Bei Github gibt es noch einen anderen Weg SOC auszulesen, dieser scheint seit dem 09./10.01. auch nicht mehr zu funktionieren. Daher tippe ich dass das Problem bei Opel/Stellantis ist, vlt haben die den Zugang zur API geändert?
Ich versuch die ganze Zeit herauszubekommen welche Antwort die OpenWB vom OpelServer bekommt.
Aufgefallen ist mir das auch nur da das Auto bewegt wurde der SOC in der OpenWB aber konstant bleib.
Code: Alles auswählen
2024-01-09 22:29:23: PID: 10564: Lp1: Fetching SoC from Opel (LV0)
2024-01-09 22:19:26: PID: 2028: Lp1: Fetching SoC from Opel failed (LV0)
2024-01-09 22:19:24: PID: 2028: Lp1: Fetching SoC from Opel (LV0)
2024-01-09 22:09:27: PID: 25881: Lp1: Fetching SoC from Opel failed (LV0)
2024-01-09 22:09:24: PID: 25881: Lp1: Fetching SoC from Opel (LV0)
2024-01-09 21:59:26: PID: 17302: Lp1: Fetching SoC from Opel failed (LV0)
2024-01-09 21:59:23: PID: 17302: Lp1: Fetching SoC from Opel (LV0)
2024-01-09 21:49:26: PID: 8762: Lp1: Fetching SoC from Opel failed (LV0)
2024-01-09 21:49:23: PID: 8762: Lp1: Fetching SoC from Opel (LV0)
2024-01-09 21:39:27: PID: 32606: Lp1: Fetching SoC from Opel failed (LV0)
2024-01-09 21:39:24: PID: 32606: Lp1: Fetching SoC from Opel (LV0)
2024-01-09 21:29:26: PID: 24023: Lp1: Fetching SoC from Opel failed (LV0)
2024-01-09 21:29:24: PID: 24023: Lp1: Fetching SoC from Opel (LV0)
2024-01-09 21:19:27: PID: 15498: Lp1: Fetched from Opel: 31% but skipping as not different from last fetched SoC and car is plugged in. (LV0)
2024-01-09 21:19:23: PID: 15498: Lp1: Fetching SoC from Opel (LV0)
2024-01-09 21:09:28: PID: 6963: Lp1: Fetched from Opel: 31% but skipping as not different from last fetched SoC and car is plugged in. (LV0)
2024-01-09 21:09:24: PID: 6963: Lp1: Fetching SoC from Opel (LV0)
2024-01-09 20:59:27: PID: 30743: Lp1: Fetched from Opel: 31% but skipping as not different from last fetched SoC and car is plugged in. (LV0)
2024-01-09 20:59:23: PID: 30743: Lp1: Fetching SoC from Opel (LV0)
2024-01-09 20:49:28: PID: 22214: Lp1: Fetched from Opel: 31% but skipping as not different from last fetched SoC and car is plugged in. (LV0)
2024-01-09 20:49:23: PID: 22214: Lp1: Fetching SoC from Opel (LV0)
2024-01-09 20:39:27: PID: 13693: Lp1: Fetched from Opel: 31% but skipping as not different from last fetched SoC and car is plugged in. (LV0)
2024-01-09 20:39:23: PID: 13693: Lp1: Fetching SoC from Opel (LV0)
2024-01-09 20:29:29: PID: 5108: Lp1: Fetched from Opel: 31% but skipping as not different from last fetched SoC and car is plugged in. (LV0)