es bekommen wohl nur "betroffene Kunden" (betroffen vom eingeschränkten Betrieb) LFP Austausch Akkus.
Zum Thema: Während der NPU Fehler im Senec Log file auftaucht reagiert der Speicher auf keinerlei Anfragen, selbst die interne Weboberfläche reagiert nicht mehr.
Sobald ein NPU Fehler auftrifft hängen die Graphen in OpenWB, selbst die Uhrzeit aktualisiert sich nicht mehr. Sämtliche Ladepunkte verändern ihren Status nicht mehr bis der Senec sich wieder eingefangen hat
Vermutlich hängt das senec.py script ebenso in diesem Zeitraum und legt OpenWB damit vorübergehend lahm.
Im Gegensatz zum Batteriecheck, während dessen ist alles normal zu erreichen nur der Akku lädt oder entlädt in dieser Zeit nicht.
hier mal ein Auszug von heute eines längeren NPU Fehlers
2024-04-21 07:36:21 [I|BAT Interface] ID 0x00AB power loss mean(5s)/max(5s) :2.7002/4.3465, mean(2min)/max(2min): 2.6440/2.6847, mean(5min)/max(5min): 2.5935/2.6080
2024-04-21 07:39:24 [E|NPU] Communication error!
2024-04-21 07:39:26 [I|NPU] NPU: Resuming normal operation
2024-04-21 07:39:30 [I|NPU] Communication established
2024-04-21 07:40:01 [E|NPU] Communication error!
2024-04-21 07:40:07 [I|NPU] NPU: Resuming normal operation
2024-04-21 07:40:07 [E|NPU] Communication error!
2024-04-21 07:40:19 [I|NPU] NPU: Resuming normal operation
2024-04-21 07:40:32 [I|Energy Management] State: Laden -> NPU-Fehler
2024-04-21 07:40:37 [I|NPU] Communication established
2024-04-21 07:41:07 [I|Energy Management] State: NPU-Fehler -> Laden
2024-04-21 07:42:45 [E|NPU] Communication error!
2024-04-21 07:42:47 [I|NPU] NPU: Resuming normal operation
2024-04-21 07:42:47 [E|NPU] Communication error!
2024-04-21 07:42:48 [I|NPU] NPU: Resuming normal operation
2024-04-21 07:43:00 [I|NPU] Communication established
2024-04-21 07:53:08 [I|BAT Interface] Battery temp: 20.00 to 24.00 °C, case temp: 31.99 °C
2024-04-21 07:53:08 [I|PV Interface] Protocol: 0xa0, No external inverter. INV_LV:[1179.9W] Total production: 1179.9W current feed-in limit: 100.00 %
2024-04-21 07:56:22 [I|BAT Interface] ID 0x00AB power loss mean(5s)/max(5s) :0.7093/5.3164, mean(2min)/max(2min): 1.6384/2.7757, mean(5min)/max(5min): 0.9228/2.7069
2024-04-21 08:03:11 [E|NPU] Communication error!
2024-04-21 08:03:12 [I|NPU] NPU: Resuming normal operation
2024-04-21 08:03:39 [I|NPU] Communication established
2024-04-21 08:16:24 [I|BAT Interface] ID 0x00AB power loss mean(5s)/max(5s) :0.6425/3.4816, mean(2min)/max(2min): 0.4359/2.0344, mean(5min)/max(5min): 1.0214/1.3725
2024-04-21 08:23:08 [I|BAT Interface] Battery temp: 21.00 to 25.00 °C, case temp: 32.17 °C
2024-04-21 08:23:08 [I|PV Interface] Protocol: 0xa0, No external inverter. INV_LV:[1495.9W] Total production: 1495.9W current feed-in limit: 100.00 %
2024-04-21 08:30:22 [E|NPU] Communication error!
2024-04-21 08:30:36 [I|NPU] NPU: Resuming normal operation
2024-04-21 08:30:40 [I|NPU] Communication established
2024-04-21 08:35:36 [E|NPU] Communication error!
2024-04-21 08:35:45 [I|NPU] NPU: Resuming normal operation
2024-04-21 08:35:53 [E|NPU] Communication error!
2024-04-21 08:35:55 [I|NPU] NPU: Resuming normal operation
2024-04-21 08:36:07 [I|Energy Management] State: Laden -> NPU-Fehler
2024-04-21 08:36:24 [I|NPU] Communication established
2024-04-21 08:36:55 [I|Energy Management] State: NPU-Fehler -> Laden
2024-04-21 08:36:57 [I|BAT Interface] ID 0x00AB power loss mean(5s)/max(5s) :2.8194/3.4035, mean(2min)/max(2min): 2.7888/2.8978, mean(5min)/max(5min): 2.8269/2.8269
2024-04-21 08:37:45 [E|NPU] Communication error!
2024-04-21 08:38:15 [I|Energy Management] State: Laden -> NPU-Fehler
2024-04-21 08:43:26 [I|BMZ] Module #A (SN: 0) [Balancing][Cellvoltage]: [ ][3772] [ ][3767] [ ][3766] [ ][3767] [ ][3767] [ ][3774] [ ][3775] [ ][3782] [ ][3775] [ ][3773] [ ][3772] [ ][3773] [ ][3773] [ ][3777] SoC: 54% Current: 11.91A Module-Limits: 12.00A/-24.00A Temp: 23-26C Voltage: 52.813V System-Limits: 11.44A/-24.00A
2024-04-21 08:43:26 [I|BMZ] Module #B (SN: 0) [Balancing][Cellvoltage]: [ ][3768] [ ][3763] [ ][3764] [ ][3763] [ ][3762] [ ][3769] [ ][3773] [ ][3781] [ ][3768] [ ][3772] [ ][3770] [ ][3768] [ ][3771] [ ][3772] SoC: 47% Current: 11.96A Module-Limits: 12.00A/-24.00A Temp: 23-27C Voltage: 52.764V System-Limits: 11.44A/-24.00A
2024-04-21 08:43:26 [I|BMZ] Module #C (SN: 0) [Balancing][Cellvoltage]: [ ][3773] [ ][3768] [ ][3768] [ ][3768] [ ][3768] [ ][3775] [ ][3777] [ ][3783] [ ][3774] [ ][3776] [ ][3777] [ ][3774] [ ][3775] [ ][3778] SoC: 54% Current: 10.48A Module-Limits: 12.00A/-24.00A Temp: 23-26C Voltage: 52.834V System-Limits: 11.44A/-24.00A
2024-04-21 08:46:30 [I|NPU] Switched off
2024-04-21 08:47:06 [I|NPU] Correctly started
2024-04-21 08:47:07 [I|NPU] Communication established
Daher die Idee des Timeouts.
Viele Grüße