Re: Feedback 2.0 Alpha 3
Verfasst: Fr Aug 19, 2022 11:31 am
Mit frischer Energie nach den Ferien, und mit verfügbarem Solarenge-Modul (danke!) wage ich mich an das Testen der V2.0 in der offenen Wildbahn. Mit der Übermittlung per MQTT von der 1.9-openWB hat alles schon ein paar Monate sehr gut funktioniert. Nun möchte ich aber meine openWB und meinen Solaredge WR direkt ansteuern und die 2.0-Software regeln lassen.
openwb2 läuft auf einem Raspi in Version 2022-08-15 12:02:41 +0200 [88e4cc26]
Stand bisher:
- Die Einbindung des Solaredge-WR hat problemlos funktioniert.
- Die Einbindung meiner openwb2 als externe openWB scheint noch nicht richtig zu funktionieren. Ich habe mich an die im anderen Thread beschriebenen Abläufe gehalten, aber die 2.0 scheint keine Informationen von der openWB zu erhalten. Wenn ich z.B. das Fahrzeug an- oder abstecke, sehe ich keine Änderung im UI, und alle Werte für den Ladepunkt sind 0. Andererseits gibt es aber auch keine Fehlermeldungen im Log. Einen Ausschnitt aus dem Log habe ich weiter unten eingefügt. Muss ich -neben der Umschaltung der openWB auf "nur Ladepunkt" und der Anmeldung in der 2.0-Software noch weiteres beachten?
- Man kann ja das Tesla-Soc-Modul auswählen, aber ich habe noch nicht herausgefunden, wo man den zugehörigen Tesla-Account konfiguriert.
openwb2 läuft auf einem Raspi in Version 2022-08-15 12:02:41 +0200 [88e4cc26]
Stand bisher:
- Die Einbindung des Solaredge-WR hat problemlos funktioniert.
- Die Einbindung meiner openwb2 als externe openWB scheint noch nicht richtig zu funktionieren. Ich habe mich an die im anderen Thread beschriebenen Abläufe gehalten, aber die 2.0 scheint keine Informationen von der openWB zu erhalten. Wenn ich z.B. das Fahrzeug an- oder abstecke, sehe ich keine Änderung im UI, und alle Werte für den Ladepunkt sind 0. Andererseits gibt es aber auch keine Fehlermeldungen im Log. Einen Ausschnitt aus dem Log habe ich weiter unten eingefügt. Muss ich -neben der Umschaltung der openWB auf "nur Ladepunkt" und der Anmeldung in der 2.0-Software noch weiteres beachten?
- Man kann ja das Tesla-Soc-Modul auswählen, aber ich habe noch nicht herausgefunden, wo man den zugehörigen Tesla-Account konfiguriert.
Code: Alles auswählen
2022-08-19 13:03:52,557 - {control.algorithm:43} - DEBUG - # Algorithmus-Start
2022-08-19 13:03:52,558 - {control.algorithm:45} - INFO - EVU-Punkt: Leistung[W] -296.0, Ströme[A] [0.0, 0.0, 1.1]
2022-08-19 13:03:52,558 - {control.algorithm:83} - INFO - ## Überschuss-Ladung über Mindeststrom bei PV-Laden zurücknehmen.
2022-08-19 13:03:52,560 - {control.algorithm:200} - DEBUG - ## Ladung muss nicht wegen aktiven Lastmanagements gestoppt werden.
2022-08-19 13:03:52,561 - {control.algorithm:564} - INFO - ## Zuteilung des Überschusses
2022-08-19 13:03:52,563 - {control.algorithm:600} - INFO - ## Zuteilung beendet, da kein Ladepunkt mehr auf Zuteilung wartet.
2022-08-19 13:03:52,563 - {control.algorithm:853} - INFO - ## Übrigen Überschuss verteilen.
2022-08-19 13:03:52,568 - {control.process:22} - DEBUG - # Ladung starten.
2022-08-19 13:03:52,572 - {soc.modules.common.component_context:24} - DEBUG - Update Komponente ['Ladepunkt']
2022-08-19 13:03:52,589 - {control.pv:439} - DEBUG - 411.0W EVU-Überschuss, der für die Regelung verfügbar ist, davon 0W für die Einschaltverzögerung reservierte Leistung.
2022-08-19 13:03:52,594 - {control.counter:429} - DEBUG - 11000W verbleibende EVU-Bezugs-Leistung
2022-08-19 13:04:00,701 - {root:45} - INFO - # ***Start***
2022-08-19 13:04:00,714 - {soc.modules.common.component_context:24} - DEBUG - Update Komponente ['Ladepunkt']
2022-08-19 13:04:00,718 - {modules.solaredge.device:79} - DEBUG - Start device reading {'component0': <modules.solaredge.counter.SolaredgeCounter object at 0x747601d8>, 'component1': <modules.solaredge.inverter.SolaredgeInverter object at 0x7474e058>}
2022-08-19 13:04:00,719 - {soc.modules.common.component_context:51} - DEBUG - Update Komponenten ['SolarEdge Zähler', 'Solaredge Wechselrichter']
2022-08-19 13:04:01,134 - {} - DEBUG - Saving InverterState(currents=[-1.33, -1.35, -1.34], power=-906.0, exported=40191924.0)
2022-08-19 13:04:01,686 - {} - DEBUG - Saving CounterState(voltages=[230.74, 231.82, 231.66], powers=[-142.0, -162.0, -0.0], currents=[0.0, 0.0, 1.1], power_factors=[-0.8640000000000001, -0.7206, 0.0004], imported=14355150.0, exported=26563802.0, power=-305.0, frequency=49.95)
2022-08-19 13:04:02,286 - {control.counter:410} - DEBUG - 11000W EVU-Leistung, die noch bezogen werden kann.
2022-08-19 13:04:02,292 - {control.chargepoint:849} - INFO - LP 2: Keine Ladung, da kein Auto angesteckt ist.
2022-08-19 13:04:02,302 - {control.pv:91} - DEBUG - 420.0W EVU-Überschuss, der für die Regelung verfügbar ist, davon 0W für die Einschaltverzögerung reservierte Leistung.
2022-08-19 13:04:02,310 - {} - DEBUG - all
{'get': {'power': 0}, 'config': {'configured': False}, 'set': {'charging_power_left': 0, 'switch_on_soc_reached': False}}
2022-08-19 13:04:02,316 - {} - DEBUG - cp_all_data
AllChargepointData(get=AllGet(daily_imported=-3294360, daily_exported=0, power=0, imported=0, exported=0))
2022-08-19 13:04:02,317 - {} - DEBUG - cp2
ChargepointData(get=Get(charge_state=False, connected_vehicle=ConnectedVehicle(config=ConnectedConfig(average_consumption=17, charge_template=0, chargemode='stop', current_plan=0, ev_template=0, priority=False), info=ConnectedInfo(id=0, name='Ladepunkt'), soc=ConnectedSoc(fault_str='Kein Fehler.', fault_state=0, range_charged=0, range_unit='km', range=0, soc=0, timestamp=None)), currents=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], daily_imported=0, daily_exported=0, exported=0, fault_str='Kein Fehler.', fault_state=0, imported=0, phases_in_use=0, plug_state=False, power=0, rfid_timestamp=None, rfid=None, state_str='Keine Ladung, da kein Auto angesteckt ist.', voltages=[230.0, 230.0, 230.0]), set=Set(autolock_state=0, change_ev_permitted=False, charging_ev=-1, charging_ev_prev=-1, current=0, energy_to_charge=0, loadmanagement_available=True, log=Log(chargemode_log_entry='_', imported_at_mode_switch=0, imported_at_plugtime=0, imported_since_mode_switch=0, imported_since_plugged=0, range_charged=0, time_charged='00:00', timestamp_start_charging=None), manual_lock=False, phases_to_use=0, plug_time=None, required_power=0, rfid=None, charging_ev_data=<control.ev.Ev object at 0x7475e6b8>), config=Config(connection_module={'type': 'external_openwb', 'name': 'Externe openWB', 'configuration': {'ip_address': '', 'duo_num': 1}}, power_module={}, ev=1, name='openWB', type='external_openwb', template=0, connected_phases=3, phase_1=0, auto_phase_switch_hw=True, control_pilot_interruption_hw=True, id=2))
2022-08-19 13:04:02,317 - {} - DEBUG - cpt0
{'name': 'Standard Ladepunkt-Vorlage', 'autolock': {'wait_for_charging_end': False, 'active': False, 'plans': {}}, 'rfid_enabling': False, 'valid_tags': []}
2022-08-19 13:04:02,318 - {} - DEBUG - all
{'set': {'loadmanagement_active': False, 'home_consumption': 601, 'invalid_home_consumption': 0, 'daily_yield_home_consumption': 4077.0}, 'get': {'hierarchy': [{'id': 0, 'type': 'counter', 'children': [{'id': 1, 'type': 'inverter', 'children': []}, {'id': 2, 'type': 'cp', 'children': []}]}]}}
2022-08-19 13:04:02,320 - {} - DEBUG - counter0
{'set': {'consumption_left': 11000, 'currents_used': [0.0, 0.0, 1.1]}, 'get': {'daily_exported': 44.0, 'daily_imported': 3925.0, 'voltages': [230.74, 231.82, 231.66], 'currents': [0.0, 0.0, 1.1], 'powers': [-142.0, -162.0, -0.0], 'power_factors': [-0.86, -0.72, 0.0], 'imported': 14355150.0, 'exported': 26563802.0, 'power': -305.0, 'frequency': 49.95, 'fault_str': 'Kein Fehler.', 'fault_state': 0}, 'config': {'max_currents': [16, 16, 16], 'max_total_power': 11000}}
2022-08-19 13:04:02,321 - {} - DEBUG - ct0
{'name': 'Standard-Ladeprofil-Vorlage', 'disable_after_unplug': False, 'prio': False, 'load_default': False, 'time_charging': {'active': False, 'plans': {}}, 'chargemode': {'selected': 'pv_charging', 'pv_charging': {'min_soc_current': 10, 'min_current': 6, 'feed_in_limit': False, 'min_soc': 0, 'max_soc': 100}, 'scheduled_charging': {'plans': {}}, 'instant_charging': {'current': 10, 'limit': {'selected': 'none', 'soc': 50, 'amount': 10000}}}}
2022-08-19 13:04:02,322 - {} - DEBUG - ct1
{'name': 'Tesla', 'disable_after_unplug': False, 'prio': False, 'load_default': False, 'time_charging': {'active': False, 'plans': {}}, 'chargemode': {'selected': 'pv_charging', 'pv_charging': {'min_soc_current': 10, 'min_current': 0, 'feed_in_limit': False, 'min_soc': 0, 'max_soc': 100}, 'scheduled_charging': {'plans': {}}, 'instant_charging': {'current': 10, 'limit': {'selected': 'none', 'soc': 50, 'amount': 10000}}}}
2022-08-19 13:04:02,325 - {} - DEBUG - ev0
{'set': {}, 'control_parameter': {'required_current': 0, 'phases': 0, 'prio': False, 'timestamp_switch_on_off': None, 'timestamp_auto_phase_switch': None, 'timestamp_perform_phase_switch': None, 'submode': 'stop', 'chargemode': 'stop', 'used_amount_instant_charging': 0, 'imported_at_plan_start': 0, 'current_plan': None}, 'name': 'Standard-Fahrzeug', 'charge_template': 0, 'ev_template': 0, 'tag_id': [], 'get': {'soc': 0}}
2022-08-19 13:04:02,325 - {} - DEBUG - ev1
{'set': {}, 'control_parameter': {'required_current': 0, 'phases': 0, 'prio': False, 'timestamp_switch_on_off': None, 'timestamp_auto_phase_switch': None, 'timestamp_perform_phase_switch': None, 'submode': 'stop', 'chargemode': 'stop', 'used_amount_instant_charging': 0, 'imported_at_plan_start': 0, 'current_plan': None}, 'charge_template': 1, 'ev_template': 0, 'name': 'polarfox', 'tag_id': [], 'get': {'soc': 0}}
2022-08-19 13:04:02,326 - {} - DEBUG - et0
{'name': 'Standard-Fahrzeug-Vorlage', 'max_current_multi_phases': 16, 'max_phases': 3, 'phase_switch_pause': 2, 'prevent_phase_switch': False, 'prevent_charge_stop': False, 'control_pilot_interruption': True, 'control_pilot_interruption_duration': 4, 'average_consump': 17, 'min_current': 6, 'max_current_one_phase': 32, 'battery_capacity': 55, 'nominal_difference': 2, 'soc': {'request_interval_charging': 5, 'request_interval_not_charging': 720, 'request_only_plugged': False}}
2022-08-19 13:04:02,327 - {} - DEBUG - general
{'grid_protection_active': False, 'extern': False, 'chargemode_config': {'instant_charging': {'phases_to_use': 1}, 'pv_charging': {'bat_prio': True, 'switch_on_soc': 60, 'switch_off_soc': 40, 'rundown_power': 1000, 'rundown_soc': 50, 'charging_power_reserve': 200, 'control_range': [0, 230], 'switch_off_threshold': 5, 'switch_off_delay': 60, 'switch_on_delay': 30, 'switch_on_threshold': 1500, 'feed_in_yield': 15000, 'phase_switch_delay': 7, 'phases_to_use': 1}, 'scheduled_charging': {'phases_to_use': 0}, 'standby': {'phases_to_use': 1}, 'phases_to_use': 1, 'time_charging': {'phases_to_use': 1}, 'individual_mode': True, 'unbalanced_load': False, 'unbalanced_load_limit': 18}, 'control_interval': 10, 'extern_display_mode': 'local', 'external_buttons_hw': False, 'grid_protection_configured': True, 'notifications': {'selected': 'none', 'plug': False, 'start_charging': False, 'stop_charging': False, 'smart_home': False, 'configuration': {}}, 'price_kwh': 0.3, 'range_unit': 'km', 'ripple_control_receiver': {'configured': False}}
2022-08-19 13:04:02,331 - {} - DEBUG - graph
{'config': {'duration': 120}}
2022-08-19 13:04:02,332 - {} - DEBUG - optional
{'et': {'get': {}, 'active': False, 'config': {'max_price': 0, 'provider': {}}}, 'rfid': {'active': False}, 'int_display': {'active': False, 'on_if_plugged_in': True, 'pin_active': False, 'pin_code': '0000', 'standby': 60, 'theme': 'cards'}, 'led': {'active': False}, 'active': False, 'max_current': 16}
2022-08-19 13:04:02,332 - {} - DEBUG - all
{'set': {'overhang_power_left': 420.0, 'available_power': 420.0, 'reserved_evu_overhang': 0, 'released_evu_overhang': 0}, 'get': {'power': -906.0, 'daily_exported': 196.0, 'exported': 40191924.0, 'monthly_exported': 0, 'yearly_exported': 0}, 'config': {'configured': True}}
2022-08-19 13:04:02,333 - {} - DEBUG - pv1
{'get': {'daily_exported': 196.0, 'monthly_exported': 0, 'yearly_exported': 0, 'power': -906.0, 'exported': 40191924.0, 'currents': [-1.3, -1.4, -1.3], 'fault_str': 'Kein Fehler.', 'fault_state': 0}, 'config': {'max_ac_out': 0}}
2022-08-19 13:04:02,334 - {} - DEBUG - system
{'update_in_progress': False, 'perform_update': False, 'ip_address': '', 'boot_done': True, 'current_commit': '2022-08-15 12:02:41 +0200 [88e4cc26]', 'current_master_commit': '2022-08-19 12:15:06 +0200 [c2c957dc]', 'current_missing_commits': ['2022-08-19 12:15:06 +0200 [c2c957dc] - Merge pull request #518 from LKuemmel/fix-lm-offset', '2022-08-19 12:09:59 +0200 [db7cc210] - fix lm offset', '2022-08-19 11:20:38 +0200 [f23b1b06] - Merge pull request #512 from LKuemmel/fix-cp-error', '2022-08-19 10:04:29 +0200 [3f9e7e7c] - Merge pull request #517 from benderl/web', '2022-08-19 09:56:01 +0200 [10c1e371] - add soc module (only tesla yet)', '2022-08-19 09:52:56 +0200 [41dc324a] - Merge pull request #487 from LKuemmel/soc', '2022-08-19 09:52:13 +0200 [a445a5ba] - Update packages/modules/tesla/', '2022-08-17 15:36:30 +0200 [64ac112b] - Merge pull request #515 from LKuemmel/changes_snaptec_repo', '2022-08-17 15:28:43 +0200 [7407ff94] - fix merge', '2022-08-17 15:26:40 +0200 [157459e6] - fix merge', '2022-08-17 15:25:53 +0200 [02d3db79] - fix merge', '2022-08-17 15:24:58 +0200 [2f39d97e] - fix merge', '2022-08-17 15:24:00 +0200 [186eb981] - fix merge', '2022-08-17 15:18:42 +0200 [cba150b1] - f', "2022-08-17 15:18:16 +0200 [71d97ddc] - Merge remote-tracking branch 'openWB/master' into changes_snaptec_repo", '2022-08-17 12:56:22 +0200 [bc7073fb] - Merge pull request #491 from LKuemmel/fix_device_list', '2022-08-17 12:52:11 +0200 [77c27959] - pytest for configurable modules', '2022-08-17 10:36:06 +0200 [49e6913e] - Merge pull request #2367 from benderl/bugfix', '2022-08-17 10:30:17 +0200 [8c3a4ef0] - formatting', '2022-08-17 10:29:54 +0200 [3941d27d] - fix phase switch night charging on cp2', '2022-08-17 09:23:10 +0200 [ff2223ac] - Merge pull request #514 from LKuemmel/fix-time-charging', '2022-08-17 08:53:10 +0200 [1448814f] - fix num of phases for time charging', '2022-08-16 14:23:21 +0200 [a09db8c5] - fix duplicated chargelog entries', '2022-08-16 13:12:16 +0200 [d80ef401] - log message adjust current only if charging with set current', '2022-08-15 16:46:05 +0200 [947f7a31] - Merge pull request #2366 from benderl/bugfix', '2022-08-15 16:43:03 +0200 [da72cd8d] - add packages to python env', '2022-08-15 16:42:27 +0200 [93ced296] - refactor rse handler', '2022-08-15 15:58:32 +0200 [40991dc4] - exit push buttons handler if not running on supported hardware', '2022-08-15 15:57:22 +0200 [6dc1be42] - run rfid handler with python3', '2022-08-15 14:46:11 +0200 [a3c3ddd6] - fix twisted cp phases in virtual counter', '2022-08-15 12:44:54 +0200 [2e49ccd5] - Merge pull request #2364 from benderl/bugfix', '2022-08-15 12:35:11 +0200 [27883243] - rework display setup', '2022-08-15 12:35:11 +0200 [675626c3] - spelling fixes', '2022-08-15 12:04:46 +0200 [a7b3a1e7] - fix check hw phase switch', "2022-08-15 12:04:46 +0200 [42a32379] - show error if cp can't be reached", '2022-08-12 13:55:08 +0200 [130dca32] - Merge pull request #2359 from hhoefling/patch-4', '2022-08-12 13:12:41 +0200 [1fed3d74] - lasse das display wieder einschlafen.', '2022-08-12 08:01:12 +0200 [e84c1a05] - Merge pull request #2354 from benderl/atreboot', '2022-08-11 15:51:36 +0200 [d318e384] - use nohup to detach from stdout', '2022-08-11 15:48:21 +0200 [c2bb3741] - Merge pull request #2357 from benderl/bugfix', '2022-08-11 15:44:41 +0200 [3766323e] - update .gitignore', '2022-08-11 15:44:03 +0200 [6e19b64d] - formatting', '2022-08-11 15:42:10 +0200 [1a0f5f1c] - add missing files to', '2022-08-11 14:52:06 +0200 [b7c21c25] - Merge pull request #2356 from benderl/bugfix', '2022-08-11 14:43:23 +0200 [eb93aab1] - replace sed used to truncate floats', '2022-08-11 14:34:24 +0200 [d6755df2] - formatting', '2022-08-11 14:30:08 +0200 [82f35e04] - loadvars: fix quoting', '2022-08-11 14:06:19 +0200 [61671b8a] - loadvars: fix number comparison', '2022-08-11 13:41:29 +0200 [380ea226] - fix solarlog values must be int', '2022-08-11 11:28:55 +0200 [862a0cda] - Merge pull request #2351 from yankee42/fix-backup-permissions', '2022-08-11 08:12:30 +0200 [15833c79] - fix permissions for backup dir, fix wrong positive error message from pkill', '2022-08-10 09:11:44 +0200 [2d0eb078] - Merge pull request #2352 from benderl/bugfix', '2022-08-10 09:07:52 +0200 [49570cb8] - fix sma sunny boy modbus connections', '2022-08-05 11:29:04 +0200 [8ed8811f] - allow different port for solaredge as pv2', '2022-08-03 13:40:23 +0200 [904182d4] - Merge pull request #2348 from yankee42/fix-typo-extopenwb', '2022-08-03 13:20:18 +0200 [c6bae5c5] - fix misplaced space character (causing failure to read external charge point APhase1 value)', '2022-08-02 10:49:14 +0200 [5baa7568] - Merge pull request #2321 from okaegi/smart141', '2022-08-02 10:48:06 +0200 [83c92fcb] - Merge pull request #2341 from yankee42/remove-top-level-init', '2022-08-02 10:46:51 +0200 [183a5d6e] - Merge pull request #2347 from rleidner/socvwid_p8', '2022-08-02 10:12:28 +0200 [8c8ba715] - replace obsolete soc_id by soc_vwid in openwb.conf', '2022-08-02 09:05:18 +0200 [6937d940] - removing obsolete soc_id for lp2', '2022-08-01 21:55:56 +0200 [cd552c03] - soc_vwid: remove obsolete soc_id module', '2022-08-01 17:55:15 +0200 [f7c13725] - Merge pull request #2345 from benderl/bugfix', '2022-08-01 17:52:55 +0200 [a1392ec5] - remove obsolete old smaem files', '2022-08-01 17:43:15 +0200 [d256a510] - Merge pull request #2344 from benderl/bugfix', '2022-08-01 17:29:49 +0200 [a4cbe33d] - ignore changes in backup files', '2022-08-01 17:03:49 +0200 [54868e61] - Merge pull request #2343 from benderl/bugfix', '2022-08-01 17:00:33 +0200 [af2ee3d5] - fix initial executable permissions of shell and python files', '2022-08-01 15:55:47 +0200 [87eb4358] - Merge pull request #2342 from benderl/bugfix', '2022-08-01 15:54:40 +0200 [24555454] - add ramdiskdir to outputname', '2022-08-01 15:47:15 +0200 [0e03e5d1] - fix detecting null value for 2.0 rfid', '2022-08-01 13:31:33 +0200 [0ab5b12e] - fix warnings extopenwb module', '2022-08-01 09:29:01 +0200 [3421154e] - remove top-level `` (directory "packages" is not a package - it contains packages)', '2022-07-29 12:29:30 +0200 [7eb0ec42] - Merge pull request #2333 from yankee42/missing_init_and_type_annotations', '2022-07-29 12:28:47 +0200 [4836d995] - Merge pull request #2336 from benderl/bugfix', '2022-07-29 11:28:50 +0200 [ed412b93] - add missing and fix type annotations', '2022-07-29 11:20:50 +0200 [c9960b31] - Merge pull request #2334 from dj3mu/fixYcDisplayWithSocket', '2022-07-29 09:55:50 +0200 [d9fed708] - Fix YC display of EV act. when std. socket present', '2022-07-28 08:38:18 +0200 [4a57d8f9] - fix killing stalled', '2022-07-27 18:29:15 +0200 [2750c5f8] - Merge pull request #2329 from benderl/bugfix', '2022-07-27 18:27:19 +0200 [e70b810d] - Merge pull request #2330 from yankee42/fix-atreboot-as-user-pi', '2022-07-27 09:18:42 +0200 [7c2c1b4d] - Merge pull request #2331 from LKuemmel/fix_solarlog', '2022-07-27 08:58:00 +0200 [5e546335] - fix solarlog: convert values to float', '2022-07-26 11:39:52 +0200 [19a7edef] - Merge pull request #2322 from yankee42/fix-sma-energy-core2', '2022-07-26 11:36:56 +0200 [b39b76ea] - in kill using sudo, because after an upgrade from an older version scripts may still be running as root', '2022-07-26 11:25:03 +0200 [13b7e25f] - temporary remove non ASCII characters from logging messages', '2022-07-26 11:19:25 +0200 [5a429bee] - fix mosbusserver restart', '2022-07-26 10:39:02 +0200 [35918b48] - Merge pull request #2328 from yankee42/fix-atreboot-as-user-pi', '2022-07-26 09:23:12 +0200 [a59decd5] - run as user pi', '2022-07-25 16:51:20 +0200 [5374f56d] - Merge pull request #2324 from benderl/bugfix', '2022-07-25 16:45:11 +0200 [71c96f47] - restructure push buttons handler', '2022-07-25 16:44:37 +0200 [809d350e] - fix rfid handler permissions', '2022-07-25 13:18:13 +0200 [0e5f798e] - Merge pull request #2323 from benderl/bugfix', '2022-07-25 12:12:16 +0200 [36cd5e89] - fix SMA Inverter: energy is read via modbus twice, first requested value is ignored', '2022-07-25 10:38:04 +0200 [acabe2fa] - rewrite push button daemon', '2022-07-24 12:56:30 +0200 [68854ddc] - immer aus ab', '2022-07-22 23:59:03 +0200 [295784ee] - Merge pull request #2320 from benderl/bugfix', '2022-07-22 23:55:40 +0200 [62a52d81] - fix energy charged', '2022-07-22 13:33:14 +0200 [6a057509] - Merge pull request #2319 from benderl/bugfix', '2022-07-22 13:32:10 +0200 [a21c4aa3] - add info about sensitive data in logs', '2022-07-22 11:30:58 +0200 [5bbb5989] - Merge pull request #2311 from yankee42/atreboot-as-non-root', '2022-07-22 10:12:42 +0200 [ca522efa] - Merge pull request #2316 from LKuemmel/undo_workaround', '2022-07-22 10:09:16 +0200 [a7dc53d7] - undo workaround component info', '2022-07-21 18:42:48 +0200 [774bcac5] - do not run as root. It is not needed and causes files to be created with wrong permissions. do not create atreboot cron entry for root. It is immediately deleted again in and thus pointless', '2022-07-21 15:57:25 +0200 [df6cdeeb] - tesla soc', '2022-07-21 15:04:32 +0200 [971f7efa] - Merge pull request #2310 from Flock82/soc_i3', '2022-07-21 14:55:55 +0200 [e6da0767] - Merge pull request #2315 from benderl/bugfix', '2022-07-21 14:46:24 +0200 [37da2a05] - add isss info regarding charge point configuration', '2022-07-21 12:38:15 +0200 [5ad36672] - Merge pull request #2314 from benderl/ladelog', '2022-07-21 12:34:58 +0200 [107bb4f2] - add charge log upgrade for data before 3/2020', '2022-07-21 12:20:00 +0200 [12995023] - Merge pull request #2313 from benderl/ladelog', '2022-07-21 12:18:00 +0200 [9cdb0431] - fix parameter', '2022-07-21 12:14:31 +0200 [ae9649eb] - Merge pull request #2312 from benderl/ladelog', '2022-07-21 12:13:25 +0200 [4881bdd2] - fix charge logs not updated', '2022-07-21 10:02:25 +0200 [5d3f0290] - Merge pull request #2309 from benderl/ladelog', '2022-07-21 10:01:31 +0200 [1e6f162c] - cleanup charge log page', '2022-07-21 09:40:37 +0200 [23660cb0] - [BMW/Mini] - Hotfix - API changes', '2022-07-21 09:04:42 +0200 [88bd9948] - Merge pull request #2308 from okaegi/shelly002', '2022-07-20 14:44:23 +0200 [270b632d] - implement suggested changed', '2022-07-20 11:18:02 +0200 [e038f2cf] - do not subscribe PriceForKWh', '2022-07-20 11:11:51 +0200 [77cf92f7] - upgrade existing charge logs', '2022-07-20 11:11:31 +0200 [7ae887c0] - calculate costs in backend', '2022-07-20 11:10:27 +0200 [068db515] - cleanup ladelog.js', '2022-07-19 18:39:27 +0200 [19d7664e] - shelly'], 'version': '1.99.003', 'module_update_completed': True, 'dataprotection_acknowledged': False, 'debug_level': 10, 'release_train': 'master', 'lastlivevaluesJson': {'timestamp': 1660907032, 'time': '13:03:52', 'grid': -0.296, 'house-power': 0.602, 'charging-all': 0.0, 'pv-all': 0.898, 'cp2-power': 0.0}}
2022-08-19 13:04:02,337 - {} - DEBUG - device0
{'name': 'SolarEdge', 'type': 'solaredge', 'id': 0, 'configuration': {'port': 502, 'fix_only_bat_discharging': False, 'ip_address': ''}}
2022-08-19 13:04:02,338 - {} - DEBUG - component0
{'name': 'SolarEdge Zähler', 'type': 'counter', 'id': 0, 'configuration': {'modbus_id': 1}}
2022-08-19 13:04:02,338 - {} - DEBUG - component1
{'name': 'Solaredge Wechselrichter', 'type': 'inverter', 'id': 1, 'configuration': {'modbus_id': 1}}
2022-08-19 13:04:02,339 - {} - DEBUG -