ich habe versucht openweb auf meinem Raspberry zu installieren, lief auch erst, aber nach einem Neustart erreiche ich das Webend nicht mehr.
Es erscheint immer:
Code: Alles auswählen
Not Found
The requested URL was not found on this server.
Apache/2.4.38 (Raspbian) Server at Port 80
kommt folgender Code:
Code: Alles auswählen
// check if update.sh is still running
$updateinprogress = file_get_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/openWB/ramdisk/updateinprogress');
// check if atreboot.sh is still running
$bootinprogress = file_get_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/openWB/ramdisk/bootinprogress');
// if yes, show placeholder. If not, show theme
if ( $bootinprogress == 1 or $updateinprogress == 1) {
//atreboot.sh or update.sh still in progress, wait 5 seconds and retry
include 'notready.html';
} else {
// load openwb.conf
$lines = file($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/openWB/openwb.conf');
foreach($lines as $line) {
list($key, $value) = explode("=", $line, 2);
${$key."old"} = trim( $value, " '\t\n\r\0\x0B" ); // remove all garbage and single quotes
// check for acknoledgement of dataprotection
if ( $datenschutzackold == 0 && $clouduserold !== "leer") {
// load dataprotection page
include 'tools/datenschutz.html';
} elseif ( !isset($wizzarddoneold) || ($wizzarddoneold < 100) ) {
// load wizzard page
include 'tools/wizzard.php';
} elseif ( $isssold == 1 ) {
// load chargepoint only page
include 'isss.html';
} else {
// load normal UI
// check if forced theme is activated in config file
if ( isset($simplemodeold) && $simplemodeold == 1 ) {
// force hidden theme
?><!-- including themes/hidden/simplemode.php --><?php
include 'themes/hidden/simplemode.php';
} else {
// check if theme cookie exists and theme is installed
// else set standard theme
if ( !(isset($_COOKIE['openWBTheme'] ) === true) || !(is_dir('themes/'.$_COOKIE['openWBTheme']) === true) ) {
$_COOKIE['openWBTheme'] = 'standard';
// expand expiring-date to now + 2 years
$expire = time()+(60*60*24*365*2);
setcookie('openWBTheme', $_COOKIE['openWBTheme'], $expire, '/openWB/');
// following line is needed because until now the cookie-path was accidently
// set to /openWB/web/. So from now on path is /openWB/ to access cookie from all subdirs
// therefore delete old cookies by having them expire immediatley
setcookie('openWBTheme', '', time() - 3600, '/openWB/web');
?><!-- including <?php echo 'themes/'.$_COOKIE['openWBTheme'].'/theme.html'; ?> --><?php
include 'themes/'.$_COOKIE['openWBTheme'].'/theme.html';