12KW Peaks bei PV Leistung/Hausverbrauch

Fragen zur Nutzung, Features, usw..
Beiträge: 6
Registriert: Fr Jan 14, 2022 2:26 pm

Re: 12KW Peaks bei PV Leistung/Hausverbrauch

Beitrag von Larsii »

Wenn sich die Werte aus dem Tageschart nur von den Zählerwerten ableiten, liegt meine Vermutung auf einer fehlerhaften Netzwerkverbindung von Openwb -> Iobroker Zählersensor über DLan.

Ich werde die Verbindung mal einen Tag testweise über wlan betreiben und schauen ob das Problem immernoch besteht.
Beiträge: 1952
Registriert: Mi Jan 29, 2020 10:12 pm

Re: 12KW Peaks bei PV Leistung/Hausverbrauch

Beitrag von mrinas »

Ja so ist es, das Tages und Monatslog basiert auf den zaehlerständen. Wenn es Probleme im Netzwerk gäbe müsste man die ja an anderer Stelle auch bemerken, ist aber auf alle faelle einen Versuch wert.
15,2kWp SMA (SB4000TL-21, SB3.0, STP6.0-SE + BYD HVS, EnergyMeter), openWB Standard+, openWB Pro, Smart #1 (ersetzt den e2008), Tesla Model Y LR.
Beiträge: 3941
Registriert: So Jan 10, 2021 8:49 am

Re: 12KW Peaks bei PV Leistung/Hausverbrauch

Beitrag von HSC »

Diese Peak- Geschichten gibt es auch im Tageslog bei Verwendung von go- e als LP.
Dort ist das Problem, dass nur volle kWh- Stände verarbeitet werden. Der Peak entsteht immer zum Zeitpunkt der Änderung zur nächsten kWh.

Ob es vergleichbar ist, weiss ich allerdings nicht.
Beiträge: 6
Registriert: Fr Jan 14, 2022 2:26 pm

Re: 12KW Peaks bei PV Leistung/Hausverbrauch

Beitrag von Larsii »

Die Netzwerkverbindung ist stabil, daran kann es nicht liegen.
Die Verarbeitung von vollen kwh klingt interessant. Allerdings habe ich 9 Peaks bei 14kwh Erzeugung über den Tag und einen Abestand von ca 1h.
Beiträge: 22
Registriert: Di Mai 18, 2021 6:02 pm

Re: 12KW Peaks bei PV Leistung/Hausverbrauch

Beitrag von Gagadada »


Hier ein ähnliches Phänomen. Sieht relativ zyklisch aus.
Scheint auch in der TAG Logging Ansicht so zu sein. Langzeit sieht gut aus
In den 120 Minuten Details sind die Peaks erstaunlicher weise nicht zu sehen. Vielleicht hilft euch das weiter.

openWB Version? 1.9.265 Stable
openWB Variante? series 2
Welches Theme? Siehe Screenshots
Welches PV Modul / Welcher Wechselrichter?
RCT DC 10 - kostal Piko 4
Welches EVU Modul?
RCT mit 10 Sekunden Glättung

Update 8.5.

Über Nacht kamen keine Werte vom RCT power sensor. Funktioniert der nur wenn PV aktiv ist? Batterie ist noch nicht abgeklemmt.
Ich musste die EVU Module neu konfigurieren und neustarten damit wieder Werte gekommen sind. Der aktuelle debug Log sieht allerdings nicht so gut aus.

Code: Alles auswählen

2022-05-08 09:05:29: PID: 9619: **** WARNING **** Regulation loop needs 8 seconds (LV0)
2022-05-08 09:05:03: PID: 6635: ##### cron5min.sh finished ##### (LV0)
2022-05-08 09:05:01: PID: 6635: ##### cron5min.sh started ##### (LV0)
2022-05-08 09:00:19: PID: 31776: **** WARNING **** Regulation loop needs 8 seconds (LV0)
2022-05-08 09:00:03: PID: 30148: ##### cron5min.sh finished ##### (LV0)
2022-05-08 09:00:01: PID: 30148: ##### cron5min.sh started ##### (LV0)
2022-05-08 08:55:09: PID: 21381: **** WARNING **** Regulation loop needs 8 seconds (LV0)
2022-05-08 08:55:03: PID: 21380: ##### cron5min.sh finished ##### (LV0)
2022-05-08 08:55:01: PID: 21380: ##### cron5min.sh started ##### (LV0)
2022-05-08 08:50:03: PID: 12656: ##### cron5min.sh finished ##### (LV0)
2022-05-08 08:50:01: PID: 12656: ##### cron5min.sh started ##### (LV0)
2022-05-08 08:45:03: PID: 3666: ##### cron5min.sh finished ##### (LV0)
2022-05-08 08:45:01: PID: 3666: ##### cron5min.sh started ##### (LV0)
2022-05-08 08:44:49: PID: 900: **** WARNING **** Regulation loop needs 8 seconds (LV0)
2022-05-08 08:40:03: PID: 27345: ##### cron5min.sh finished ##### (LV0)
2022-05-08 08:40:01: PID: 27345: ##### cron5min.sh started ##### (LV0)
2022-05-08 08:39:39: PID: 23245: **** WARNING **** Regulation loop needs 8 seconds (LV0)
2022-05-08 08:35:03: PID: 18556: ##### cron5min.sh finished ##### (LV0)
2022-05-08 08:35:01: PID: 18556: ##### cron5min.sh started ##### (LV0)
2022-05-08 08:34:29: PID: 13097: **** WARNING **** Regulation loop needs 8 seconds (LV0)
2022-05-08 08:30:03: PID: 9708: ##### cron5min.sh finished ##### (LV0)
2022-05-08 08:30:01: PID: 9708: ##### cron5min.sh started ##### (LV0)
2022-05-08 08:29:20: PID: 2841: **** FATAL ********************************* (LV0)
2022-05-08 08:29:20: PID: 2841: **** FATAL Regulation loop needs 9 seconds (LV0)
2022-05-08 08:29:20: PID: 2841: **** FATAL ********************************* (LV0)
2022-05-08 08:25:03: PID: 912: ##### cron5min.sh finished ##### (LV0)
2022-05-08 08:25:01: PID: 912: ##### cron5min.sh started ##### (LV0)
2022-05-08 08:24:09: PID: 25145: **** WARNING **** Regulation loop needs 8 seconds (LV0)
2022-05-08 08:20:03: PID: 24607: ##### cron5min.sh finished ##### (LV0)
2022-05-08 08:20:01: PID: 24607: ##### cron5min.sh started ##### (LV0)
2022-05-08 08:15:03: PID: 15869: ##### cron5min.sh finished ##### (LV0)
2022-05-08 08:15:01: PID: 15869: ##### cron5min.sh started ##### (LV0)
2022-05-08 08:13:49: PID: 4875: **** WARNING **** Regulation loop needs 8 seconds (LV0)
2022-05-08 08:10:04: PID: 7107: ##### cron5min.sh finished ##### (LV0)
2022-05-08 08:10:02: PID: 7107: ##### cron5min.sh started ##### (LV0)
2022-05-08 08:08:39: PID: 27114: **** WARNING **** Regulation loop needs 8 seconds (LV0)
2022-05-08 08:05:03: PID: 30563: ##### cron5min.sh finished ##### (LV0)
2022-05-08 08:05:01: PID: 30563: ##### cron5min.sh started ##### (LV0)
2022-05-08 08:03:29: PID: 16943: **** WARNING **** Regulation loop needs 8 seconds (LV0)
2022-05-08 08:00:03: PID: 21849: ##### cron5min.sh finished ##### (LV0)
2022-05-08 08:00:01: PID: 21849: ##### cron5min.sh started ##### (LV0)
2022-05-08 07:58:20: PID: 6880: **** WARNING **** Regulation loop needs 8 seconds (LV0)
2022-05-08 07:55:03: PID: 13125: ##### cron5min.sh finished ##### (LV0)
2022-05-08 07:55:01: PID: 13125: ##### cron5min.sh started ##### (LV0)
2022-05-08 07:53:09: PID: 29126: **** WARNING **** Regulation loop needs 8 seconds (LV0)
2022-05-08 07:50:03: PID: 4339: ##### cron5min.sh finished ##### (LV0)
2022-05-08 07:50:01: PID: 4339: ##### cron5min.sh started ##### (LV0)
2022-05-08 07:47:59: PID: 19034: **** WARNING **** Regulation loop needs 8 seconds (LV0)
2022-05-08 07:45:03: PID: 28021: ##### cron5min.sh finished ##### (LV0)
2022-05-08 07:45:01: PID: 28021: ##### cron5min.sh started ##### (LV0)
2022-05-08 07:42:49: PID: 8959: **** WARNING **** Regulation loop needs 8 seconds (LV0)
2022-05-08 07:40:03: PID: 19306: ##### cron5min.sh finished ##### (LV0)
2022-05-08 07:40:01: PID: 19306: ##### cron5min.sh started ##### (LV0)
2022-05-08 07:37:39: PID: 31146: **** WARNING **** Regulation loop needs 8 seconds (LV0)
2022-05-08 07:35:03: PID: 10492: ##### cron5min.sh finished ##### (LV0)
2022-05-08 07:35:01: PID: 10492: ##### cron5min.sh started ##### (LV0)
2022-05-08 07:32:29: PID: 21016: **** WARNING **** Regulation loop needs 8 seconds (LV0)
2022-05-08 07:30:03: PID: 1556: ##### cron5min.sh finished ##### (LV0)
2022-05-08 07:30:01: PID: 1556: ##### cron5min.sh started ##### (LV0)
2022-05-08 07:27:19: PID: 10847: **** WARNING **** Regulation loop needs 8 seconds (LV0)
2022-05-08 07:25:04: PID: 25246: ##### cron5min.sh finished ##### (LV0)
2022-05-08 07:25:02: PID: 25246: ##### cron5min.sh started ##### (LV0)
2022-05-08 07:22:09: PID: 681: **** WARNING **** Regulation loop needs 8 seconds (LV0)
2022-05-08 07:20:03: PID: 16532: ##### cron5min.sh finished ##### (LV0)
2022-05-08 07:20:02: PID: 16532: ##### cron5min.sh started ##### (LV0)
2022-05-08 07:16:59: PID: 22994: **** WARNING **** Regulation loop needs 8 seconds (LV0)
2022-05-08 07:15:04: PID: 7815: ##### cron5min.sh finished ##### (LV0)
2022-05-08 07:15:02: PID: 7815: ##### cron5min.sh started ##### (LV0)
2022-05-08 07:11:49: PID: 12881: **** WARNING **** Regulation loop needs 8 seconds (LV0)
2022-05-08 07:10:03: PID: 31258: ##### cron5min.sh finished ##### (LV0)
2022-05-08 07:10:01: PID: 31258: ##### cron5min.sh started ##### (LV0)
2022-05-08 07:06:39: PID: 2430: **** WARNING **** Regulation loop needs 8 seconds (LV0)
2022-05-08 07:05:04: PID: 22336: ##### cron5min.sh finished ##### (LV0)
2022-05-08 07:05:02: PID: 22336: ##### cron5min.sh started ##### (LV0)
2022-05-08 07:01:29: PID: 24606: **** WARNING **** Regulation loop needs 8 seconds (LV0)
2022-05-08 07:00:03: PID: 13435: ##### cron5min.sh finished ##### (LV0)
2022-05-08 07:00:01: PID: 13435: ##### cron5min.sh started ##### (LV0)
kill: (362): Kein passender Prozess gefunden
2022-05-08 06:56:19: PID: 14391: **** WARNING **** Regulation loop needs 8 seconds (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:55:06: PID: 4524: ##### cron5min.sh finished ##### (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:55:02: PID: 4524: modbus tcp server not running! restarting process (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:55:01: PID: 4524: ##### cron5min.sh started ##### (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:51:49: PID: 9244: **** WARNING **** Regulation loop needs 8 seconds (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:51:48: PID: 8074: **** FATAL ********************************* (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:51:48: PID: 8074: **** FATAL Regulation loop needs 16 seconds (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:51:48: PID: 8074: **** FATAL ********************************* (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:51:45: PID: 8074: loadvars read openWB/evu/WHExport_temp from mosquito -1225659205 (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:51:41: PID: 8074: loadvars read openWB/evu/WHImported_temp from mosquito 868611452 (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:51:33: PID: 6363: **** FATAL ********************************* (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:51:33: PID: 6363: **** FATAL Regulation loop needs 12 seconds (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:51:33: PID: 6363: **** FATAL ********************************* (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:51:29: PID: 2582: **** FATAL ********************************* (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:51:29: PID: 2582: **** FATAL Regulation loop needs 28 seconds (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:51:29: PID: 2582: **** FATAL ********************************* (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:51:26: PID: 2543: **** FATAL ********************************* (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:51:26: PID: 2543: **** FATAL Regulation loop needs 25 seconds (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:51:26: PID: 2543: **** FATAL ********************************* (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:51:24: PID: 3754: **** FATAL ********************************* (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:51:24: PID: 3754: **** FATAL Regulation loop needs 13 seconds (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:51:24: PID: 3754: **** FATAL ********************************* (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:51:22: PID: 2155: **** FATAL ********************************* (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:51:22: PID: 2155: **** FATAL Regulation loop needs 31 seconds (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:51:22: PID: 2155: **** FATAL ********************************* (LV0)
tail: '/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/soc1-live.graph' kann nicht zum Lesen geöffnet werden: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
2022-05-08 06:51:19: PID: 5968: Pause nach Umschaltung: 2s (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:51:19: PID: 5945: Pause nach Umschaltung: 2s (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:51:14: PID: 4558: Pause nach Umschaltung: 2s (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:51:13: PID: 3754: Modbus EVSE read CP1 issue - using previous state '1' (LV0)
serial.serialutil.SerialException: device reports readiness to read but returned no data (device disconnected or multiple access on port?)
    'device reports readiness to read but returned no data '
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/serial/serialposix.py", line 501, in read
    result = self.socket.read(size)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pymodbus/client/sync.py", line 555, in _recv
    return self._recv(size)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pymodbus/client/sync.py", line 88, in recv
    result = self.client.recv(size)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pymodbus/framer/rtu_framer.py", line 286, in recvPacket
    read_min = self.client.framer.recvPacket(min_size)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pymodbus/transaction.py", line 241, in _recv
    result = self._recv(response_length, full)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pymodbus/transaction.py", line 212, in _transact
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pymodbus/transaction.py", line 140, in execute
    return self.transaction.execute(request)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pymodbus/client/sync.py", line 108, in execute
    return self.execute(request)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pymodbus/client/common.py", line 114, in read_holding_registers
    request = client.read_holding_registers(readreg,reganzahl,unit=modbusid)
  File "runs/readmodbus.py", line 17, in <module>
Traceback (most recent call last):
2022-05-08 06:51:11: PID: 2543: loadvars read openWB/pv/WHExport_temp from mosquito -1566373512 (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:51:11: PID: 2582: loadvars read openWB/pv/WHExport_temp from mosquito -1566373512 (LV0)
loadvars.sh: Zeile 1901: ramdisk/mqttslavemode: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
2022-05-08 06:51:09: PID: 2155: loadvars read openWB/pv/WHExport_temp from mosquito -1566373512 (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:51:05: PID: 2155: loadvars read openWB/pv/WHImported_temp from mosquito 388 (LV0)
loadvars.sh: Zeile 70: ramdisk/mqttstopchargeafterdisclp8: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
loadvars.sh: Zeile 69: ramdisk/mqttstopchargeafterdisclp7: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
loadvars.sh: Zeile 68: ramdisk/mqttstopchargeafterdisclp6: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
loadvars.sh: Zeile 67: ramdisk/mqttstopchargeafterdisclp5: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
loadvars.sh: Zeile 66: ramdisk/mqttstopchargeafterdisclp4: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
loadvars.sh: Zeile 65: ramdisk/mqttstopchargeafterdisclp3: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
loadvars.sh: Zeile 64: ramdisk/mqttstopchargeafterdisclp2: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
loadvars.sh: Zeile 63: ramdisk/mqttstopchargeafterdisclp1: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
loadvars.sh: Zeile 70: ramdisk/mqttstopchargeafterdisclp8: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
loadvars.sh: Zeile 69: ramdisk/mqttstopchargeafterdisclp7: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
loadvars.sh: Zeile 68: ramdisk/mqttstopchargeafterdisclp6: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
loadvars.sh: Zeile 67: ramdisk/mqttstopchargeafterdisclp5: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
loadvars.sh: Zeile 66: ramdisk/mqttstopchargeafterdisclp4: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
loadvars.sh: Zeile 65: ramdisk/mqttstopchargeafterdisclp3: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
loadvars.sh: Zeile 64: ramdisk/mqttstopchargeafterdisclp2: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
loadvars.sh: Zeile 63: ramdisk/mqttstopchargeafterdisclp1: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
Trying to read meter serial number once from meter at address /dev/ttyUSB0, ID 105
loadvars.sh: Zeile 70: ramdisk/mqttstopchargeafterdisclp8: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
loadvars.sh: Zeile 69: ramdisk/mqttstopchargeafterdisclp7: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
loadvars.sh: Zeile 68: ramdisk/mqttstopchargeafterdisclp6: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
loadvars.sh: Zeile 67: ramdisk/mqttstopchargeafterdisclp5: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
loadvars.sh: Zeile 66: ramdisk/mqttstopchargeafterdisclp4: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
loadvars.sh: Zeile 65: ramdisk/mqttstopchargeafterdisclp3: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
loadvars.sh: Zeile 64: ramdisk/mqttstopchargeafterdisclp2: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
loadvars.sh: Zeile 63: ramdisk/mqttstopchargeafterdisclp1: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
2022-05-08 06:50:49: boot done :-)
AH00558: apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using Set the 'ServerName' directive globally to suppress this message
fix upload limit...OS Stretch
not activated, skipping
2022-05-08 06:50:41: PID: 2031: Ramdisk not set up. Maybe we are still booting. (LV0) at 43 main /var/www/html/openWB/regel.sh
update broker...
load versions...
display update...
clear warning...

  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0
100    41    0     0  100    41      0    111 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--   112
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
No matching distribution found for urllib3
  Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement urllib3 (from versions: )
Collecting urllib3
2022-05-08 06:50:31: PID: 1965: Ramdisk not set up. Maybe we are still booting. (LV0) at 43 main /var/www/html/openWB/regel.sh
lxml installed...
ipparser installed...
jq installed...
python requests installed...
pymodbus installed...
aiohttp installed...
certifi installed...
docopt installed...
mqtt installed...
packages 2...
updating mosquitto config file
cp: '/usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Berlin' und '/etc/localtime' sind die gleiche Datei
evdev installed...
2022-05-08 06:50:21: PID: 1885: Ramdisk not set up. Maybe we are still booting. (LV0) at 43 main /var/www/html/openWB/regel.sh
2022-05-08 06:50:21: PID: 1829: legacy run server: Changing log level DEBUG -> WARNING
packages 1...
crontab 2...
crontab 1...
Starting legacy run server
legacy run server...
mqtt handler...
smarthome handler...
deleting browser cache
Ramdisk init done.
Trigger update of logfiles...
'mqttwizzarddone' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttwattbezug' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttversion' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttverbraucher2_name' missing: Setting to provided default value 'notset'
'mqttverbraucher2_aktiv' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttverbraucher1_name' missing: Setting to provided default value 'notset'
'mqttverbraucher1_aktiv' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttupdateinprogress' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttu1p3pstandby' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttu1p3psofort' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttu1p3pnurpv' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttu1p3pnl' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttu1p3pminundpv' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttu1p3paktiv' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttstopchargepvpercentagelp2' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttstopchargepvpercentagelp1' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttstopchargepvatpercentlp2' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttstopchargepvatpercentlp1' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttspeicherwattnurpv' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttspeichersocnurpv' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttspeichersocminpv' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttspeichersochystminpv' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttspeicherpvui' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttspeicherpveinbeziehen' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttspeichermaxwatt' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttsofortsocstatlp2' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttsofortsocstatlp1' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttsofortsoclp2' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttsofortsoclp1' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttsocvorhanden' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttsoc' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttsoc1vorhanden' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttrfidakt' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttrestzeitlp3' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttrestzeitlp2' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttrestzeitlp1' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttpvwatt' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttpvbezugeinspeisung' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttpreisjekwh' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttoffsetpv' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttnurpv70dynw' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttnurpv70dynact' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttnlakt_standby' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttnlakt_sofort' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttnlakt_nurpv' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttnlakt_minpv' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttnachtladens1' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttnachtladen' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttminnurpvsoclp1' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttminnurpvsocll' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttminimalstromstaerke' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttminimalapv' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttminimalampv' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttminimalalp2pv' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttmindestuberschuss' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttmaxnurpvsoclp1' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttmaximalstromstaerke' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttlastlademodus' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttlademstats2' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttlademstats1' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttlademstatlp8' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttlademstatlp7' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttlademstatlp6' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttlademstatlp5' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttlademstatlp4' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttlademstat' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttlademkwhlp8' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttlademkwhlp7' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttlademkwhlp6' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttlademkwhlp5' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttlademkwhlp4' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttlademkwh' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqtthook3_aktiv' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqtthook2_aktiv' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqtthook1_aktiv' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttheutegeladen' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqtthausverbrauchstat' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqtthausverbrauch' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttevuglaettungakt' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttetprovider' missing: Setting to provided default value 'notset'
'mqttetprovideraktiv' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqtteinschaltverzoegerung' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttdurchslp1' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttdisplayspeichermax' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttdisplaypvmax' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttdisplayhausmax' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttdisplayhausanzeigen' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttdisplayevumax' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttdatenschutzack' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttdailychargelp3' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttdailychargelp2' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttdailychargelp1' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttaktgeladens2' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttaktgeladens1' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttaktgeladen' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttadaptpv' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttadaptfaktor' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttabschaltverzoegerung' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttabschaltuberschuss' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttRandomSleepValue' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'mqttCp1Configured' missing: Setting to provided default value '-1'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/mqttautolockconfiguredlp8' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '-1'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/mqttautolockstatuslp8' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '-1'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/mqttdisplaylp8max' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '-1'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/mqttlp8name' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of 'Lp8'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/mqttmsmoduslp8' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '-1'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/mqttzielladenaktivlp8' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '-1'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/boolstopchargeafterdisclp8' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '0'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/rfidlp8' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '0'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/lp8sofortll' missing: Setting from MQTT topic 'lp8sofortll' to value '10'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/autolockconfiguredlp8' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '0'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/autolockstatuslp8' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '0'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/restzeitlp8' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '0'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/lp8enabled' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '1'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/lp8phasen' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '0'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/pluggedladungaktlp8' missing: Setting from MQTT topic 'pluggedladungaktlp8' to value '0'
2022-05-08 06:50:11: PID: 1752: ##### cron5min.sh Ramdisk not set up. Maybe we are still booting. (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:50:11: PID: 1742: Ramdisk not set up. Maybe we are still booting. (LV0) at 43 main /var/www/html/openWB/regel.sh
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/pluggedladunglp8startkwh' missing: Setting from MQTT topic 'pluggedladunglp8startkwh' to value '0'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/mqttautolockconfiguredlp7' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '-1'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/mqttautolockstatuslp7' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '-1'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/mqttdisplaylp7max' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '-1'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/mqttlp7name' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of 'Lp7'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/mqttmsmoduslp7' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '-1'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/mqttzielladenaktivlp7' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '-1'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/boolstopchargeafterdisclp7' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '0'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/rfidlp7' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '0'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/lp7sofortll' missing: Setting from MQTT topic 'lp7sofortll' to value '10'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/autolockconfiguredlp7' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '0'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/autolockstatuslp7' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '0'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/restzeitlp7' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '0'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/lp7enabled' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '1'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/lp7phasen' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '0'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/pluggedladungaktlp7' missing: Setting from MQTT topic 'pluggedladungaktlp7' to value '0'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/pluggedladunglp7startkwh' missing: Setting from MQTT topic 'pluggedladunglp7startkwh' to value '0'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/mqttautolockconfiguredlp6' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '-1'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/mqttautolockstatuslp6' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '-1'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/mqttdisplaylp6max' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '-1'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/mqttlp6name' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of 'Lp6'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/mqttmsmoduslp6' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '-1'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/mqttzielladenaktivlp6' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '-1'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/boolstopchargeafterdisclp6' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '0'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/rfidlp6' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '0'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/lp6sofortll' missing: Setting from MQTT topic 'lp6sofortll' to value '10'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/autolockconfiguredlp6' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '0'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/autolockstatuslp6' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '0'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/restzeitlp6' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '0'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/lp6enabled' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '1'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/lp6phasen' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '0'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/pluggedladungaktlp6' missing: Setting from MQTT topic 'pluggedladungaktlp6' to value '0'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/pluggedladunglp6startkwh' missing: Setting from MQTT topic 'pluggedladunglp6startkwh' to value '0'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/mqttautolockconfiguredlp5' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '-1'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/mqttautolockstatuslp5' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '-1'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/mqttdisplaylp5max' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '-1'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/mqttlp5name' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of 'Lp5'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/mqttmsmoduslp5' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '-1'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/mqttzielladenaktivlp5' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '-1'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/boolstopchargeafterdisclp5' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '0'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/rfidlp5' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '0'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/lp5sofortll' missing: Setting from MQTT topic 'lp5sofortll' to value '10'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/autolockconfiguredlp5' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '0'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/autolockstatuslp5' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '0'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/restzeitlp5' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '0'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/lp5enabled' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '1'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/lp5phasen' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '0'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/pluggedladungaktlp5' missing: Setting from MQTT topic 'pluggedladungaktlp5' to value '0'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/pluggedladunglp5startkwh' missing: Setting from MQTT topic 'pluggedladunglp5startkwh' to value '0'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/mqttautolockconfiguredlp4' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '-1'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/mqttautolockstatuslp4' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '-1'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/mqttdisplaylp4max' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '-1'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/mqttlp4name' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of 'Lp4'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/mqttmsmoduslp4' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '-1'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/mqttzielladenaktivlp4' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '-1'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/boolstopchargeafterdisclp4' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '0'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/rfidlp4' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '0'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/lp4sofortll' missing: Setting from MQTT topic 'lp4sofortll' to value '10'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/autolockconfiguredlp4' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '0'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/autolockstatuslp4' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '0'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/restzeitlp4' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '0'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/lp4enabled' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '1'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/lp4phasen' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '0'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/pluggedladungaktlp4' missing: Setting from MQTT topic 'pluggedladungaktlp4' to value '0'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/pluggedladunglp4startkwh' missing: Setting from MQTT topic 'pluggedladunglp4startkwh' to value '0'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/mqttautolockconfiguredlp3' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '-1'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/mqttautolockstatuslp3' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '-1'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/mqttdisplaylp3max' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '-1'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/mqttlp3name' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of 'Lp3'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/mqttmsmoduslp3' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '-1'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/mqttzielladenaktivlp3' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '-1'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/boolstopchargeafterdisclp3' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '0'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/rfidlp3' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '0'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/lp3sofortll' missing: Setting from MQTT topic 'lp3sofortll' to value '10'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/autolockconfiguredlp3' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '0'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/autolockstatuslp3' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '0'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/restzeitlp3' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '0'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/lp3enabled' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '1'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/lp3phasen' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '0'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/pluggedladungaktlp3' missing: Setting from MQTT topic 'pluggedladungaktlp3' to value '0'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/pluggedladunglp3startkwh' missing: Setting from MQTT topic 'pluggedladunglp3startkwh' to value '0'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/mqttautolockconfiguredlp2' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '-1'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/mqttautolockstatuslp2' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '-1'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/mqttdisplaylp2max' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '-1'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/mqttlp2name' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of 'Lp2'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/mqttmsmoduslp2' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '-1'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/mqttzielladenaktivlp2' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '-1'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/boolstopchargeafterdisclp2' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '0'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/lp2sofortll' missing: Setting from MQTT topic 'lp2sofortll' to value '16'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/autolockconfiguredlp2' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '0'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/autolockstatuslp2' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '0'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/restzeitlp2' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '0'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/lp2enabled' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '1'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/lp2phasen' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '0'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/pluggedladungaktlp2' missing: Setting from MQTT topic 'pluggedladungaktlp2' to value '0'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/pluggedladunglp2startkwh' missing: Setting from MQTT topic 'pluggedladunglp2startkwh' to value '0'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/mqttautolockconfiguredlp1' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '-1'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/mqttautolockstatuslp1' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '-1'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/mqttdisplaylp1max' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '-1'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/mqttlp1name' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of 'Lp1'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/mqttmsmoduslp1' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '-1'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/mqttzielladenaktivlp1' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '-1'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/boolstopchargeafterdisclp1' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '0'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/lp1sofortll' missing: Setting from MQTT topic 'lp1sofortll' to value '16'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/autolockconfiguredlp1' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '0'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/autolockstatuslp1' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '0'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/restzeitlp1' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '0'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/lp1enabled' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '1'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/lp1phasen' missing: no MQTT topic set: Setting to default of '0'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/pluggedladungaktlp1' missing: Setting from MQTT topic 'pluggedladungaktlp1' to value '0'
'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/pluggedladunglp1startkwh' missing: Setting from MQTT topic 'pluggedladunglp1startkwh' to value '0.0'
Initializing Ramdisk /var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk
Config file Update done.
Updating /var/www/html/openWB/openwb.conf...
touch: '/var/www/html/openWB/web/backup/.donotdelete' kann nicht berührt werden: Keine Berechtigung
loading config
atreboot.sh started
2022-05-08 06:49:24: PID: 28642: **** FATAL ********************************* (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:24: PID: 25407: **** FATAL ********************************* (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:24: PID: 24946: **** FATAL ********************************* (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:24: PID: 32161: **** FATAL ********************************* (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:24: PID: 22173: **** FATAL ********************************* (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:24: PID: 28642: **** FATAL Regulation loop needs 4802 seconds (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:24: PID: 29097: **** FATAL ********************************* (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:24: PID: 24946: **** FATAL Regulation loop needs 4932 seconds (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:24: PID: 22920: **** FATAL ********************************* (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:24: PID: 25407: **** FATAL Regulation loop needs 4912 seconds (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:24: PID: 23377: **** FATAL ********************************* (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:24: PID: 28179: **** FATAL ********************************* (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:24: PID: 32161: **** FATAL Regulation loop needs 4692 seconds (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:24: PID: 27679: **** FATAL ********************************* (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:24: PID: 22173: **** FATAL Regulation loop needs 4991 seconds (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:24: PID: 27348: **** FATAL ********************************* (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:24: PID: 26664: **** FATAL ********************************* (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:24: PID: 21655: **** FATAL ********************************* (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:24: PID: 27121: **** FATAL ********************************* (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:24: PID: 30974: **** FATAL ********************************* (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:24: PID: 23636: **** FATAL ********************************* (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:24: PID: 28869: **** FATAL ********************************* (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:24: PID: 31662: **** FATAL ********************************* (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:24: PID: 31201: **** FATAL ********************************* (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:24: PID: 30634: **** FATAL ********************************* (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:24: PID: 29097: **** FATAL Regulation loop needs 4782 seconds (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:24: PID: 27679: **** FATAL Regulation loop needs 4832 seconds (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:24: PID: 28413: **** FATAL ********************************* (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:24: PID: 29474: **** FATAL ********************************* (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:24: PID: 21913: **** FATAL ********************************* (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:24: PID: 21427: **** FATAL ********************************* (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:24: PID: 28179: **** FATAL Regulation loop needs 4822 seconds (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:23: PID: 21913: **** FATAL Regulation loop needs 5001 seconds (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:24: PID: 23148: **** FATAL ********************************* (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:23: PID: 27121: **** FATAL Regulation loop needs 4852 seconds (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:24: PID: 27348: **** FATAL Regulation loop needs 4842 seconds (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:24: PID: 23377: **** FATAL Regulation loop needs 4951 seconds (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:23: PID: 26664: **** FATAL Regulation loop needs 4872 seconds (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:24: PID: 31921: **** FATAL ********************************* (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:23: PID: 28413: **** FATAL Regulation loop needs 4812 seconds (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:24: PID: 32696: **** FATAL ********************************* (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:23: PID: 28642: **** FATAL ********************************* (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:23: PID: 27348: **** FATAL ********************************* (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:24: PID: 31433: **** FATAL ********************************* (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:23: PID: 26892: **** FATAL ********************************* (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:23: PID: 30634: **** FATAL Regulation loop needs 4752 seconds (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:23: PID: 23636: **** FATAL Regulation loop needs 4942 seconds (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:23: PID: 21655: **** FATAL Regulation loop needs 5012 seconds (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:24: PID: 21200: **** FATAL ********************************* (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:23: PID: 22693: **** FATAL ********************************* (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:23: PID: 31433: **** FATAL Regulation loop needs 4722 seconds (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:23: PID: 21200: **** FATAL Regulation loop needs 5032 seconds (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:23: PID: 29097: **** FATAL ********************************* (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:23: PID: 28869: **** FATAL Regulation loop needs 4792 seconds (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:23: PID: 23377: **** FATAL ********************************* (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:23: PID: 29474: **** FATAL Regulation loop needs 4772 seconds (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:23: PID: 23148: **** FATAL Regulation loop needs 4961 seconds (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:23: PID: 29988: **** FATAL ********************************* (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:23: PID: 21427: **** FATAL Regulation loop needs 5022 seconds (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:23: PID: 22173: **** FATAL ********************************* (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:23: PID: 30974: **** FATAL Regulation loop needs 4742 seconds (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:23: PID: 22693: **** FATAL Regulation loop needs 4981 seconds (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:23: PID: 24946: **** FATAL ********************************* (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:23: PID: 25407: **** FATAL ********************************* (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:23: PID: 31662: **** FATAL Regulation loop needs 4712 seconds (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:23: PID: 31201: **** FATAL Regulation loop needs 4732 seconds (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:23: PID: 28179: **** FATAL ********************************* (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:23: PID: 21427: **** FATAL ********************************* (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:23: PID: 22920: **** FATAL Regulation loop needs 4971 seconds (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:23: PID: 29474: **** FATAL ********************************* (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:23: PID: 27679: **** FATAL ********************************* (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:23: PID: 31921: **** FATAL Regulation loop needs 4702 seconds (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:23: PID: 21655: **** FATAL ********************************* (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:23: PID: 26892: **** FATAL Regulation loop needs 4862 seconds (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:23: PID: 21913: **** FATAL ********************************* (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:23: PID: 22920: **** FATAL ********************************* (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:23: PID: 31921: **** FATAL ********************************* (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:23: PID: 32696: **** FATAL Regulation loop needs 4682 seconds (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:23: PID: 31433: **** FATAL ********************************* (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:23: PID: 23148: **** FATAL ********************************* (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:23: PID: 30634: **** FATAL ********************************* (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:23: PID: 32161: **** FATAL ********************************* (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:23: PID: 28869: **** FATAL ********************************* (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:23: PID: 29988: **** FATAL Regulation loop needs 4762 seconds (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:23: PID: 32696: **** FATAL ********************************* (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:23: PID: 26664: **** FATAL ********************************* (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:23: PID: 26892: **** FATAL ********************************* (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:23: PID: 29988: **** FATAL ********************************* (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:23: PID: 23636: **** FATAL ********************************* (LV0)
helperFunctions.sh: Zeile 62: 11338 Beendet                 timeout 10 modules/$ladeleistungmodul/main.sh
2022-05-08 06:49:23: PID: 27121: **** FATAL ********************************* (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:23: PID: 30974: **** FATAL ********************************* (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:23: PID: 22693: **** FATAL ********************************* (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:23: PID: 31201: **** FATAL ********************************* (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:23: PID: 28413: **** FATAL ********************************* (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:23: PID: 31662: **** FATAL ********************************* (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:23: PID: 21200: **** FATAL ********************************* (LV0)
2022/05/08 06:49:23 socat[11320] E connect(5, AF=1 "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/legacy_run_server.sock", 54): Connection refused
2022-05-08 06:49:22: PID: 11095: ungültiger Wert für pvwatt:  (LV0)
(standard_in) 1: syntax error
(standard_in) 1: syntax error
unable to connect to port 8899
(standard_in) 1: syntax error
unable to connect to port 8899
(standard_in) 1: syntax error
unable to connect to port 8899
2022-05-08 06:49:15: PID: 9601: ungültiger Wert für evua3:  (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:15: PID: 9601: ungültiger Wert für evua2:  (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:15: PID: 9601: ungültiger Wert für evua1:  (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:15: PID: 9601: ungültiger Wert für wattbezug:  (LV0)
2022-05-08 06:49:15: PID: 3873: legacy run server: unable to connect to port 8899
Update 09.05.

Heute Nacht hat sich das EVU Modul wieder aufgehängt. Ein Neustart der OpenWb hat Abhilfe geschaffen, allerdings stimmen die Zähler jetzt nicht mehr in der Status Ansicht....
Hier noch mal die Peaks vom Vortag
Fehlen noch Infos?

Vielen Dank und Grüße :)
Zuletzt geändert von Gagadada am Mo Mai 09, 2022 6:32 am, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
1x openWB series2 standard+
1x openWB series2 custom
19,8 kWp RCT PV
10,5 kWh RCT Speicher
Skoda Enyaq iv50
Beiträge: 640
Registriert: So Jul 25, 2021 2:32 pm

Re: 12KW Peaks bei PV Leistung/Hausverbrauch

Beitrag von hhoefling »

Ohne pv oder Batterie geht der rct nachts aus. Zumindest aber startete der nicht ohne pv.

6kWp PV+Akku von RCT Power,+Tibber,+Shelly's
Skoda Citigo e-iV, openWB series2 standart+
mit openWB_lite (auf Basis der openWB 1.9.244+ Okt.2021)
Github: https://github.com/hhoefling/openWB_lite
Beiträge: 22
Registriert: Di Mai 18, 2021 6:02 pm

Re: 12KW Peaks bei PV Leistung/Hausverbrauch

Beitrag von Gagadada »

Okay, das ist von mir aus auch okay. Aber dann sollte sich die OpenWb nicht aufhängen, sondern friedlich warten bis am nächsten Tag wieder gültige Werte kommen :D

Ich hab im Debug Status heute auch ne Exception gesehen. Gibts ne Möglichkeit über die GUI Oberfläche den gesamten Debug Log runter zu laden?
1x openWB series2 standard+
1x openWB series2 custom
19,8 kWp RCT PV
10,5 kWh RCT Speicher
Skoda Enyaq iv50
Beiträge: 22
Registriert: Di Mai 18, 2021 6:02 pm

Re: 12KW Peaks bei PV Leistung/Hausverbrauch

Beitrag von Gagadada »

Probleme bestehen auch weiterhin mit der 266 nightly.
1x openWB series2 standard+
1x openWB series2 custom
19,8 kWp RCT PV
10,5 kWh RCT Speicher
Skoda Enyaq iv50
Beiträge: 29
Registriert: Do Feb 18, 2021 10:55 am

Re: 12KW Peaks bei PV Leistung/Hausverbrauch

Beitrag von chr74 »

Hallo, ich habe das gleiche Problem.

Meinen Thread https://openwb.de/forum/viewtopic.php? ... 0&start=10 hab ich geschlossen und ich würde gerne hier lausche n.
Beiträge: 835
Registriert: So Aug 23, 2020 5:11 am

Re: 12KW Peaks bei PV Leistung/Hausverbrauch

Beitrag von electron »

Ich spekuliere mal. Der Daily Graph wird auf Basis einer Tabelle berechnet, die die Zählerstände im 12-Minuten Abstand enthält. Für einen Zeitpunkt im Graph wird die Differenz aus aktuellem Zählerstand und letztem Zählerstand berechnet und mit 12 multipliziert (weil ja die durchschnittliche Leistung in diesen 12 Minuten angezeigt werden soll und nicht die Energie, die in den 12 Minuten geflossen ist). Hier ein Auszug aus dem Code:

Code: Alles auswählen

getCol(csvData, csvrow).forEach(function(csvvar){
  if (counter > 0) {
    var fincsvvar=(csvvar - oldcsvvar) * 12;
  if (fincsvvar > 150000){
  if (fincsvvar < -0){
  if (!isNaN(fincsvvar)) {
Die 12 kW-Peaks würden dann daher kommen, dass ab und zu der Zählerstand des PV-Zählers um 1000 zu hoch ist, wenn gerade wieder 12 Minuten abgelaufen sind, oder um 1000 zu hoch abgespeichert wird.
Die Ursache müsste in dem Modul zu finden sein, wo alle 12 Minuten die Zählerwerte gespeichert werden. Da müssten wir mal weiterbohren...
openWB Serie 2 11 kW
Solaredge WR
Tesla Model 3