Rückmeldungen 2.1.2 Beta 2

Fragen zur Nutzung, Features, usw..
Beiträge: 1253
Registriert: Fr Jan 22, 2021 6:40 am
Been thanked: 6 times

Re: Rückmeldungen 2.1.2 Beta 2

Beitrag von LenaK »

MatzeL hat geschrieben: Di Okt 31, 2023 7:47 pm SoC wird nich Ausgelesen. openWB pro gibt folgendes aus

Code: Alles auswählen

date	"2023:10:31-20:14:27"
timestamp	1698779667
0	0
1	0
2	0
power_all	0
0	0
1	0
2	0
0	237.91
1	238.27
2	238.23
frequency	49.99
imported	452922
exported	296
plug_state	true
charge_state	false
phases_actual	0
phases_target	3
phases_in_use	3
offered_current	6
evse_signaling	"basic+fake_highlevel_dc"
v2g_ready	0
soc_value	69
soc_timestamp	1698776038
vehicle_id	"XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX"
serial	"XXXXXX"
SoC Modul: manueller SoC
SoC aus Fahrzeug auslesen: Ja

Der SoC kann in der UI manuell eingegeben werden, der soc_value wird nicht übernommen.
"manueller SoC" ist als Bezeichnung für das SoC Modul wenig intuitiv
Bitte für den ausgelesenen SoC ein eigenes SoC Mudul anlegen. Namensvorschlag "openWB pro

Die Ge-/Enladene Energie aus dem Hausspeicher wird nicht mehr berechnet.
Daten werden von einem Victron CerboGX geliefert.
SoC mit der Pro aus dem Fahrzeug auslesen ist im Master überarbeitet. Bitte auch ein Update der Pro durchführen.
Beiträge: 202
Registriert: Do Dez 23, 2021 1:11 pm

Re: Rückmeldungen 2.1.2 Beta 2

Beitrag von AnDaL »

Heisst das es gibt eine neuere Version der Pro als die "3.2.0"?
Soll ich fragen ob es noch weitere Änderungen der Pro gibt? ;)
LenaK hat geschrieben: Do Nov 16, 2023 1:28 pm SoC mit der Pro aus dem Fahrzeug auslesen ist im Master überarbeitet. Bitte auch ein Update der Pro durchführen.
Gruß Andi

openWB Pro 3.2.1
openWB Standalone Version: 2.1.5-Patch.2: 2024-09-17 11:33:20 +0200 [141a182ad] Release

PV: 6.120 kWp, SMA STP 6000Tl-20, SMA EM, kein Speicher
EV: Kona (MJ21) 39,2 kWh
Site Admin
Beiträge: 8326
Registriert: So Okt 07, 2018 1:50 pm
Been thanked: 12 times

Re: Rückmeldungen 2.1.2 Beta 2

Beitrag von openWB »

AnDaL hat geschrieben: Do Nov 16, 2023 1:45 pm Heisst das es gibt eine neuere Version der Pro als die "3.2.0"?
Soll ich fragen ob es noch weitere Änderungen der Pro gibt? ;)
LenaK hat geschrieben: Do Nov 16, 2023 1:28 pm SoC mit der Pro aus dem Fahrzeug auslesen ist im Master überarbeitet. Bitte auch ein Update der Pro durchführen.

Seit heute 3.2.1.
Es gibt weitere Änderungen die aber (noch) nicht zum Tragen kommen.
Supportanfragen bitte NICHT per PN stellen.
Hardwareprobleme bitte über die Funktion Debug Daten senden mitteilen oder per Mail an support@openwb.de
Beiträge: 202
Registriert: Do Dez 23, 2021 1:11 pm

Re: Rückmeldungen 2.1.2 Beta 2

Beitrag von AnDaL »

So ich bin leider erst jetzt dazu gekommen das Samba Backup zu testen. Weiss jetzt leider auch nicht ob in der Zwischenzeit sich schon jemand gemeldet hat.

Bei mir funktioniert das ganze jetzt. Vielen Dank an Saharel!

Aufgefallen ist mir aber das ziemlich viele Logeinträge geschrieben werden. Ist das normal?

Code: Alles auswählen

2023-11-16 19:49:26,991 - {SMB.SMBConnection:104} - {INFO:cloud backup} - Authentication with remote machine "" for user "openWB" will be using NTLM v2 authentication (with extended security)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,043 - {SMB.SMBConnection:130} - {INFO:cloud backup} - Now switching over to SMB2 protocol communication
2023-11-16 19:49:27,044 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_NEGOTIATE" (command:0x0000 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,045 - {SMB.SMBConnection:254} - {INFO:cloud backup} - SMB2 dialect negotiation successful
2023-11-16 19:49:27,049 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_SESSION_SETUP" (command:0x0001 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,052 - {SMB.SMBConnection:366} - {INFO:cloud backup} - Performing NTLMv2 authentication (on SMB2) with server challenge "b'772bfbcd4e63eba5'"
2023-11-16 19:49:27,053 - {SMB.SMBConnection:369} - {INFO:cloud backup} - Performing NTLMv2 authentication (on SMB2) with server challenge "b'772bfbcd4e63eba5'"
2023-11-16 19:49:27,056 - {SMB.SMBConnection:389} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - NT challenge response is "b'e0a200eb5b37eb2804b748e33c1e252201010000000000000000000000000000b5d7b1467a335bd500000000020016004400490053004b00530054004100540049004f004e00010016004400490053004b00530054004100540049004f004e0004000000030016006400690073006b00730074006100740069006f006e000700080070c9d89fbd18da0100000000'" (142 bytes)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,057 - {SMB.SMBConnection:390} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - LM challenge response is "b'13527ac5907116746f6b515d6747bf93b5d7b1467a335bd5'" (24 bytes)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,058 - {SMB.SMBConnection:399} - {INFO:cloud backup} - Server supports SMB signing
2023-11-16 19:49:27,059 - {SMB.SMBConnection:415} - {INFO:cloud backup} - SMB signing deactivated. SMB messages will NOT be signed.
2023-11-16 19:49:27,066 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_SESSION_SETUP" (command:0x0001 flags:0x0009)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,068 - {SMB.SMBConnection:267} - {INFO:cloud backup} - Authentication (on SMB2) successful!
2023-11-16 19:49:27,068 - {modules.backup_clouds.samba.backup_cloud:42} - {INFO:cloud backup} - SMB Verbindungsaufbau erfolgreich.
2023-11-16 19:49:27,069 - {modules.backup_clouds.samba.backup_cloud:44} - {INFO:cloud backup} - Backup nach //
2023-11-16 19:49:27,122 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_TREE_CONNECT" (command:0x0003 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,125 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_CREATE" (command:0x0005 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,133 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,140 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,147 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,154 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,162 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,169 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,176 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,184 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,191 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,198 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,206 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,213 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,220 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,228 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,235 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,242 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,249 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,257 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,264 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,271 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,279 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,286 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,294 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,301 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,308 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,315 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,323 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,330 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,337 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,345 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,352 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,359 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,366 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,374 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,381 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,388 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,396 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,403 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,410 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,418 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,425 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,432 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,439 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,447 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,454 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,462 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,469 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,476 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,483 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,491 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,498 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,505 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,513 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,520 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,527 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,535 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,542 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,549 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,556 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,564 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,571 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,578 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,585 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,593 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,600 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,607 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,615 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,622 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,630 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,637 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,644 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,652 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,659 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,667 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,674 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,682 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,689 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,696 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,704 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,711 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,718 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,726 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,733 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,740 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,748 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,755 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,762 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,769 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,777 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,784 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,791 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,799 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,806 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,813 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,820 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,828 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,835 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,842 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,849 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,857 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,864 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,871 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,879 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,886 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,893 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,901 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,908 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,915 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,922 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,930 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,937 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,944 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,952 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,959 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,966 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,974 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,981 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,988 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:27,996 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,003 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,010 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,018 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,026 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,034 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,042 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,050 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,058 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,066 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,074 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,082 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,090 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,098 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,106 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,114 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,121 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,129 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,137 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,145 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,152 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,160 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,168 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,175 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,183 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,191 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,199 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,207 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,214 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,222 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,230 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,238 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,245 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,253 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,261 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,269 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,277 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,285 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,292 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,300 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,308 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,316 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,324 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,332 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,340 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,347 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,355 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,363 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,371 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,378 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,386 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,394 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,402 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,409 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,417 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,425 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,433 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,441 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,449 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,456 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,464 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,472 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,480 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,488 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,495 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,503 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,511 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,519 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,527 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,534 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,542 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,550 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,558 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,565 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,573 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,581 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,589 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,596 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,604 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,612 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,620 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,628 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,635 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,643 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,651 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,659 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,667 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,674 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,682 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,690 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,698 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,706 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,714 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,722 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,729 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,737 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,745 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,753 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,760 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,768 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,776 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,784 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,791 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,799 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,807 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,815 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,823 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,830 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,838 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,846 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,854 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,862 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,869 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,877 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,885 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,893 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,901 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,908 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,916 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,924 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,932 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,940 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,947 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,955 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,963 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,971 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,979 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,986 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:28,994 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:29,002 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:29,010 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:29,018 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:29,026 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:29,033 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:29,041 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:29,049 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:29,056 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:29,064 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:29,072 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:29,080 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:29,088 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:29,095 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:29,103 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:29,111 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:29,119 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:29,127 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:29,135 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:29,143 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:29,150 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:29,158 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:29,166 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:29,174 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:29,182 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:29,190 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:29,198 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:29,206 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:29,213 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:29,221 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:29,229 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:29,237 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:29,245 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:29,252 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:29,260 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:29,268 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:29,276 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:29,284 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:29,291 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:29,299 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:29,307 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:29,315 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:29,322 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:29,330 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:29,338 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:29,346 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:29,354 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:29,361 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:29,369 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:29,377 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:29,385 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:29,392 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:29,400 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:29,408 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:29,416 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:29,423 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:29,431 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:29,439 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:29,447 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:29,455 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:29,462 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:29,470 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:29,478 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:29,485 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:29,493 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:29,501 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:29,509 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:29,516 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:29,520 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_WRITE" (command:0x0009 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:29,522 - {SMB.SMBConnection:147} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Received SMB2 message "SMB2_COM_CLOSE" (command:0x0006 flags:0x0001)
2023-11-16 19:49:29,523 - {helpermodules.system:87} - {DEBUG:cloud backup} - Nächtliche Sicherung erstellt und hochgeladen.
AnDaL hat geschrieben: Di Nov 07, 2023 6:08 pm Hallo Saharel,

ich hab mich schon gefreut als ich die Update Infos vom aktuellen Master gelesen hab. Leider wohl zu früh.

Ich habe genau nach Anleitung auf Samba umgestellt, jedoch kann keine Verbindung aufgebaut werden.
Diese zwei Zerilen habe ich im Mail-Log gefunden. Pfad und Passwort habeihc gegengechekt. Funktioniert.
Habe ich evtl. noch was anderes übersehen?

Code: Alles auswählen

2023-11-07 18:52:47,908 - {SMB.SMBConnection:104} - {INFO:cloud backup} - Authentication with remote machine "" for user "openWB" will be using NTLM v2 authentication (with extended security)
2023-11-07 18:52:47,910 - {modules.backup_clouds.samba.backup_cloud:52} - {WARNING:cloud backup} - SMB Verbindungsaufbau fehlgeschlagen.
SMB Konfig 2.jpg
Saharel hat geschrieben: Do Nov 02, 2023 7:53 am
Recht du hast mein junger Padawan ;) Ich warte hier noch auf Freigabe des PR dann ist das SMB Problem gelöst.
Gruß Andi

openWB Pro 3.2.1
openWB Standalone Version: 2.1.5-Patch.2: 2024-09-17 11:33:20 +0200 [141a182ad] Release

PV: 6.120 kWp, SMA STP 6000Tl-20, SMA EM, kein Speicher
EV: Kona (MJ21) 39,2 kWh
Beiträge: 254
Registriert: Mo Apr 19, 2021 11:26 am

Re: Rückmeldungen 2.1.2 Beta 2

Beitrag von vuffiraa »


ich habe gestern auf den aktuellen Master aktualisiert: 2023-11-16 14:25:35 +0100 [d44cb3e83]
Jetzt scheint es ein Problem mit dem Auslesen des SoC zu geben.
Vorher hatte ich einen Master vom 5.11.2023, wo es keine Probleme mit dem SoC gab.

Ich habe den SoC per MQTT eingebunden, daher sollte die OpenWB den SoC nicht selber auslesen. Als ich das Auto heute aber angesteckt haben, wurde das aber wahrscheinlich trotzdem versucht. Als Ergebnis wurde der SoC und die Restreichweite auf 0 gesetzt und folgendes geloggt:

Code: Alles auswählen

2023-11-17 08:51:50,552 - {modules.update_soc:40} - {ERROR:SoC} - Fehler im update_soc-Modul
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/update_soc.py", line 30, in update
    threads_update, threads_store = self._get_threads()
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/update_soc.py", line 45, in _get_threads
    ev_data = copy.deepcopy(data.data.ev_data)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/copy.py", line 146, in deepcopy
    y = copier(x, memo)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/copy.py", line 229, in _deepcopy_dict
    for key, value in x.items():
RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration
Hier meine Einstellungen im Fahrzeug:
Bildschirmfoto 2023-11-17 um 09.25.08.png
openWB serie 2 custom 11kW
Skoda Enyaq iV80
PV 9,4kWp SSW, Fronius Symo 8.2-3-M, Fronius Smart Meter 63A
Beiträge: 399
Registriert: Do Okt 13, 2022 4:26 pm
Been thanked: 3 times

Re: Rückmeldungen 2.1.2 Beta 2

Beitrag von ID4U »

Ein ähnliches Problem beobachte ich auch im aktuellen Release nachdem ich zwischendurch mal auf Master war. Seit dem besteht das Problem. Vorher lief das Release einwandfrei.

Der SoC wird - wenn das Fahrzeug nicht angesteckt ist - so nur noch ganz selten (1-2x täglich) aktualisiert. Das Interval (ohne laufende Ladung) steht jedoch auf 60 Minuten. Manuelles Aktualisieren des SoC über das Webinterface hingegen klappt sofort und problemlos.

Das SoC-Log bleibt absolut leer; im Main-Log gibt es hin und wieder fast exakt genau die oben gepostete Fehlermeldung. Lediglich eine Zeilennummer weicht ab (line 43 statt line 45)

Zusätzlich dazu gibt es auch noch folgende Zeilen im Main-Log:

Code: Alles auswählen

2023-11-17 06:39:40,986 - {modules.update_soc:70} - {ERROR:SoC} - Fehler im update_soc-Modul
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/update_soc.py", line 48, in _get_threads
    soc_update_data = self._get_soc_update_data(ev.num)
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/update_soc.py", line 91, in _get_soc_update_data
    battery_capacity = data.data.ev_data[f"ev{ev_num}"].ev_template.data.battery_capacity
KeyError: 'ev2'
Beiträge: 1253
Registriert: Fr Jan 22, 2021 6:40 am
Been thanked: 6 times

Re: Rückmeldungen 2.1.2 Beta 2

Beitrag von LenaK »

Bitte das Debuglevel auf Details stellen und mindestens einen kompletten Durchlauf von # ***Start*** bis # ***Start*** aus dem Main-Log unter System->Fehlersuche posten, wenn das Problem auftritt. Sensible Daten wie Benutzernamen und Kennwörter unkenntlich machen.

Am besten von dem Zeitraum, wo eine Abfrage versucht wird.
Beiträge: 1253
Registriert: Fr Jan 22, 2021 6:40 am
Been thanked: 6 times

Re: Rückmeldungen 2.1.2 Beta 2

Beitrag von LenaK »

Es gibt eine neue Beta-Version: viewtopic.php?t=7885
Rückmeldungen bzw falls ihr noch Logs nachreichen wollt, bitte dort.
Ich konnte das Problem mit dem SoC hier nicht nachstellen.