Feedback Alpha 2

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Beiträge: 1954
Registriert: Mi Jan 29, 2020 10:12 pm

Re: Feedback Alpha 2

Beitrag von mrinas »

externer LP ist aktualisiert, RFID Fehlermeldung ist weg, dafür bekomme ich jetzt Json parser Fehler. Hatte die 2.0 danach auch noch aktualisiert, hat aber nicht an den Fehlern geändert.

Code: Alles auswählen

2022-05-06 17:29:57,305 - {root:45} - INFO - # ***Start*** 
2022-05-06 17:29:57,311 - {soc.modules.common.component_context:23} - DEBUG - Update Komponente ['Ladepunkt']
2022-05-06 17:29:57,312 - {modules.sma_shm.device:50} - DEBUG - Beginning update
2022-05-06 17:29:57,315 - {soc.modules.common.component_context:50} - DEBUG - Update Komponenten ['EnergyMeter 1.0']
2022-05-06 17:29:57,317 - {modules.sma_modbus_tcp.device:61} - DEBUG - Start device reading {'component9': <modules.sma_modbus_tcp.inverter_modbus_tcp.SmaModbusTcpInverter object at 0x72eefd60>}
2022-05-06 17:29:57,318 - {soc.modules.common.component_context:23} - DEBUG - Update Komponente ['Haus + Garage Nord']
2022-05-06 17:29:57,321 - {modules.sma_modbus_tcp.inverter_modbus_tcp:37} - DEBUG - Komponente Haus + Garage Nord auslesen.
2022-05-06 17:29:57,321 - {modules.http.device:61} - DEBUG - Start device reading {'component10': <modules.http.counter.HttpCounter object at 0x72eeffe8>}
2022-05-06 17:29:57,325 - {modules.json.device:58} - DEBUG - Start device reading {'component14': <modules.json.counter.JsonCounter object at 0x72e88190>}
2022-05-06 17:29:57,326 - {soc.modules.common.component_context:23} - DEBUG - Update Komponente ['LP1']
2022-05-06 17:29:57,327 - {modules.json.device:58} - DEBUG - Start device reading {'component15': <modules.json.counter.JsonCounter object at 0x72e883a0>}
2022-05-06 17:29:57,328 - {pymodbus.client.sync:215} - DEBUG - Connection to Modbus server established. Socket ('', 39689)
2022-05-06 17:29:57,349 - {pymodbus.transaction:139} - DEBUG - Current transaction state - TRANSACTION_COMPLETE
2022-05-06 17:29:57,332 - {soc.modules.common.component_context:50} - DEBUG - Update Komponenten ['Pumpe']
2022-05-06 17:29:57,343 - {urllib3.connectionpool:227} - DEBUG - Starting new HTTP connection (1):
2022-05-06 17:29:57,347 - {soc.modules.common.component_context:50} - DEBUG - Update Komponenten ['Trockner']
2022-05-06 17:29:57,329 - {modules.sma_modbus_tcp.device:61} - DEBUG - Start device reading {'component17': <modules.sma_modbus_tcp.inverter_modbus_tcp.SmaModbusTcpInverter object at 0x72e885b0>}
2022-05-06 17:29:57,349 - {pymodbus.transaction:144} - DEBUG - Running transaction 63
2022-05-06 17:29:57,374 - {urllib3.connectionpool:227} - DEBUG - Starting new HTTP connection (1):
2022-05-06 17:29:57,381 - {soc.modules.common.component_context:23} - DEBUG - Update Komponente ['Garage Süd + Gartenhaus']
2022-05-06 17:29:57,383 - {urllib3.connectionpool:227} - DEBUG - Starting new HTTP connection (1):
2022-05-06 17:29:57,387 - {pymodbus.transaction:272} - DEBUG - SEND: 0x0 0x3f 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x6 0x3 0x3 0x78 0x37 0x0 0x2
2022-05-06 17:29:57,396 - {pymodbus.client.sync:76} - DEBUG - New Transaction state 'SENDING'
2022-05-06 17:29:57,392 - {urllib3.connectionpool:452} - DEBUG - "GET /openWB/ramdisk/lla1 HTTP/1.1" 200 3
2022-05-06 17:29:57,390 - {modules.sma_modbus_tcp.inverter_modbus_tcp:37} - DEBUG - Komponente Garage Süd + Gartenhaus auslesen.
2022-05-06 17:29:57,399 - {soc.modules.common.req:11} - DEBUG - Get-Response: 0.0
2022-05-06 17:29:57,400 - {pymodbus.transaction:286} - DEBUG - Changing transaction state from 'SENDING' to 'WAITING FOR REPLY'
2022-05-06 17:29:57,402 - {modules.http.api:16} - DEBUG - Antwort auf 0.0
2022-05-06 17:29:57,412 - {urllib3.connectionpool:227} - DEBUG - Starting new HTTP connection (1):
2022-05-06 17:29:57,414 - {pymodbus.client.sync:215} - DEBUG - Connection to Modbus server established. Socket ('', 45743)
2022-05-06 17:29:57,415 - {pymodbus.transaction:139} - DEBUG - Current transaction state - TRANSACTION_COMPLETE
2022-05-06 17:29:57,416 - {pymodbus.transaction:144} - DEBUG - Running transaction 63
2022-05-06 17:29:57,416 - {pymodbus.transaction:272} - DEBUG - SEND: 0x0 0x3f 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x6 0x3 0x3 0x78 0x37 0x0 0x2
2022-05-06 17:29:57,417 - {pymodbus.client.sync:76} - DEBUG - New Transaction state 'SENDING'
2022-05-06 17:29:57,417 - {pymodbus.transaction:286} - DEBUG - Changing transaction state from 'SENDING' to 'WAITING FOR REPLY'
2022-05-06 17:29:57,421 - {urllib3.connectionpool:452} - DEBUG - "GET /openWB/ramdisk/lla2 HTTP/1.1" 200 3
2022-05-06 17:29:57,424 - {soc.modules.common.req:11} - DEBUG - Get-Response: 0.0
2022-05-06 17:29:57,425 - {modules.http.api:16} - DEBUG - Antwort auf 0.0
2022-05-06 17:29:57,431 - {urllib3.connectionpool:227} - DEBUG - Starting new HTTP connection (1):
2022-05-06 17:29:57,437 - {urllib3.connectionpool:452} - DEBUG - "GET /openWB/ramdisk/lla3 HTTP/1.1" 200 3
2022-05-06 17:29:57,439 - {soc.modules.common.req:11} - DEBUG - Get-Response: 0.0
2022-05-06 17:29:57,440 - {modules.http.api:16} - DEBUG - Antwort auf 0.0
2022-05-06 17:29:57,442 - {urllib3.connectionpool:452} - DEBUG - "GET /meter/0 HTTP/1.1" 200 119
2022-05-06 17:29:57,449 - {urllib3.connectionpool:227} - DEBUG - Starting new HTTP connection (1):
2022-05-06 17:29:57,450 - {soc.modules.common.req:11} - DEBUG - Get-Response: {"power":1.02,"overpower":0.00,"is_valid":true,"timestamp":1651858197,"counters":[1.129, 1.110, 1.085],"total":1028738}
2022-05-06 17:29:57,452 - {urllib3.connectionpool:452} - DEBUG - "GET /meter/0 HTTP/1.1" 200 87
2022-05-06 17:29:57,453 - {pymodbus.transaction:374} - DEBUG - Changing transaction state from 'WAITING FOR REPLY' to 'PROCESSING REPLY'
2022-05-06 17:29:58,276 - {soc.modules.common.req:11} - DEBUG - Get-Response: {"power":0.00,"is_valid":true,"timestamp":0,"counters":[0.000, 0.000, 0.000],"total":0}
2022-05-06 17:29:58,278 - {soc.modules.common.component_context:23} - DEBUG - Update Komponente ['EnergyMeter 1.0']
2022-05-06 17:29:58,685 - {helpermodules.setdata:189} - ERROR - Fehler im setdata-Modul
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/helpermodules/", line 119, in _validate_value
    value = json.loads(str(msg.payload.decode("utf-8")))
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/json/", line 346, in loads
    return _default_decoder.decode(s)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/json/", line 337, in decode
    obj, end = self.raw_decode(s, idx=_w(s, 0).end())
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/json/", line 355, in raw_decode
    raise JSONDecodeError("Expecting value", s, err.value) from None
json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)
2022-05-06 17:29:58,686 - {} - DEBUG - Saving CounterState(voltages=[230.0, 230.0, 230.0], powers=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], currents=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], power_factors=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], imported=0, exported=0, power=1.02, frequency=50)
2022-05-06 17:29:58,690 - {urllib3.connectionpool:452} - DEBUG - "GET /openWB/ramdisk/llkwh HTTP/1.1" 200 8
2022-05-06 17:29:59,817 - {soc.modules.common.req:11} - DEBUG - Get-Response: 4251.033
2022-05-06 17:29:59,063 - {pymodbus.transaction:374} - DEBUG - Changing transaction state from 'WAITING FOR REPLY' to 'PROCESSING REPLY'
2022-05-06 17:29:59,439 - {} - DEBUG - Saving CounterState(voltages=[228.866, 228.983, 227.321], powers=[-326.7, 23.3, 80.2], currents=[-1.452, 1.428, 0.645], power_factors=[0.994, 0.145, 0.692], imported=32311812.0, exported=71874085.7, power=-223.2, frequency=None)
2022-05-06 17:29:59,812 - {} - DEBUG - Saving CounterState(voltages=[230.0, 230.0, 230.0], powers=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], currents=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], power_factors=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], imported=0, exported=None, power=0, frequency=50)
2022-05-06 17:29:58,690 - {pymodbus.transaction:296} - DEBUG - RECV: 0x0 0x3f 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x7 0x3 0x3 0x4 0x0 0x0 0x0 0xdd
2022-05-06 17:29:59,818 - {modules.http.api:16} - DEBUG - Antwort auf 4251.033
2022-05-06 17:29:59,823 - {pymodbus.transaction:296} - DEBUG - RECV: 0x0 0x3f 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x7 0x3 0x3 0x4 0x0 0x0 0x1 0x6b
2022-05-06 17:29:59,829 - {pymodbus.framer.socket_framer:147} - DEBUG - Processing: 0x0 0x3f 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x7 0x3 0x3 0x4 0x0 0x0 0x0 0xdd
2022-05-06 17:29:59,834 - {pymodbus.framer.socket_framer:147} - DEBUG - Processing: 0x0 0x3f 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x7 0x3 0x3 0x4 0x0 0x0 0x1 0x6b
2022-05-06 17:29:59,840 - {urllib3.connectionpool:227} - DEBUG - Starting new HTTP connection (1):
2022-05-06 17:29:59,842 - {pymodbus.factory:266} - DEBUG - Factory Response[ReadHoldingRegistersResponse: 3]
2022-05-06 17:29:59,848 - {modules.sma_shm.device:67} - DEBUG - All components updated
2022-05-06 17:29:59,854 - {pymodbus.factory:266} - DEBUG - Factory Response[ReadHoldingRegistersResponse: 3]
2022-05-06 17:29:59,860 - {pymodbus.transaction:453} - DEBUG - Adding transaction 63
2022-05-06 17:29:59,862 - {urllib3.connectionpool:452} - DEBUG - "GET /openWB/ramdisk/llaktuell HTTP/1.1" 200 1
2022-05-06 17:29:59,864 - {pymodbus.transaction:453} - DEBUG - Adding transaction 63
2022-05-06 17:29:59,865 - {pymodbus.transaction:464} - DEBUG - Getting transaction 63
2022-05-06 17:29:59,867 - {modules.sma_shm.device:58} - DEBUG - Update complete
2022-05-06 17:29:59,869 - {soc.modules.common.req:11} - DEBUG - Get-Response: 0
2022-05-06 17:29:59,870 - {pymodbus.transaction:464} - DEBUG - Getting transaction 63
2022-05-06 17:29:59,872 - {pymodbus.transaction:224} - DEBUG - Changing transaction state from 'PROCESSING REPLY' to 'TRANSACTION_COMPLETE'
2022-05-06 17:29:59,877 - {modules.http.api:16} - DEBUG - Antwort auf 0
2022-05-06 17:29:59,878 - {pymodbus.transaction:224} - DEBUG - Changing transaction state from 'PROCESSING REPLY' to 'TRANSACTION_COMPLETE'
2022-05-06 17:29:59,881 - {pymodbus.payload:312} - DEBUG - [0, 221]
2022-05-06 17:29:59,885 - {} - DEBUG - Saving CounterState(voltages=[230.0, 230.0, 230.0], powers=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], currents=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], power_factors=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], imported=4251.033, exported=0, power=0.0, frequency=50)
2022-05-06 17:29:59,887 - {pymodbus.payload:312} - DEBUG - [0, 363]
2022-05-06 17:29:59,889 - {pymodbus.payload:368} - DEBUG - [b'\x00\x00', b'\x00\xdd']
2022-05-06 17:29:59,893 - {pymodbus.payload:368} - DEBUG - [b'\x00\x00', b'\x01k']
2022-05-06 17:29:59,896 - {pymodbus.transaction:139} - DEBUG - Current transaction state - TRANSACTION_COMPLETE
2022-05-06 17:29:59,898 - {pymodbus.transaction:139} - DEBUG - Current transaction state - TRANSACTION_COMPLETE
2022-05-06 17:29:59,899 - {pymodbus.transaction:144} - DEBUG - Running transaction 64
2022-05-06 17:29:59,900 - {pymodbus.transaction:144} - DEBUG - Running transaction 64
2022-05-06 17:29:59,905 - {pymodbus.transaction:272} - DEBUG - SEND: 0x0 0x40 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x6 0x3 0x3 0x77 0x41 0x0 0x2
2022-05-06 17:29:59,908 - {pymodbus.transaction:272} - DEBUG - SEND: 0x0 0x40 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x6 0x3 0x3 0x77 0x41 0x0 0x2
2022-05-06 17:29:59,908 - {pymodbus.client.sync:76} - DEBUG - New Transaction state 'SENDING'
2022-05-06 17:29:59,910 - {pymodbus.client.sync:76} - DEBUG - New Transaction state 'SENDING'
2022-05-06 17:29:59,913 - {pymodbus.transaction:286} - DEBUG - Changing transaction state from 'SENDING' to 'WAITING FOR REPLY'
2022-05-06 17:29:59,914 - {pymodbus.transaction:286} - DEBUG - Changing transaction state from 'SENDING' to 'WAITING FOR REPLY'
2022-05-06 17:29:59,931 - {pymodbus.transaction:374} - DEBUG - Changing transaction state from 'WAITING FOR REPLY' to 'PROCESSING REPLY'
2022-05-06 17:29:59,931 - {pymodbus.transaction:296} - DEBUG - RECV: 0x0 0x40 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x7 0x3 0x3 0x4 0x0 0x0 0xe5 0x41
2022-05-06 17:29:59,932 - {pymodbus.framer.socket_framer:147} - DEBUG - Processing: 0x0 0x40 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x7 0x3 0x3 0x4 0x0 0x0 0xe5 0x41
2022-05-06 17:29:59,932 - {pymodbus.factory:266} - DEBUG - Factory Response[ReadHoldingRegistersResponse: 3]
2022-05-06 17:29:59,932 - {pymodbus.transaction:453} - DEBUG - Adding transaction 64
2022-05-06 17:29:59,933 - {pymodbus.transaction:464} - DEBUG - Getting transaction 64
2022-05-06 17:29:59,933 - {pymodbus.transaction:224} - DEBUG - Changing transaction state from 'PROCESSING REPLY' to 'TRANSACTION_COMPLETE'
2022-05-06 17:29:59,933 - {pymodbus.payload:312} - DEBUG - [0, 58689]
2022-05-06 17:29:59,933 - {pymodbus.payload:368} - DEBUG - [b'\x00\x00', b'\xe5A']
2022-05-06 17:29:59,934 - {} - DEBUG - Saving InverterState(currents=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], power=-221, counter=58689)
2022-05-06 17:29:59,954 - {pymodbus.transaction:374} - DEBUG - Changing transaction state from 'WAITING FOR REPLY' to 'PROCESSING REPLY'
2022-05-06 17:29:59,955 - {pymodbus.transaction:296} - DEBUG - RECV: 0x0 0x40 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x7 0x3 0x3 0x4 0x2 0x47 0xc5 0x55
2022-05-06 17:29:59,955 - {pymodbus.framer.socket_framer:147} - DEBUG - Processing: 0x0 0x40 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x7 0x3 0x3 0x4 0x2 0x47 0xc5 0x55
2022-05-06 17:29:59,955 - {pymodbus.factory:266} - DEBUG - Factory Response[ReadHoldingRegistersResponse: 3]
2022-05-06 17:29:59,956 - {pymodbus.transaction:453} - DEBUG - Adding transaction 64
2022-05-06 17:29:59,956 - {pymodbus.transaction:464} - DEBUG - Getting transaction 64
2022-05-06 17:29:59,956 - {pymodbus.transaction:224} - DEBUG - Changing transaction state from 'PROCESSING REPLY' to 'TRANSACTION_COMPLETE'
2022-05-06 17:29:59,956 - {pymodbus.payload:312} - DEBUG - [583, 50517]
2022-05-06 17:29:59,957 - {pymodbus.payload:368} - DEBUG - [b'\x02G', b'\xc5U']
2022-05-06 17:29:59,957 - {} - DEBUG - Saving InverterState(currents=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], power=-363, counter=38258005)
2022-05-06 17:30:00,015 - {helpermodules.setdata:189} - ERROR - Fehler im setdata-Modul
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/helpermodules/", line 119, in _validate_value
    value = json.loads(str(msg.payload.decode("utf-8")))
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/json/", line 346, in loads
    return _default_decoder.decode(s)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/json/", line 337, in decode
    obj, end = self.raw_decode(s, idx=_w(s, 0).end())
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/json/", line 355, in raw_decode
    raise JSONDecodeError("Expecting value", s, err.value) from None
json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)
2022-05-06 17:30:00,492 - {control.counter:393} - DEBUG - 24000W EVU-Leistung, die noch bezogen werden kann.
2022-05-06 17:30:00,523 - {control.chargepoint:488} - DEBUG - EV-Phasenzahl beschränkt die nutzbaren Phasen auf 3
2022-05-06 17:30:00,527 - {control.chargepoint:506} - DEBUG - Automat. Phasenumschaltung vor Ladestart: Es wird die kleinstmögliche Phasenzahl angenommen. Phasenzahl: 1
2022-05-06 17:30:00,528 - {control.ev:310} - DEBUG - Anpassen der Sollstromstärke an EV-Vorgaben. Sollstromstärke: 1 neue Sollstromstärke: 6
2022-05-06 17:30:00,529 - {control.ev:238} - DEBUG - Änderung der Sollstromstärke :False, Änderung des Lademodus :False
2022-05-06 17:30:00,535 - {control.prepare:277} - DEBUG - LP 13, EV: Tesla (EV-Nr.3): Theoretisch benötigter Strom 6A, Lademodus pv_charging, Submodus: pv_charging, Phasen: 1, Priorität: False, max. Ist-Strom: 0.0
2022-05-06 17:30:00,537 - {control.pv:90} - DEBUG - 298.2W EVU-Überschuss, der für die Regelung verfügbar ist, davon 0W für die Einschaltverzögerung reservierte Leistung.
2022-05-06 17:30:00,541 - {} - DEBUG - all
{'get': {'power': 0}, 'config': {'configured': False}, 'set': {'charging_power_left': 0, 'switch_on_soc_reached': False}}
2022-05-06 17:30:00,543 - {} - DEBUG - all
{'get': {'daily_imported': 2778.0, 'daily_exported': 0, 'power': 0, 'imported': 2320170.0, 'exported': 0}}
2022-05-06 17:30:00,544 - {} - DEBUG - cp13
{'set': {'charging_ev': 3, 'charging_ev_prev': 3, 'autolock_state': 0, 'current': 0, 'energy_to_charge': 0, 'plug_time': '05/06/2022, 16:06:45', 'rfid': None, 'manual_lock': False, 'loadmanagement_available': True, 'required_power': 1380, 'log': {'imported_at_plugtime': 2319169.0, 'timestamp_start_charging': None, 'imported_at_mode_switch': 2320170.0, 'imported_since_mode_switch': 0, 'imported_since_plugged': 1001.0, 'range_charged': 0, 'time_charged': '00:00', 'chargemode_log_entry': '_'}, 'change_ev_permitted': [True, ''], 'phases_to_use': 1, 'charging_ev_data': <control.ev.Ev object at 0x719c2088>}, 'get': {'rfid_timestamp': None, 'rfid': None, 'daily_imported': 2778.0, 'daily_exported': 0, 'plug_state': True, 'charge_state': False, 'power': 0, 'imported': 2320170.0, 'exported': 0, 'connected_vehicle': {'soc_config': {}, 'soc': {'range_charged': 0, 'range_unit': 'km'}, 'info': {'id': 3, 'name': 'Tesla'}, 'config': {'charge_template': 1, 'ev_template': 1, 'chargemode': 'pv_charging', 'priority': False, 'current_plan': None, 'average_consumption': 20}}, 'state_str': None, 'phases_in_use': 1, 'currents': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'voltages': [229.6, 226.9, 229.0], 'daily_yield': 0.0, 'fault_str': 'Kein Fehler.', 'fault_state': 0}, 'config': {'name': 'Gartenhaus', 'type': 'external_openwb', 'ev': 3, 'template': 0, 'connected_phases': 3, 'phase_1': 2, 'auto_phase_switch_hw': True, 'control_pilot_interruption_hw': True, 'id': 13, 'connection_module': {'type': 'external_openwb', 'configuration': {'ip_address': '', 'duo_num': 1}}, 'power_module': {}}}
2022-05-06 17:30:00,544 - {} - DEBUG - cpt0
{'name': 'Standard Ladepunkt-Vorlage', 'autolock': {'wait_for_charging_end': False, 'active': False, 'plans': {}}, 'rfid_enabling': False, 'valid_tags': []}
2022-05-06 17:30:00,545 - {} - DEBUG - all
{'set': {'loadmanagement_active': False, 'home_consumption': 359, 'invalid_home_consumption': 0, 'daily_yield_home_consumption': 16193.300000000745}, 'get': {'hierarchy': [{'id': 7, 'type': 'counter', 'children': [{'id': 9, 'type': 'inverter', 'children': []}, {'id': 10, 'type': 'counter', 'children': []}, {'id': 13, 'type': 'cp', 'children': []}, {'id': 14, 'type': 'counter', 'children': []}, {'id': 15, 'type': 'counter', 'children': []}, {'id': 17, 'type': 'inverter', 'children': []}]}]}}
2022-05-06 17:30:00,546 - {} - DEBUG - counter7
{'set': {'consumption_left': 24000, 'currents_used': [-1.45, 1.43, 0.65]}, 'get': {'daily_exported': 3413.0, 'daily_imported': 12690.300000000745, 'voltages': [228.87, 228.98, 227.32], 'currents': [-1.45, 1.43, 0.65], 'powers': [-326.7, 23.3, 80.2], 'power_factors': [0.99, 0.14, 0.69], 'imported': 32311812.0, 'exported': 71874085.7, 'power': -223.2, 'fault_str': 'Kein Fehler.', 'fault_state': 0}, 'config': {'max_currents': [35, 35, 35], 'max_total_power': 24000}}
2022-05-06 17:30:00,546 - {} - DEBUG - counter10
{'set': {'currents_used': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]}, 'get': {'daily_exported': 0, 'daily_imported': 9.316000000000713, 'fault_str': 'Kein Fehler.', 'fault_state': 0, 'voltages': [230.0, 230.0, 230.0], 'currents': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'powers': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'power_factors': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'imported': 4251.033, 'exported': 0, 'power': 0.0, 'frequency': 50}, 'config': {'max_currents': [16, 16, 16], 'max_total_power': 11000}}
2022-05-06 17:30:00,547 - {} - DEBUG - counter14
{'set': {'currents_used': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]}, 'get': {'daily_exported': 0, 'daily_imported': 0, 'fault_str': 'Kein Fehler.', 'fault_state': 0, 'voltages': [230.0, 230.0, 230.0], 'currents': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'powers': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'power_factors': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'imported': 0, 'exported': 0, 'power': 1.02, 'frequency': 50}, 'config': {'max_currents': [16, 16, 16], 'max_total_power': 11000}}
2022-05-06 17:30:00,548 - {} - DEBUG - counter15
{'set': {'currents_used': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]}, 'get': {'daily_exported': 0, 'daily_imported': 0, 'fault_str': 'Kein Fehler.', 'fault_state': 0, 'voltages': [230.0, 230.0, 230.0], 'currents': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'powers': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'power_factors': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'imported': 0, 'power': 0, 'frequency': 50}, 'config': {'max_currents': [16, 16, 16], 'max_total_power': 11000}}
2022-05-06 17:30:00,548 - {} - DEBUG - ct0
{'name': 'Standard-Ladeprofil-Vorlage', 'disable_after_unplug': False, 'prio': False, 'load_default': False, 'time_charging': {'active': False, 'plans': {}}, 'chargemode': {'selected': 'pv_charging', 'pv_charging': {'min_soc_current': 6, 'min_current': 0, 'feed_in_limit': False, 'min_soc': 0, 'max_soc': 100}, 'scheduled_charging': {'plans': {}}, 'instant_charging': {'current': 16, 'limit': {'selected': 'none', 'soc': 50, 'amount': 22}}}}
2022-05-06 17:30:00,549 - {} - DEBUG - ct1
{'name': 'Tesla', 'disable_after_unplug': False, 'prio': False, 'load_default': False, 'time_charging': {'active': False, 'plans': {}}, 'chargemode': {'selected': 'pv_charging', 'pv_charging': {'min_soc_current': 10, 'min_current': 0, 'feed_in_limit': False, 'min_soc': 0, 'max_soc': 100}, 'scheduled_charging': {'plans': {}}, 'instant_charging': {'current': 16, 'limit': {'selected': 'none', 'soc': 85, 'amount': 10}}}}
2022-05-06 17:30:00,549 - {} - DEBUG - ev0
{'set': {'ev_template': {'name': 'Standard-Fahrzeug-Vorlage', 'max_current_multi_phases': 16, 'max_phases': 3, 'phase_switch_pause': 2, 'prevent_switch_stop': False, 'control_pilot_interruption': False, 'average_consump': 17, 'min_current': 6, 'max_current_one_phase': 32, 'battery_capacity': 82, 'nominal_difference': 2, 'request_interval_charging': 5, 'request_interval_not_charging': 720, 'request_only_plugged': False}}, 'control_parameter': {'required_current': 6, 'phases': 1, 'prio': True, 'timestamp_switch_on_off': None, 'timestamp_auto_phase_switch': '0', 'timestamp_perform_phase_switch': '0', 'submode': 'pv_charging', 'chargemode': 'pv_charging', 'used_amount_instant_charging': 0, 'imported_at_plan_start': 0, 'current_plan': None}, 'name': 'Standard-Fahrzeug', 'charge_template': 0, 'ev_template': 0, 'tag_id': [], 'get': {'soc': 0}}
2022-05-06 17:30:00,550 - {} - DEBUG - ev3
{'set': {'ev_template': {'name': 'Tesla', 'max_current_multi_phases': 16, 'max_phases': 3, 'phase_switch_pause': 2, 'control_pilot_interruption': False, 'control_pilot_interruption_duration': 4, 'average_consump': 20, 'min_current': 6, 'max_current_one_phase': 16, 'battery_capacity': 75, 'nominal_difference': 2, 'soc': {'request_interval_charging': 5, 'request_interval_not_charging': 720, 'request_only_plugged': False}, 'prevent_charge_stop': False, 'prevent_phase_switch': False}}, 'control_parameter': {'required_current': 6, 'phases': 1, 'prio': False, 'timestamp_switch_on_off': None, 'timestamp_auto_phase_switch': None, 'timestamp_perform_phase_switch': None, 'submode': 'pv_charging', 'chargemode': 'pv_charging', 'used_amount_instant_charging': 0, 'imported_at_plan_start': 0, 'current_plan': None}, 'charge_template': 1, 'ev_template': 1, 'name': 'Tesla', 'tag_id': [], 'get': {'soc': 0}}
2022-05-06 17:30:00,550 - {} - DEBUG - et0
{'name': 'Standard-Fahrzeug-Vorlage', 'max_current_multi_phases': 16, 'max_phases': 3, 'phase_switch_pause': 2, 'control_pilot_interruption': False, 'average_consump': 17, 'min_current': 6, 'max_current_one_phase': 32, 'battery_capacity': 82, 'nominal_difference': 2, 'request_interval_charging': 5, 'request_interval_not_charging': 720, 'request_only_plugged': False, 'prevent_charge_stop': False, 'prevent_phase_switch': False}
2022-05-06 17:30:00,554 - {} - DEBUG - et1
{'name': 'Tesla', 'max_current_multi_phases': 16, 'max_phases': 3, 'phase_switch_pause': 2, 'control_pilot_interruption': False, 'control_pilot_interruption_duration': 4, 'average_consump': 20, 'min_current': 6, 'max_current_one_phase': 16, 'battery_capacity': 75, 'nominal_difference': 2, 'soc': {'request_interval_charging': 5, 'request_interval_not_charging': 720, 'request_only_plugged': False}, 'prevent_charge_stop': False, 'prevent_phase_switch': False}
2022-05-06 17:30:00,555 - {} - DEBUG - general
{'grid_protection_active': False, 'chargemode_config': {'instant_charging': {'phases_to_use': 3}, 'pv_charging': {'bat_prio': True, 'switch_on_soc': 60, 'switch_off_soc': 40, 'rundown_power': 1000, 'rundown_soc': 50, 'charging_power_reserve': 200, 'control_range': [-100, 250], 'switch_off_threshold': 500, 'switch_off_delay': 180, 'switch_on_delay': 40, 'switch_on_threshold': 1100, 'feed_in_yield': 0, 'phase_switch_delay': 10, 'phases_to_use': 0}, 'scheduled_charging': {'phases_to_use': 0}, 'standby': {'phases_to_use': 1}, 'phases_to_use': 1, 'time_charging': {'phases_to_use': 3}, 'individual_mode': True, 'unbalanced_load': False, 'unbalanced_load_limit': 18}, 'control_interval': 10, 'extern': False, 'extern_display_mode': 'local', 'external_buttons_hw': False, 'grid_protection_configured': False, 'notifications': {'selected': 'none', 'plug': False, 'start_charging': False, 'stop_charging': False, 'smart_home': False, 'configuration': {}}, 'price_kwh': 0.23, 'range_unit': 'km', 'ripple_control_receiver': {'configured': False}}
2022-05-06 17:30:00,555 - {} - DEBUG - graph
{'config': {'duration': 120}}
2022-05-06 17:30:00,556 - {} - DEBUG - optional
{'et': {'get': {}, 'active': False, 'config': {'max_price': 0, 'provider': {}}}, 'int_display': {'active': False, 'on_if_plugged_in': True, 'pin_active': False, 'pin_code': '0000', 'standby': 60, 'theme': 'cards'}, 'led': {'active': False}, 'active': False, 'max_current': 16, 'rfid': {'active': False}}
2022-05-06 17:30:00,556 - {} - DEBUG - all
{'set': {'overhang_power_left': 298.2, 'available_power': 298.2, 'reserved_evu_overhang': 0, 'released_evu_overhang': 0}, 'get': {'power': -580, 'counter': 38316692, 'daily_yield': 9696, 'monthly_yield': 0, 'yearly_yield': 0}, 'config': {'configured': True}}
2022-05-06 17:30:00,557 - {} - DEBUG - pv9
{'get': {'daily_yield': 5886, 'monthly_yield': 0, 'yearly_yield': 0, 'power': -363, 'counter': 38258005, 'currents': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'fault_str': 'Kein Fehler.', 'fault_state': 0}, 'config': {'max_ac_out': 0}}
2022-05-06 17:30:00,557 - {} - DEBUG - pv17
{'get': {'daily_yield': 3810, 'monthly_yield': 0, 'yearly_yield': 0, 'fault_str': 'Kein Fehler.', 'fault_state': 0, 'power': -221, 'counter': 58689, 'currents': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]}, 'config': {'max_ac_out': 0}}
2022-05-06 17:30:00,558 - {} - DEBUG - system
{'update_in_progress': False, 'perform_update': False, 'boot_done': True, 'ip_address': '', 'dataprotection_acknowledged': True, 'debug_level': 10, 'release_train': 'master', 'lastlivevaluesJson': {'timestamp': 1651850990, 'time': '17:29:50', 'grid': -0.208, 'counter10-power': 0.0, 'counter14-power': 0.001, 'counter15-power': 0.0, 'house-power': 0.37, 'charging-all': 0.0, 'pv-all': -0.577, 'cp13-power': 0.0}, 'version': '1.99.002'}
2022-05-06 17:30:00,558 - {} - DEBUG - 

2022-05-06 17:30:00,559 - {control.algorithm:43} - DEBUG - # Algorithmus-Start
2022-05-06 17:30:00,559 - {control.algorithm:45} - INFO - EVU-Punkt: Leistung[W] -223.2, Ströme[A] [-1.45, 1.43, 0.65]
2022-05-06 17:30:00,560 - {control.algorithm:83} - INFO - ## Überschuss-Ladung über Mindeststrom bei PV-Laden zurücknehmen.
2022-05-06 17:30:00,563 - {control.algorithm:207} - DEBUG - ## Ladung muss nicht wegen aktiven Lastmanagements gestoppt werden.
2022-05-06 17:30:00,565 - {control.algorithm:570} - INFO - ## Zuteilung des Überschusses
2022-05-06 17:30:00,568 - {control.algorithm:598} - DEBUG - Zuteilung für Ladepunkte [13] in Lademodus pv_charging Submodus pv_charging Prio False
2022-05-06 17:30:00,573 - {control.pv:192} - INFO - LP 13: Die Ladung kann nicht gestartet werden, da die Einschaltschwelle (1100W) nicht erreicht wird.
2022-05-06 17:30:00,582 - {control.algorithm:849} - INFO - Keine Ladung an LP13, da das Reduzieren/Abschalten der anderen Ladepunkte nicht ausreicht.
2022-05-06 17:30:00,583 - {control.algorithm:851} - DEBUG - Wiederherstellen des Zustands, bevor LP13 betrachtet wurde.
2022-05-06 17:30:00,585 - {control.algorithm:608} - INFO - ## Zuteilung beendet, da kein Ladepunkt mehr auf Zuteilung wartet.
2022-05-06 17:30:00,586 - {control.algorithm:862} - INFO - ## Übrigen Überschuss verteilen.
2022-05-06 17:30:00,588 - {control.process:22} - DEBUG - # Ladung starten.
2022-05-06 17:30:00,590 - {control.process:107} - INFO - LP13: set current 0 A
2022-05-06 17:30:00,593 - {soc.modules.common.component_context:23} - DEBUG - Update Komponente ['Ladepunkt']
2022-05-06 17:30:00,611 - {control.pv:422} - DEBUG - 298.2W EVU-Überschuss, der für die Regelung verfügbar ist, davon 0W für die Einschaltverzögerung reservierte Leistung.
2022-05-06 17:30:00,612 - {control.counter:412} - DEBUG - 24000W verbleibende EVU-Bezugs-Leistung
2022-05-06 17:30:01,835 - {helpermodules.setdata:189} - ERROR - Fehler im setdata-Modul
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/helpermodules/", line 119, in _validate_value
    value = json.loads(str(msg.payload.decode("utf-8")))
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/json/", line 346, in loads
    return _default_decoder.decode(s)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/json/", line 337, in decode
    obj, end = self.raw_decode(s, idx=_w(s, 0).end())
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/json/", line 355, in raw_decode
    raise JSONDecodeError("Expecting value", s, err.value) from None
json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)
2022-05-06 17:30:03,757 - {helpermodules.setdata:189} - ERROR - Fehler im setdata-Modul
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/helpermodules/", line 119, in _validate_value
    value = json.loads(str(msg.payload.decode("utf-8")))
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/json/", line 346, in loads
    return _default_decoder.decode(s)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/json/", line 337, in decode
    obj, end = self.raw_decode(s, idx=_w(s, 0).end())
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/json/", line 355, in raw_decode
    raise JSONDecodeError("Expecting value", s, err.value) from None
json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)
2022-05-06 17:30:05,695 - {helpermodules.setdata:189} - ERROR - Fehler im setdata-Modul
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/helpermodules/", line 119, in _validate_value
    value = json.loads(str(msg.payload.decode("utf-8")))
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/json/", line 346, in loads
    return _default_decoder.decode(s)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/json/", line 337, in decode
    obj, end = self.raw_decode(s, idx=_w(s, 0).end())
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/json/", line 355, in raw_decode
    raise JSONDecodeError("Expecting value", s, err.value) from None
json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)
2022-05-06 17:30:07,305 - {root:45} - INFO - # ***Start*** 
15,2kWp SMA (SB4000TL-21, SB3.0, STP6.0-SE + BYD HVS, EnergyMeter), openWB Standard+, openWB Pro, Smart #1 (ersetzt den e2008), Tesla Model Y LR.
Beiträge: 1954
Registriert: Mi Jan 29, 2020 10:12 pm

Re: Feedback Alpha 2

Beitrag von mrinas »

Beobachtung zur 1p/3p Umschaltung - eben gab es die Umschaltung von 1p auf 3p, aber nur um dann gleich wieder die Umschaltung auf 1p in die Warteschlange zu setzen. Was sind denn die Schwellwerte hierfür, und werden die während der Wartezeit überprüft und der Wartezustand ggf. gelöscht?
Meine Einspeisung war während der Wartezeit nicht mehr so arg hoch und ist auch permanent weniger geworden, dennoch gab's dann eine Umschaltung, nur damit er dann gleich in den Bezug fällt und wieder zurückschalten will.
Screenshot 2022-05-09 154929.png
Hier mal das ganze Log um den Verlauf nachvollziehen zu können.
(1.51 MiB) 77-mal heruntergeladen
Der externe Ladepunkt ist derzeit durch die KfW Förderung auf 16A begrenzt, daher gibts leider den Leistungssprung von 3600W (16A 1p) auf 4140W (6A 3p).
15,2kWp SMA (SB4000TL-21, SB3.0, STP6.0-SE + BYD HVS, EnergyMeter), openWB Standard+, openWB Pro, Smart #1 (ersetzt den e2008), Tesla Model Y LR.
Beiträge: 3570
Registriert: Di Feb 25, 2020 9:23 am

Re: Feedback Alpha 2

Beitrag von LutzB »

Ich hab mir das Log noch nicht angesehen. Sind beim Ladepunkt und den Einstellungen zum Fahrzeug die richtigen Angaben zu den Phasen hinterlegt? Also weiß die Regelung, dass das Fahrzeug mit 3 Phasen lädt?
Beiträge: 1954
Registriert: Mi Jan 29, 2020 10:12 pm

Re: Feedback Alpha 2

Beitrag von mrinas »

Jup, das passt - Fahrzeugvorlage steht auf 16A und 3 Phasen.
So rein vom Gefühl her würde ich sagen dass die aktuelle Situation im Bereich zwischen 3,6 und 4kW Überschuss zu einem hin- und her führen.
15,2kWp SMA (SB4000TL-21, SB3.0, STP6.0-SE + BYD HVS, EnergyMeter), openWB Standard+, openWB Pro, Smart #1 (ersetzt den e2008), Tesla Model Y LR.
Beiträge: 3570
Registriert: Di Feb 25, 2020 9:23 am

Re: Feedback Alpha 2

Beitrag von LutzB »

Das sollte eigentlich durch die zusätzlichen Angaben berücksichtigt werden. Sehen wir uns an.
Beiträge: 1076
Registriert: Fr Jan 22, 2021 6:40 am

Re: Feedback Alpha 2

Beitrag von LenaK »

mrinas hat geschrieben: Fr Mai 06, 2022 3:09 pm
LenaK hat geschrieben: Fr Mai 06, 2022 1:12 pm Es gab gerade einen Fix für isss. Bitte nochmal den externen Ladepunkt updaten, dann sollten die RFID-Fehlermeldungen verschwinden.

Deine Beobachtung mit der Abschaltschwelle ist richtig, der Fix kommt noch.
mache ich gleich mal.

Jetzt aktuell zickt das PV-gesteuerte Laden leider wieder rum. Überschuss fehlt, mal sehe ich die Meldung für die Abschaltschwelle im Status, dann verschwindet diese wieder. Und abgeschaltet wird nicht.

Über den 500+75W Bezug bin ich eine ganze Weile geblieben. Screenshot 2022-05-06 170818.png

Hier mal ein längerer Auszug aus dem Log über die letzten paar Minuten. pv.txt
Ich habe die Logik der Abschaltschwelle überarbeitet. Damit sollte auch das Problem gelöst sein, dass erst bei 500W+75W abgeschaltet wurde. Die json-Parse-Fehler habe ich auch beseitigt. Also bitte nochmal ein Update von 1.9 und 2.0 machen und beides neustarten.

Das Problem mit der Phasenumschaltung schaue ich mir gleich an.
Beiträge: 1954
Registriert: Mi Jan 29, 2020 10:12 pm

Re: Feedback Alpha 2

Beitrag von mrinas »

LenaK hat geschrieben: Di Mai 10, 2022 5:50 am
mrinas hat geschrieben: Fr Mai 06, 2022 3:09 pm
LenaK hat geschrieben: Fr Mai 06, 2022 1:12 pm Es gab gerade einen Fix für isss. Bitte nochmal den externen Ladepunkt updaten, dann sollten die RFID-Fehlermeldungen verschwinden.

Deine Beobachtung mit der Abschaltschwelle ist richtig, der Fix kommt noch.
mache ich gleich mal.

Jetzt aktuell zickt das PV-gesteuerte Laden leider wieder rum. Überschuss fehlt, mal sehe ich die Meldung für die Abschaltschwelle im Status, dann verschwindet diese wieder. Und abgeschaltet wird nicht.

Über den 500+75W Bezug bin ich eine ganze Weile geblieben. Screenshot 2022-05-06 170818.png

Hier mal ein längerer Auszug aus dem Log über die letzten paar Minuten. pv.txt
Ich habe die Logik der Abschaltschwelle überarbeitet. Damit sollte auch das Problem gelöst sein, dass erst bei 500W+75W abgeschaltet wurde. Die json-Parse-Fehler habe ich auch beseitigt. Also bitte nochmal ein Update von 1.9 und 2.0 machen und beides neustarten.

Das Problem mit der Phasenumschaltung schaue ich mir gleich an.
super, danke Lena!
der Json parser ist nun weg, PV Abschaltung kann ich dann im Laufe des Tages bzw. spätestens heute Abend bereichten.

Heute morgen ging der Ladevorgang wieder mit 3p los, obowohl nur Überschuss für eine vorhanden war. Ich musste fix auf 3p und dann wieder auf 1p stellen um hier eine Änderung zu bewirken, meine Vermutung ist dass das Update des ext. Ladepunkts die Regelung aus dem Tritt bringt?

Mit dem Update der SMA Module gibt's nun von dort leider ein Fehler, es kommen keine aktualisierten Daten von den beiden SMA WR mehr an.

Code: Alles auswählen

2022-05-10 09:12:42,233 - {root:45} - INFO - # ***Start*** 
2022-05-10 09:12:42,239 - {soc.modules.common.component_context:23} - DEBUG - Update Komponente ['Ladepunkt']
2022-05-10 09:12:42,240 - {modules.sma_shm.device:50} - DEBUG - Beginning update
2022-05-10 09:12:42,242 - {soc.modules.common.component_context:50} - DEBUG - Update Komponenten ['EnergyMeter 1.0']
2022-05-10 09:12:42,244 - {modules.sma_modbus_tcp.device:63} - DEBUG - Start device reading {'component9': <modules.sma_modbus_tcp.inverter_modbus_tcp.SmaModbusTcpInverter object at 0x7425ac88>}
2022-05-10 09:12:42,245 - {soc.modules.common.component_context:23} - DEBUG - Update Komponente ['Haus + Garage Nord']
2022-05-10 09:12:42,247 - {modules.http.device:61} - DEBUG - Start device reading {'component10': <modules.http.counter.HttpCounter object at 0x7426dca0>}
2022-05-10 09:12:42,248 - {soc.modules.common.component_context:23} - DEBUG - Update Komponente ['LP1']
2022-05-10 09:12:42,255 - {modules.json.device:58} - DEBUG - Start device reading {'component14': <modules.json.counter.JsonCounter object at 0x74247550>}
2022-05-10 09:12:42,256 - {soc.modules.common.component_context:50} - DEBUG - Update Komponenten ['Pumpe']
2022-05-10 09:12:42,265 - {urllib3.connectionpool:227} - DEBUG - Starting new HTTP connection (1):
2022-05-10 09:12:42,272 - {urllib3.connectionpool:227} - DEBUG - Starting new HTTP connection (1):
2022-05-10 09:12:42,274 - {modules.json.device:58} - DEBUG - Start device reading {'component15': <modules.json.counter.JsonCounter object at 0x7386efe8>}
2022-05-10 09:12:42,275 - {soc.modules.common.component_context:50} - DEBUG - Update Komponenten ['Trockner']
2022-05-10 09:12:42,278 - {pymodbus.client.sync:215} - DEBUG - Connection to Modbus server established. Socket ('', 48477)
2022-05-10 09:12:42,287 - {urllib3.connectionpool:227} - DEBUG - Starting new HTTP connection (1):
2022-05-10 09:12:42,288 - {soc.modules.common.fault_state:37} - ERROR - Haus + Garage Nord: FaultState FaultStateLevel.ERROR, FaultStr <class 'KeyError'> 'version', Traceback: 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/sma_modbus_tcp/", line 68, in update
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/sma_modbus_tcp/", line 38, in update
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/sma_modbus_tcp/", line 42, in read_inverter_state
    if self.component_config["configuration"]["version"] == SmaInverterVersion.default:
KeyError: 'version'

2022-05-10 09:12:42,290 - {modules.sma_modbus_tcp.device:63} - DEBUG - Start device reading {'component17': <modules.sma_modbus_tcp.inverter_modbus_tcp.SmaModbusTcpInverter object at 0x72ec8220>}
2022-05-10 09:12:42,294 - {urllib3.connectionpool:452} - DEBUG - "GET /openWB/ramdisk/lla1 HTTP/1.1" 200 3
2022-05-10 09:12:42,300 - {urllib3.connectionpool:452} - DEBUG - "GET /meter/0 HTTP/1.1" 200 119
2022-05-10 09:12:42,305 - {soc.modules.common.component_context:23} - DEBUG - Update Komponente ['Garage Süd + Gartenhaus']
2022-05-10 09:12:42,312 - {soc.modules.common.req:11} - DEBUG - Get-Response: 6.0
2022-05-10 09:12:42,318 - {soc.modules.common.req:11} - DEBUG - Get-Response: {"power":1.28,"overpower":0.00,"is_valid":true,"timestamp":1652173962,"counters":[1.108, 1.146, 1.122],"total":1105700}
2022-05-10 09:12:42,328 - {modules.http.api:16} - DEBUG - Antwort auf 6.0
2022-05-10 09:12:42,733 - {urllib3.connectionpool:452} - DEBUG - "GET /meter/0 HTTP/1.1" 200 87
2022-05-10 09:12:42,739 - {urllib3.connectionpool:227} - DEBUG - Starting new HTTP connection (1):
2022-05-10 09:12:43,124 - {pymodbus.client.sync:215} - DEBUG - Connection to Modbus server established. Socket ('', 59587)
2022-05-10 09:12:43,126 - {soc.modules.common.component_context:23} - DEBUG - Update Komponente ['EnergyMeter 1.0']
2022-05-10 09:12:43,508 - {} - DEBUG - Saving CounterState(voltages=[230.0, 230.0, 230.0], powers=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], currents=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], power_factors=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], imported=0, exported=0, power=1.28, frequency=50)
2022-05-10 09:12:43,510 - {soc.modules.common.req:11} - DEBUG - Get-Response: {"power":2.30,"is_valid":true,"timestamp":0,"counters":[0.000, 0.000, 0.000],"total":0}
2022-05-10 09:12:43,515 - {soc.modules.common.fault_state:37} - ERROR - Garage Süd + Gartenhaus: FaultState FaultStateLevel.ERROR, FaultStr <class 'KeyError'> 'version', Traceback: 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/sma_modbus_tcp/", line 68, in update
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/sma_modbus_tcp/", line 38, in update
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/sma_modbus_tcp/", line 42, in read_inverter_state
    if self.component_config["configuration"]["version"] == SmaInverterVersion.default:
KeyError: 'version'

2022-05-10 09:12:43,515 - {} - DEBUG - Saving CounterState(voltages=[230.552, 226.681, 229.394], powers=[537.6, -583.1, 81.3], currents=[3.487, -2.823, 0.645], power_factors=[0.732, 0.973, 0.699], imported=32368978.9, exported=71885182.8, power=35.8, frequency=None)
2022-05-10 09:12:44,722 - {} - DEBUG - Saving CounterState(voltages=[230.0, 230.0, 230.0], powers=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], currents=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], power_factors=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], imported=0, exported=None, power=2.3, frequency=50)
2022-05-10 09:12:44,725 - {urllib3.connectionpool:452} - DEBUG - "GET /openWB/ramdisk/lla2 HTTP/1.1" 200 3
2022-05-10 09:12:44,736 - {soc.modules.common.req:11} - DEBUG - Get-Response: 0.0
2022-05-10 09:12:44,734 - {modules.sma_shm.device:67} - DEBUG - All components updated
2022-05-10 09:12:44,740 - {modules.sma_shm.device:58} - DEBUG - Update complete
2022-05-10 09:12:44,736 - {modules.http.api:16} - DEBUG - Antwort auf 0.0
2022-05-10 09:12:44,752 - {urllib3.connectionpool:227} - DEBUG - Starting new HTTP connection (1):
2022-05-10 09:12:44,763 - {urllib3.connectionpool:452} - DEBUG - "GET /openWB/ramdisk/lla3 HTTP/1.1" 200 3
2022-05-10 09:12:44,768 - {soc.modules.common.req:11} - DEBUG - Get-Response: 0.0
2022-05-10 09:12:44,768 - {modules.http.api:16} - DEBUG - Antwort auf 0.0
2022-05-10 09:12:44,783 - {urllib3.connectionpool:227} - DEBUG - Starting new HTTP connection (1):
2022-05-10 09:12:44,790 - {urllib3.connectionpool:452} - DEBUG - "GET /openWB/ramdisk/llkwh HTTP/1.1" 200 8
2022-05-10 09:12:44,793 - {soc.modules.common.req:11} - DEBUG - Get-Response: 4295.885
2022-05-10 09:12:44,794 - {modules.http.api:16} - DEBUG - Antwort auf 4295.885
2022-05-10 09:12:44,800 - {urllib3.connectionpool:227} - DEBUG - Starting new HTTP connection (1):
2022-05-10 09:12:44,808 - {urllib3.connectionpool:452} - DEBUG - "GET /openWB/ramdisk/llaktuell HTTP/1.1" 200 4
2022-05-10 09:12:44,811 - {soc.modules.common.req:11} - DEBUG - Get-Response: 1289
2022-05-10 09:12:44,812 - {modules.http.api:16} - DEBUG - Antwort auf 1289
2022-05-10 09:12:44,814 - {} - DEBUG - Saving CounterState(voltages=[230.0, 230.0, 230.0], powers=[1380.0, 0.0, 0.0], currents=[6.0, 0.0, 0.0], power_factors=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], imported=4295.885, exported=0, power=1289.0, frequency=50)
2022-05-10 09:12:45,353 - {control.counter:393} - DEBUG - 23964.2W EVU-Leistung, die noch bezogen werden kann.
2022-05-10 09:12:45,364 - {control.chargepoint:488} - DEBUG - EV-Phasenzahl beschränkt die nutzbaren Phasen auf 3
2022-05-10 09:12:45,365 - {control.chargepoint:506} - DEBUG - Automat. Phasenumschaltung vor Ladestart: Es wird die kleinstmögliche Phasenzahl angenommen. Phasenzahl: 1
2022-05-10 09:12:45,366 - {control.ev:310} - DEBUG - Anpassen der Sollstromstärke an EV-Vorgaben. Sollstromstärke: 1 neue Sollstromstärke: 6
2022-05-10 09:12:45,366 - {control.ev:238} - DEBUG - Änderung der Sollstromstärke :False, Änderung des Lademodus :False
2022-05-10 09:12:45,377 - {control.prepare:277} - DEBUG - LP 13, EV: Tesla (EV-Nr.3): Theoretisch benötigter Strom 6A, Lademodus pv_charging, Submodus: pv_charging, Phasen: 1, Priorität: False, max. Ist-Strom: 0.0
2022-05-10 09:12:45,380 - {control.pv:90} - DEBUG - 0W EVU-Überschuss, der für die Regelung verfügbar ist, davon 0W für die Einschaltverzögerung reservierte Leistung.
2022-05-10 09:12:45,385 - {} - DEBUG - all
{'get': {'power': 0}, 'config': {'configured': False}, 'set': {'charging_power_left': 0, 'switch_on_soc_reached': False}}
2022-05-10 09:12:45,386 - {} - DEBUG - all
{'get': {'daily_imported': 0.0, 'daily_exported': 0, 'power': 0, 'imported': 2337726.0, 'exported': 0}}
2022-05-10 09:12:45,387 - {} - DEBUG - cp13
{'set': {'charging_ev': 3, 'charging_ev_prev': -1, 'autolock_state': 0, 'current': 0, 'energy_to_charge': 0, 'plug_time': '05/10/2022, 09:08:55', 'rfid': None, 'manual_lock': False, 'loadmanagement_available': True, 'required_power': 1380, 'log': {'imported_at_plugtime': 2337726.0, 'timestamp_start_charging': None, 'imported_at_mode_switch': 2337726.0, 'imported_since_mode_switch': 0, 'imported_since_plugged': 0.0, 'range_charged': 0, 'time_charged': '00:00', 'chargemode_log_entry': '_'}, 'change_ev_permitted': [True, ''], 'phases_to_use': 1, 'charging_ev_data': <control.ev.Ev object at 0x72e51e08>}, 'get': {'rfid_timestamp': None, 'rfid': None, 'daily_imported': 0.0, 'daily_exported': 0, 'plug_state': True, 'charge_state': False, 'power': 0, 'imported': 2337726.0, 'exported': 0, 'connected_vehicle': {'soc_config': {}, 'soc': {'range_charged': 0, 'range_unit': 'km'}, 'info': {'id': 3, 'name': 'Tesla'}, 'config': {'charge_template': 1, 'ev_template': 1, 'chargemode': 'pv_charging', 'priority': False, 'current_plan': None, 'average_consumption': 20}}, 'state_str': None, 'phases_in_use': 1, 'currents': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'voltages': [228.3, 229.6, 229.2], 'daily_yield': 0.0, 'fault_str': 'Kein Fehler.', 'fault_state': 0}, 'config': {'name': 'Gartenhaus', 'type': 'external_openwb', 'ev': 3, 'template': 0, 'connected_phases': 3, 'phase_1': 2, 'auto_phase_switch_hw': True, 'control_pilot_interruption_hw': True, 'id': 13, 'connection_module': {'type': 'external_openwb', 'configuration': {'ip_address': '', 'duo_num': 1}}, 'power_module': {}}}
2022-05-10 09:12:45,388 - {} - DEBUG - cpt0
{'name': 'Standard Ladepunkt-Vorlage', 'autolock': {'wait_for_charging_end': False, 'active': False, 'plans': {}}, 'rfid_enabling': False, 'valid_tags': []}
2022-05-10 09:12:45,388 - {} - DEBUG - all
{'set': {'loadmanagement_active': False, 'home_consumption': 223, 'invalid_home_consumption': 0, 'daily_yield_home_consumption': 9173.300000000745}, 'get': {'hierarchy': [{'id': 7, 'type': 'counter', 'children': [{'id': 9, 'type': 'inverter', 'children': []}, {'id': 10, 'type': 'counter', 'children': []}, {'id': 13, 'type': 'cp', 'children': []}, {'id': 14, 'type': 'counter', 'children': []}, {'id': 15, 'type': 'counter', 'children': []}, {'id': 17, 'type': 'inverter', 'children': []}]}]}}
2022-05-10 09:12:45,389 - {} - DEBUG - counter7
{'set': {'consumption_left': 23964.2, 'currents_used': [3.49, -2.82, 0.65]}, 'get': {'daily_exported': 356.5, 'daily_imported': 8481.800000000745, 'voltages': [230.55, 226.68, 229.39], 'currents': [3.49, -2.82, 0.65], 'powers': [537.6, -583.1, 81.3], 'power_factors': [0.73, 0.97, 0.7], 'imported': 32368978.9, 'exported': 71885182.8, 'power': 35.8, 'fault_str': 'Kein Fehler.', 'fault_state': 0}, 'config': {'max_currents': [35, 35, 35], 'max_total_power': 24000}}
2022-05-10 09:12:45,390 - {} - DEBUG - counter10
{'set': {'currents_used': [6.0, 0.0, 0.0]}, 'get': {'daily_exported': 0, 'daily_imported': 6.631999999999607, 'fault_str': 'Kein Fehler.', 'fault_state': 0, 'voltages': [230.0, 230.0, 230.0], 'currents': [6.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'powers': [1380.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'power_factors': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'imported': 4295.885, 'exported': 0, 'power': 1289.0, 'frequency': 50}, 'config': {'max_currents': [16, 16, 16], 'max_total_power': 11000}}
2022-05-10 09:12:45,391 - {} - DEBUG - counter14
{'set': {'currents_used': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]}, 'get': {'daily_exported': 0, 'daily_imported': 0, 'fault_str': 'Kein Fehler.', 'fault_state': 0, 'voltages': [230.0, 230.0, 230.0], 'currents': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'powers': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'power_factors': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'imported': 0, 'exported': 0, 'power': 1.28, 'frequency': 50}, 'config': {'max_currents': [16, 16, 16], 'max_total_power': 11000}}
2022-05-10 09:12:45,391 - {} - DEBUG - counter15
{'set': {'currents_used': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]}, 'get': {'daily_exported': 0, 'daily_imported': 0, 'fault_str': 'Kein Fehler.', 'fault_state': 0, 'voltages': [230.0, 230.0, 230.0], 'currents': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'powers': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'power_factors': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'imported': 0, 'power': 2.3, 'frequency': 50}, 'config': {'max_currents': [16, 16, 16], 'max_total_power': 11000}}
2022-05-10 09:12:45,392 - {} - DEBUG - ct0
{'name': 'Standard-Ladeprofil-Vorlage', 'disable_after_unplug': False, 'prio': False, 'load_default': False, 'time_charging': {'active': False, 'plans': {}}, 'chargemode': {'selected': 'pv_charging', 'pv_charging': {'min_soc_current': 6, 'min_current': 0, 'feed_in_limit': False, 'min_soc': 0, 'max_soc': 100}, 'scheduled_charging': {'plans': {}}, 'instant_charging': {'current': 16, 'limit': {'selected': 'none', 'soc': 50, 'amount': 22}}}}
2022-05-10 09:12:45,393 - {} - DEBUG - ct1
{'name': 'Tesla', 'disable_after_unplug': False, 'prio': False, 'load_default': False, 'time_charging': {'active': False, 'plans': {}}, 'chargemode': {'selected': 'pv_charging', 'pv_charging': {'min_soc_current': 10, 'min_current': 0, 'feed_in_limit': False, 'min_soc': 0, 'max_soc': 100}, 'scheduled_charging': {'plans': {}}, 'instant_charging': {'current': 16, 'limit': {'selected': 'none', 'soc': 85, 'amount': 10}}}}
2022-05-10 09:12:45,393 - {} - DEBUG - ev0
{'set': {'ev_template': {'name': 'Standard-Fahrzeug-Vorlage', 'max_current_multi_phases': 16, 'max_phases': 3, 'phase_switch_pause': 2, 'prevent_switch_stop': False, 'control_pilot_interruption': False, 'average_consump': 17, 'min_current': 6, 'max_current_one_phase': 32, 'battery_capacity': 82, 'nominal_difference': 2, 'request_interval_charging': 5, 'request_interval_not_charging': 720, 'request_only_plugged': False}}, 'control_parameter': {'required_current': 6, 'phases': 1, 'prio': True, 'timestamp_switch_on_off': None, 'timestamp_auto_phase_switch': '0', 'timestamp_perform_phase_switch': '0', 'submode': 'pv_charging', 'chargemode': 'pv_charging', 'used_amount_instant_charging': 0, 'imported_at_plan_start': 0, 'current_plan': None}, 'name': 'Standard-Fahrzeug', 'charge_template': 0, 'ev_template': 0, 'tag_id': [], 'get': {'soc': 0}}
2022-05-10 09:12:45,394 - {} - DEBUG - ev3
{'set': {'ev_template': {'name': 'Tesla', 'max_current_multi_phases': 16, 'max_phases': 3, 'phase_switch_pause': 2, 'control_pilot_interruption': False, 'control_pilot_interruption_duration': 4, 'average_consump': 20, 'min_current': 6, 'max_current_one_phase': 16, 'battery_capacity': 75, 'nominal_difference': 2, 'soc': {'request_interval_charging': 5, 'request_interval_not_charging': 720, 'request_only_plugged': False}, 'prevent_charge_stop': False, 'prevent_phase_switch': False}}, 'control_parameter': {'required_current': 6, 'phases': 1, 'prio': False, 'timestamp_switch_on_off': None, 'timestamp_auto_phase_switch': None, 'timestamp_perform_phase_switch': None, 'submode': 'pv_charging', 'chargemode': 'pv_charging', 'used_amount_instant_charging': 0, 'imported_at_plan_start': 0, 'current_plan': None}, 'charge_template': 1, 'ev_template': 1, 'name': 'Tesla', 'tag_id': [], 'get': {'soc': 0}}
2022-05-10 09:12:45,394 - {} - DEBUG - et0
{'name': 'Standard-Fahrzeug-Vorlage', 'max_current_multi_phases': 16, 'max_phases': 3, 'phase_switch_pause': 2, 'control_pilot_interruption': False, 'average_consump': 17, 'min_current': 6, 'max_current_one_phase': 32, 'battery_capacity': 82, 'nominal_difference': 2, 'request_interval_charging': 5, 'request_interval_not_charging': 720, 'request_only_plugged': False, 'prevent_charge_stop': False, 'prevent_phase_switch': False}
2022-05-10 09:12:45,406 - {} - DEBUG - et1
{'name': 'Tesla', 'max_current_multi_phases': 16, 'max_phases': 3, 'phase_switch_pause': 2, 'control_pilot_interruption': False, 'control_pilot_interruption_duration': 4, 'average_consump': 20, 'min_current': 6, 'max_current_one_phase': 16, 'battery_capacity': 75, 'nominal_difference': 2, 'soc': {'request_interval_charging': 5, 'request_interval_not_charging': 720, 'request_only_plugged': False}, 'prevent_charge_stop': False, 'prevent_phase_switch': False}
2022-05-10 09:12:45,407 - {} - DEBUG - general
{'grid_protection_active': False, 'chargemode_config': {'instant_charging': {'phases_to_use': 3}, 'pv_charging': {'bat_prio': True, 'switch_on_soc': 60, 'switch_off_soc': 40, 'rundown_power': 1000, 'rundown_soc': 50, 'charging_power_reserve': 200, 'control_range': [-100, 250], 'switch_off_threshold': 500, 'switch_off_delay': 180, 'switch_on_delay': 40, 'switch_on_threshold': 1100, 'feed_in_yield': 0, 'phase_switch_delay': 10, 'phases_to_use': 0}, 'scheduled_charging': {'phases_to_use': 0}, 'standby': {'phases_to_use': 1}, 'phases_to_use': 1, 'time_charging': {'phases_to_use': 3}, 'individual_mode': True, 'unbalanced_load': False, 'unbalanced_load_limit': 18}, 'control_interval': 10, 'extern': False, 'extern_display_mode': 'local', 'external_buttons_hw': False, 'grid_protection_configured': False, 'notifications': {'selected': 'none', 'plug': False, 'start_charging': False, 'stop_charging': False, 'smart_home': False, 'configuration': {}}, 'price_kwh': 0.23, 'range_unit': 'km', 'ripple_control_receiver': {'configured': False}}
2022-05-10 09:12:45,407 - {} - DEBUG - graph
{'config': {'duration': 120}}
2022-05-10 09:12:45,408 - {} - DEBUG - optional
{'et': {'get': {}, 'active': False, 'config': {'max_price': 0, 'provider': {}}}, 'int_display': {'active': False, 'on_if_plugged_in': True, 'pin_active': False, 'pin_code': '0000', 'standby': 60, 'theme': 'cards'}, 'led': {'active': False}, 'active': False, 'max_current': 16, 'rfid': {'active': False}}
2022-05-10 09:12:45,408 - {} - DEBUG - all
{'set': {'overhang_power_left': 0, 'available_power': 0, 'reserved_evu_overhang': 0, 'released_evu_overhang': 0}, 'get': {'power': -1480, 'counter': 38382688, 'daily_yield': 1048, 'monthly_yield': 0, 'yearly_yield': 0}, 'config': {'configured': True}}
2022-05-10 09:12:45,409 - {} - DEBUG - pv9
{'get': {'daily_yield': 672, 'monthly_yield': 0, 'yearly_yield': 0, 'power': -716, 'counter': 38296666, 'currents': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'fault_str': "<class 'KeyError'> 'version'", 'fault_state': 2}, 'config': {'max_ac_out': 0}}
2022-05-10 09:12:45,409 - {} - DEBUG - pv17
{'get': {'daily_yield': 376, 'monthly_yield': 0, 'yearly_yield': 0, 'fault_str': "<class 'KeyError'> 'version'", 'fault_state': 2, 'power': -764, 'counter': 86022, 'currents': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]}, 'config': {'max_ac_out': 0}}
2022-05-10 09:12:45,410 - {} - DEBUG - system
{'update_in_progress': False, 'perform_update': False, 'boot_done': True, 'ip_address': '', 'dataprotection_acknowledged': True, 'debug_level': 10, 'release_train': 'master', 'lastlivevaluesJson': {'timestamp': 1652166755, 'time': '09:12:35', 'grid': 0.172, 'counter10-power': 1.226, 'counter14-power': 0.001, 'counter15-power': 0.002, 'house-power': 0.422, 'charging-all': 0.0, 'pv-all': -1.48, 'cp13-power': 0.0}, 'version': '1.99.002'}
2022-05-10 09:12:45,410 - {} - DEBUG - 

2022-05-10 09:12:45,411 - {control.algorithm:43} - DEBUG - # Algorithmus-Start
2022-05-10 09:12:45,412 - {control.algorithm:45} - INFO - EVU-Punkt: Leistung[W] 35.8, Ströme[A] [3.49, -2.82, 0.65]
2022-05-10 09:12:45,412 - {control.algorithm:83} - INFO - ## Überschuss-Ladung über Mindeststrom bei PV-Laden zurücknehmen.
2022-05-10 09:12:45,415 - {control.algorithm:207} - DEBUG - ## Ladung muss nicht wegen aktiven Lastmanagements gestoppt werden.
2022-05-10 09:12:45,418 - {control.algorithm:573} - INFO - ## Zuteilung des Überschusses
2022-05-10 09:12:45,420 - {control.algorithm:601} - DEBUG - Zuteilung für Ladepunkte [13] in Lademodus pv_charging Submodus pv_charging Prio False
2022-05-10 09:12:45,421 - {control.pv:192} - INFO - LP 13: Die Ladung kann nicht gestartet werden, da die Einschaltschwelle (1100W) nicht erreicht wird.
2022-05-10 09:12:45,430 - {control.algorithm:852} - INFO - Keine Ladung an LP13, da das Reduzieren/Abschalten der anderen Ladepunkte nicht ausreicht.
2022-05-10 09:12:45,431 - {control.algorithm:854} - DEBUG - Wiederherstellen des Zustands, bevor LP13 betrachtet wurde.
2022-05-10 09:12:45,441 - {control.algorithm:611} - INFO - ## Zuteilung beendet, da kein Ladepunkt mehr auf Zuteilung wartet.
2022-05-10 09:12:45,443 - {control.algorithm:865} - INFO - ## Übrigen Überschuss verteilen.
2022-05-10 09:12:45,457 - {control.process:22} - DEBUG - # Ladung starten.
2022-05-10 09:12:45,465 - {control.process:107} - INFO - LP13: set current 0 A
2022-05-10 09:12:45,467 - {soc.modules.common.component_context:23} - DEBUG - Update Komponente ['Ladepunkt']
2022-05-10 09:12:45,486 - {control.pv:422} - DEBUG - 0W EVU-Überschuss, der für die Regelung verfügbar ist, davon 0W für die Einschaltverzögerung reservierte Leistung.
2022-05-10 09:12:45,488 - {control.counter:412} - DEBUG - 23964.2W verbleibende EVU-Bezugs-Leistung
2022-05-10 09:12:52,233 - {root:45} - INFO - # ***Start*** 
15,2kWp SMA (SB4000TL-21, SB3.0, STP6.0-SE + BYD HVS, EnergyMeter), openWB Standard+, openWB Pro, Smart #1 (ersetzt den e2008), Tesla Model Y LR.
Beiträge: 1076
Registriert: Fr Jan 22, 2021 6:40 am

Re: Feedback Alpha 2

Beitrag von LenaK »

Die Konfiguration des SMA WR wurde verändert. Am einfachsten ist es, wenn Du die WR löschen und nochmal neu anlegen könntest.
Beiträge: 1954
Registriert: Mi Jan 29, 2020 10:12 pm

Re: Feedback Alpha 2

Beitrag von mrinas »

[Update] Fehler gefunden.
ja, die Fehlermeldung hat sich nun verändert ;)

Im SMA Modul fehlt in '' in Zeile 42 und 47 ein .version bei SmaInverterVersion.... Stell' gleich mal einen PR ein.
15,2kWp SMA (SB4000TL-21, SB3.0, STP6.0-SE + BYD HVS, EnergyMeter), openWB Standard+, openWB Pro, Smart #1 (ersetzt den e2008), Tesla Model Y LR.
Beiträge: 1954
Registriert: Mi Jan 29, 2020 10:12 pm

Re: Feedback Alpha 2

Beitrag von mrinas »

LenaK hat geschrieben: Di Mai 10, 2022 5:50 am
mrinas hat geschrieben: Fr Mai 06, 2022 3:09 pm
LenaK hat geschrieben: Fr Mai 06, 2022 1:12 pm Es gab gerade einen Fix für isss. Bitte nochmal den externen Ladepunkt updaten, dann sollten die RFID-Fehlermeldungen verschwinden.

Deine Beobachtung mit der Abschaltschwelle ist richtig, der Fix kommt noch.
mache ich gleich mal.

Jetzt aktuell zickt das PV-gesteuerte Laden leider wieder rum. Überschuss fehlt, mal sehe ich die Meldung für die Abschaltschwelle im Status, dann verschwindet diese wieder. Und abgeschaltet wird nicht.

Über den 500+75W Bezug bin ich eine ganze Weile geblieben. Screenshot 2022-05-06 170818.png

Hier mal ein längerer Auszug aus dem Log über die letzten paar Minuten. pv.txt
Ich habe die Logik der Abschaltschwelle überarbeitet. Damit sollte auch das Problem gelöst sein, dass erst bei 500W+75W abgeschaltet wurde. Die json-Parse-Fehler habe ich auch beseitigt. Also bitte nochmal ein Update von 1.9 und 2.0 machen und beides neustarten.

Das Problem mit der Phasenumschaltung schaue ich mir gleich an.
Ich würde sagen dass das mit der PV-Abschaltschwelle nun passt, danke Lena!
Screenshot 2022-05-10 181816.png
Hab' zwar den genauen Zeitpunkt verpasst ums Live zu verfolgen, aber das Chart sieht deutlich besser aus.
15,2kWp SMA (SB4000TL-21, SB3.0, STP6.0-SE + BYD HVS, EnergyMeter), openWB Standard+, openWB Pro, Smart #1 (ersetzt den e2008), Tesla Model Y LR.