons_hw': False, 'grid_protection_configured': True, 'notifications': {'selected': 'none', 'plug': False, 'start_charging': False, 'stop_charging': False, 'smart_home': False, 'configuration': {}}, 'price_kwh': 0.3, 'range_unit': 'km', 'ripple_control_receiver': {'configured': False}}
2022-07-26 12:45:37,383 - {} - DEBUG - graph
{'config': {'duration': 120}}
2022-07-26 12:45:37,383 - {} - DEBUG - optional
{'et': {'get': {}, 'active': False, 'config': {'max_price': 0, 'provider': {}}}, 'int_display': {'active': False, 'on_if_plugged_in': True, 'pin_active': False, 'pin_code': '0000', 'standby': 60, 'theme': 'cards'}, 'led': {'active': False}, 'active': False, 'max_current': 16, 'rfid': {'active': False}}
2022-07-26 12:45:37,384 - {} - DEBUG - all
{'set': {'overhang_power_left': 0, 'available_power': 0, 'reserved_evu_overhang': 0, 'released_evu_overhang': 0}, 'get': {'power': 0}, 'config': {'configured': False}}
2022-07-26 12:45:37,384 - {} - DEBUG - system
{'update_in_progress': False, 'perform_update': False, 'ip_address': '', 'dataprotection_acknowledged': False, 'debug_level': 30, 'release_train': 'master', 'version': '1.99.003', 'boot_done': True, 'current_commit': '2022-07-26 08:33:17 +0200 [1a312193]', 'current_master_commit': '2022-07-26 08:33:17 +0200 [1a312193]', 'current_missing_commits': [], 'module_update_completed': True}
2022-07-26 12:45:37,385 - {} - DEBUG -
2022-07-26 12:45:37,385 - {control.algorithm:43} - DEBUG - # Algorithmus-Start
2022-07-26 12:45:37,386 - {control.counter:38} - ERROR - Ohne Konfiguration eines EVU-Zählers an der Spitze der Hierarchie ist keine Regelung möglich.
2022-07-26 12:45:37,386 - {control.algorithm:72} - ERROR - Fehler im Algorithmus-Modul
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/", line 46, in handler10Sec
exit_time =["general"].data["control_interval"]
KeyError: 'general'
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 44, in calc_current
evu_counter =["all"].get_evu_counter()
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 28, in get_evu_counter
return f"counter{self.get_id_evu_counter()}"
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 36, in get_id_evu_counter
raise TypeError
2022-07-26 12:45:37,401 - {control.process:22} - DEBUG - # Ladung starten.
2022-07-26 12:45:37,403 - {control.process:51} - ERROR - Fehler im Process-Modul für Ladepunkt cp14
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/", line 46, in handler10Sec
exit_time =["general"].data["control_interval"]
KeyError: 'general'
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 49, in process_algorithm_results
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 110, in _start_charging
return threading.Thread(target=chargepoint.chargepoint_module.set_current,
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'set_current'
2022-07-26 12:45:37,415 - {control.process:51} - ERROR - Fehler im Process-Modul für Ladepunkt cp5
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/", line 46, in handler10Sec
exit_time =["general"].data["control_interval"]
KeyError: 'general'
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 49, in process_algorithm_results
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 110, in _start_charging
return threading.Thread(target=chargepoint.chargepoint_module.set_current,
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'set_current'
2022-07-26 12:45:37,420 - {control.pv:439} - DEBUG - 0W EVU-Überschuss, der für die Regelung verfügbar ist, davon 0W für die Einschaltverzögerung reservierte Leistung.
2022-07-26 12:45:37,420 - {control.counter:38} - ERROR - Ohne Konfiguration eines EVU-Zählers an der Spitze der Hierarchie ist keine Regelung möglich.
2022-07-26 12:45:37,421 - {control.process:71} - ERROR - Fehler im Process-Modul
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/", line 46, in handler10Sec
exit_time =["general"].data["control_interval"]
KeyError: 'general'
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 69, in process_algorithm_results[["all"].get_evu_counter()].put_stats()
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 28, in get_evu_counter
return f"counter{self.get_id_evu_counter()}"
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 36, in get_id_evu_counter
raise TypeError
2022-07-26 12:45:37,429 - {control.counter:38} - ERROR - Ohne Konfiguration eines EVU-Zählers an der Spitze der Hierarchie ist keine Regelung möglich.
2022-07-26 12:45:37,429 - {helpermodules.graph:66} - ERROR - Fehler im Graph-Modul
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/", line 46, in handler10Sec
exit_time =["general"].data["control_interval"]
KeyError: 'general'
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/helpermodules/", line 26, in pub_graph_data
evu_counter =["all"].get_evu_counter()
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 28, in get_evu_counter
return f"counter{self.get_id_evu_counter()}"
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 36, in get_id_evu_counter
raise TypeError
2022-07-26 12:45:47,011 - {root:45} - INFO - # ***Start***
2022-07-26 12:45:47,023 - {modules.loadvars:91} - ERROR - Fehler im loadvars-Modul
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/", line 87, in _get_cp
thread = threading.Thread(target=chargepoint_module.get_values, args=())
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_values'
2022-07-26 12:45:47,024 - {modules.loadvars:91} - ERROR - Fehler im loadvars-Modul
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/", line 87, in _get_cp
thread = threading.Thread(target=chargepoint_module.get_values, args=())
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_values'
2022-07-26 12:45:47,571 - {control.prepare:31} - ERROR - Fehler im Prepare-Modul
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 24, in setup_algorithm
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 846, in update
KeyError: 'ev<property object at 0x75f4d730>'
2022-07-26 12:45:47,576 - {control.counter:38} - ERROR - Ohne Konfiguration eines EVU-Zählers an der Spitze der Hierarchie ist keine Regelung möglich.
2022-07-26 12:45:47,576 - {control.algorithm:72} - ERROR - Fehler im Algorithmus-Modul
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 44, in calc_current
evu_counter =["all"].get_evu_counter()
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 28, in get_evu_counter
return f"counter{self.get_id_evu_counter()}"
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 36, in get_id_evu_counter
raise TypeError
2022-07-26 12:45:47,580 - {control.process:51} - ERROR - Fehler im Process-Modul für Ladepunkt cp14
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 49, in process_algorithm_results
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 110, in _start_charging
return threading.Thread(target=chargepoint.chargepoint_module.set_current,
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'set_current'
2022-07-26 12:45:47,584 - {control.process:51} - ERROR - Fehler im Process-Modul für Ladepunkt cp5
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 49, in process_algorithm_results
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 110, in _start_charging
return threading.Thread(target=chargepoint.chargepoint_module.set_current,
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'set_current'
2022-07-26 12:45:47,590 - {control.counter:38} - ERROR - Ohne Konfiguration eines EVU-Zählers an der Spitze der Hierarchie ist keine Regelung möglich.
2022-07-26 12:45:47,591 - {control.process:71} - ERROR - Fehler im Process-Modul
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 69, in process_algorithm_results[["all"].get_evu_counter()].put_stats()
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 28, in get_evu_counter
return f"counter{self.get_id_evu_counter()}"
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 36, in get_id_evu_counter
raise TypeError
2022-07-26 12:45:47,596 - {control.counter:38} - ERROR - Ohne Konfiguration eines EVU-Zählers an der Spitze der Hierarchie ist keine Regelung möglich.
2022-07-26 12:45:47,597 - {helpermodules.graph:66} - ERROR - Fehler im Graph-Modul
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/helpermodules/", line 26, in pub_graph_data
evu_counter =["all"].get_evu_counter()
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 28, in get_evu_counter
return f"counter{self.get_id_evu_counter()}"
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 36, in get_id_evu_counter
raise TypeError
2022-07-26 12:45:57,024 - {modules.loadvars:91} - ERROR - Fehler im loadvars-Modul
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/", line 87, in _get_cp
thread = threading.Thread(target=chargepoint_module.get_values, args=())
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_values'
2022-07-26 12:45:57,025 - {modules.loadvars:91} - ERROR - Fehler im loadvars-Modul
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/", line 87, in _get_cp
thread = threading.Thread(target=chargepoint_module.get_values, args=())
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_values'
2022-07-26 12:45:57,561 - {control.prepare:31} - ERROR - Fehler im Prepare-Modul
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 24, in setup_algorithm
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 846, in update
KeyError: 'ev<property object at 0x75f4d730>'
2022-07-26 12:45:57,568 - {control.counter:38} - ERROR - Ohne Konfiguration eines EVU-Zählers an der Spitze der Hierarchie ist keine Regelung möglich.
2022-07-26 12:45:57,569 - {control.algorithm:72} - ERROR - Fehler im Algorithmus-Modul
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 44, in calc_current
evu_counter =["all"].get_evu_counter()
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 28, in get_evu_counter
return f"counter{self.get_id_evu_counter()}"
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 36, in get_id_evu_counter
raise TypeError
2022-07-26 12:45:57,577 - {control.process:51} - ERROR - Fehler im Process-Modul für Ladepunkt cp14
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 49, in process_algorithm_results
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 110, in _start_charging
return threading.Thread(target=chargepoint.chargepoint_module.set_current,
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'set_current'
2022-07-26 12:45:57,581 - {control.process:51} - ERROR - Fehler im Process-Modul für Ladepunkt cp5
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 49, in process_algorithm_results
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 110, in _start_charging
return threading.Thread(target=chargepoint.chargepoint_module.set_current,
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'set_current'
2022-07-26 12:45:57,588 - {control.counter:38} - ERROR - Ohne Konfiguration eines EVU-Zählers an der Spitze der Hierarchie ist keine Regelung möglich.
2022-07-26 12:45:57,588 - {control.process:71} - ERROR - Fehler im Process-Modul
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 69, in process_algorithm_results[["all"].get_evu_counter()].put_stats()
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 28, in get_evu_counter
return f"counter{self.get_id_evu_counter()}"
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 36, in get_id_evu_counter
raise TypeError
2022-07-26 12:45:57,592 - {control.counter:38} - ERROR - Ohne Konfiguration eines EVU-Zählers an der Spitze der Hierarchie ist keine Regelung möglich.
2022-07-26 12:45:57,592 - {helpermodules.graph:66} - ERROR - Fehler im Graph-Modul
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/helpermodules/", line 26, in pub_graph_data
evu_counter =["all"].get_evu_counter()
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 28, in get_evu_counter
return f"counter{self.get_id_evu_counter()}"
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 36, in get_id_evu_counter
raise TypeError
2022-07-26 12:46:07,022 - {modules.loadvars:91} - ERROR - Fehler im loadvars-Modul
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/", line 87, in _get_cp
thread = threading.Thread(target=chargepoint_module.get_values, args=())
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_values'
2022-07-26 12:46:07,024 - {modules.loadvars:91} - ERROR - Fehler im loadvars-Modul
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/", line 87, in _get_cp
thread = threading.Thread(target=chargepoint_module.get_values, args=())
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_values'
2022-07-26 12:46:07,553 - {control.prepare:31} - ERROR - Fehler im Prepare-Modul
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 24, in setup_algorithm
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 846, in update
KeyError: 'ev<property object at 0x75f4d730>'
2022-07-26 12:46:07,556 - {control.counter:38} - ERROR - Ohne Konfiguration eines EVU-Zählers an der Spitze der Hierarchie ist keine Regelung möglich.
2022-07-26 12:46:07,556 - {control.algorithm:72} - ERROR - Fehler im Algorithmus-Modul
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 44, in calc_current
evu_counter =["all"].get_evu_counter()
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 28, in get_evu_counter
return f"counter{self.get_id_evu_counter()}"
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 36, in get_id_evu_counter
raise TypeError
2022-07-26 12:46:07,560 - {control.process:51} - ERROR - Fehler im Process-Modul für Ladepunkt cp14
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 49, in process_algorithm_results
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 110, in _start_charging
return threading.Thread(target=chargepoint.chargepoint_module.set_current,
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'set_current'
2022-07-26 12:46:07,566 - {control.process:51} - ERROR - Fehler im Process-Modul für Ladepunkt cp5
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 49, in process_algorithm_results
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 110, in _start_charging
return threading.Thread(target=chargepoint.chargepoint_module.set_current,
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'set_current'
2022-07-26 12:46:07,570 - {control.counter:38} - ERROR - Ohne Konfiguration eines EVU-Zählers an der Spitze der Hierarchie ist keine Regelung möglich.
2022-07-26 12:46:07,571 - {control.process:71} - ERROR - Fehler im Process-Modul
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 69, in process_algorithm_results[["all"].get_evu_counter()].put_stats()
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 28, in get_evu_counter
return f"counter{self.get_id_evu_counter()}"
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 36, in get_id_evu_counter
raise TypeError
2022-07-26 12:46:07,576 - {control.counter:38} - ERROR - Ohne Konfiguration eines EVU-Zählers an der Spitze der Hierarchie ist keine Regelung möglich.
2022-07-26 12:46:07,580 - {helpermodules.graph:66} - ERROR - Fehler im Graph-Modul
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/helpermodules/", line 26, in pub_graph_data
evu_counter =["all"].get_evu_counter()
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 28, in get_evu_counter
return f"counter{self.get_id_evu_counter()}"
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 36, in get_id_evu_counter
raise TypeError
2022-07-26 12:46:17,024 - {modules.loadvars:91} - ERROR - Fehler im loadvars-Modul
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/", line 87, in _get_cp
thread = threading.Thread(target=chargepoint_module.get_values, args=())
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_values'
2022-07-26 12:46:17,025 - {modules.loadvars:91} - ERROR - Fehler im loadvars-Modul
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/", line 87, in _get_cp
thread = threading.Thread(target=chargepoint_module.get_values, args=())
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_values'
2022-07-26 12:46:17,562 - {control.prepare:31} - ERROR - Fehler im Prepare-Modul
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 24, in setup_algorithm
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 846, in update
KeyError: 'ev<property object at 0x75f4d730>'
2022-07-26 12:46:17,568 - {control.counter:38} - ERROR - Ohne Konfiguration eines EVU-Zählers an der Spitze der Hierarchie ist keine Regelung möglich.
2022-07-26 12:46:17,568 - {control.algorithm:72} - ERROR - Fehler im Algorithmus-Modul
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 44, in calc_current
evu_counter =["all"].get_evu_counter()
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 28, in get_evu_counter
return f"counter{self.get_id_evu_counter()}"
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 36, in get_id_evu_counter
raise TypeError
2022-07-26 12:46:17,571 - {control.process:51} - ERROR - Fehler im Process-Modul für Ladepunkt cp14
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 49, in process_algorithm_results
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 110, in _start_charging
return threading.Thread(target=chargepoint.chargepoint_module.set_current,
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'set_current'
2022-07-26 12:46:17,576 - {control.process:51} - ERROR - Fehler im Process-Modul für Ladepunkt cp5
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 49, in process_algorithm_results
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 110, in _start_charging
return threading.Thread(target=chargepoint.chargepoint_module.set_current,
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'set_current'
2022-07-26 12:46:17,582 - {control.counter:38} - ERROR - Ohne Konfiguration eines EVU-Zählers an der Spitze der Hierarchie ist keine Regelung möglich.
2022-07-26 12:46:17,583 - {control.process:71} - ERROR - Fehler im Process-Modul
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 69, in process_algorithm_results[["all"].get_evu_counter()].put_stats()
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 28, in get_evu_counter
return f"counter{self.get_id_evu_counter()}"
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 36, in get_id_evu_counter
raise TypeError
2022-07-26 12:46:17,586 - {control.counter:38} - ERROR - Ohne Konfiguration eines EVU-Zählers an der Spitze der Hierarchie ist keine Regelung möglich.
2022-07-26 12:46:17,586 - {helpermodules.graph:66} - ERROR - Fehler im Graph-Modul
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/helpermodules/", line 26, in pub_graph_data
evu_counter =["all"].get_evu_counter()
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 28, in get_evu_counter
return f"counter{self.get_id_evu_counter()}"
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 36, in get_id_evu_counter
raise TypeError
2022-07-26 12:46:27,022 - {modules.loadvars:91} - ERROR - Fehler im loadvars-Modul
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/", line 87, in _get_cp
thread = threading.Thread(target=chargepoint_module.get_values, args=())
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_values'
2022-07-26 12:46:27,024 - {modules.loadvars:91} - ERROR - Fehler im loadvars-Modul
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/", line 87, in _get_cp
thread = threading.Thread(target=chargepoint_module.get_values, args=())
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_values'
2022-07-26 12:46:27,558 - {control.prepare:31} - ERROR - Fehler im Prepare-Modul
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 24, in setup_algorithm
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 846, in update
KeyError: 'ev<property object at 0x75f4d730>'
2022-07-26 12:46:27,565 - {control.counter:38} - ERROR - Ohne Konfiguration eines EVU-Zählers an der Spitze der Hierarchie ist keine Regelung möglich.
2022-07-26 12:46:27,565 - {control.algorithm:72} - ERROR - Fehler im Algorithmus-Modul
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 44, in calc_current
evu_counter =["all"].get_evu_counter()
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 28, in get_evu_counter
return f"counter{self.get_id_evu_counter()}"
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 36, in get_id_evu_counter
raise TypeError
2022-07-26 12:46:27,571 - {control.process:51} - ERROR - Fehler im Process-Modul für Ladepunkt cp14
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 49, in process_algorithm_results
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 110, in _start_charging
return threading.Thread(target=chargepoint.chargepoint_module.set_current,
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'set_current'
2022-07-26 12:46:27,578 - {control.process:51} - ERROR - Fehler im Process-Modul für Ladepunkt cp5
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 49, in process_algorithm_results
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 110, in _start_charging
return threading.Thread(target=chargepoint.chargepoint_module.set_current,
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'set_current'
2022-07-26 12:46:27,582 - {control.counter:38} - ERROR - Ohne Konfiguration eines EVU-Zählers an der Spitze der Hierarchie ist keine Regelung möglich.
2022-07-26 12:46:27,583 - {control.process:71} - ERROR - Fehler im Process-Modul
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 69, in process_algorithm_results[["all"].get_evu_counter()].put_stats()
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 28, in get_evu_counter
return f"counter{self.get_id_evu_counter()}"
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 36, in get_id_evu_counter
raise TypeError
2022-07-26 12:46:27,586 - {control.counter:38} - ERROR - Ohne Konfiguration eines EVU-Zählers an der Spitze der Hierarchie ist keine Regelung möglich.
2022-07-26 12:46:27,587 - {helpermodules.graph:66} - ERROR - Fehler im Graph-Modul
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/helpermodules/", line 26, in pub_graph_data
evu_counter =["all"].get_evu_counter()
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 28, in get_evu_counter
return f"counter{self.get_id_evu_counter()}"
File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/control/", line 36, in get_id_evu_counter
raise TypeError
Protokoll des letzten Updates
Open Source made with love!
Jede Spende hilft die Weiterentwicklung von openWB voranzutreiben
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- Beiträge: 166
- Registriert: Di Okt 22, 2019 9:42 am
Re: openWB als externen Ladepunkt einbinden
- So, SD Card Image neu geschrieben und im Raspi gestartet. Als erstes das Update auf 2022-07-26 11:35:06 +0200 [359ae2cb] gemacht.
- Die Duo steht schon seit ner halben Stunde auf "nur Ladepunkt"
- SolarEdge Zähler eingebunden (Verbrauch (ID: 0))
- Log auf Details
- Ladepunkt Hinzugefügt (Draußen (ID: 1))
- Ladepunkt zeigt immer noch "Statusmeldung: Ladevorgang läuft..."
Das komplette Log ist im Anhang
- Die Duo steht schon seit ner halben Stunde auf "nur Ladepunkt"
- SolarEdge Zähler eingebunden (Verbrauch (ID: 0))
- Log auf Details
- Ladepunkt Hinzugefügt (Draußen (ID: 1))
- Ladepunkt zeigt immer noch "Statusmeldung: Ladevorgang läuft..."
Das komplette Log ist im Anhang
- Dateianhänge
- Logfile.txt
- (227.44 KiB) 132-mal heruntergeladen
- Beiträge: 166
- Registriert: Di Okt 22, 2019 9:42 am
Re: openWB als externen Ladepunkt einbinden
das hier steht in der isss.log
Könnte es erwas damit zutun haben?
das hier steht in der isss.log
Code: Alles auswählen
Wed Aug 17 14:11:35 2022: Error reading file 'parentWB' from ramdisk!
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/openWB/runs/", line 39, in read_from_ramdisk
with open(ramdiskPath + "/" + filename, 'r') as file:
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/parentWB'
Re: openWB als externen Ladepunkt einbinden
Bitte in der 2.0 unter System -> Support ein Ticket erstellen.
- Beiträge: 166
- Registriert: Di Okt 22, 2019 9:42 am