Feedback Alpha 2

Fragen zur Nutzung, Features, usw..
Beiträge: 2018
Registriert: Mi Jan 29, 2020 10:12 pm

Re: Feedback Alpha 2

Beitrag von mrinas »

LutzB hat geschrieben: Fr Mär 25, 2022 4:27 pm Dann nimm mal diesen Wert für das Topic:

Code: Alles auswählen

[{"text":"kein Modul","value":null}]
Ich glaube das Select Element benötigt zwingend mindestens eine Auswahlmöglichkeit.

Alternativ könnte auch noch ein Konfigurationstopic fehlen:
Hat leider beides nicht geholfen.
15,2kWp SMA (SB4000TL-21, SB3.0, STP6.0-SE + BYD HVS, EnergyMeter), openWB Standard+, openWB Pro, Smart #1 (ersetzt den e2008), Tesla Model Y LR.
Beiträge: 3586
Registriert: Di Feb 25, 2020 9:23 am

Re: Feedback Alpha 2

Beitrag von LutzB »

Dann musst Du das Wochenende abwarten. Komm bis Montag nicht mehr an meinen Entwicklungs-Pi.
Beiträge: 2018
Registriert: Mi Jan 29, 2020 10:12 pm

Re: Feedback Alpha 2

Beitrag von mrinas »

Alles gut, eilt ja mal überhaupt nicht. Dafür ists ja eine Alpha. Wenn ich Probleme bekommen sollte kann ich den Ladepunkt ja fix auf die 1.9er umhängen.
15,2kWp SMA (SB4000TL-21, SB3.0, STP6.0-SE + BYD HVS, EnergyMeter), openWB Standard+, openWB Pro, Smart #1 (ersetzt den e2008), Tesla Model Y LR.
Beiträge: 3586
Registriert: Di Feb 25, 2020 9:23 am

Re: Feedback Alpha 2

Beitrag von LutzB »

Bei mir reicht es, wenn folgendes Topic angelegt wird: "mqtt.openWB/vehicle/0/soc_module/config"
Die "0" bitte mit der ID jedes Fahrzeugs ersetzen.
Der Wert muss mindestens ein leeres Objekt sein "{}". Alternativ auch mit folgendem Inhalt:

Code: Alles auswählen

Auch hier die "id" wieder durch die Fahrzeug-ID ersetzen.

Anpassung im Backend kommt noch, da besprechen wir gerade, wie es im Detail umgesetzt wird.
Beiträge: 2018
Registriert: Mi Jan 29, 2020 10:12 pm

Re: Feedback Alpha 2

Beitrag von mrinas »

jup, so klappt das nun. Leeres Array hat nicht geklappt, mit angepasster ID ging es dann sofort.
Screenshot 2022-03-28 123802.png
15,2kWp SMA (SB4000TL-21, SB3.0, STP6.0-SE + BYD HVS, EnergyMeter), openWB Standard+, openWB Pro, Smart #1 (ersetzt den e2008), Tesla Model Y LR.
Beiträge: 2018
Registriert: Mi Jan 29, 2020 10:12 pm

Re: Feedback Alpha 2

Beitrag von mrinas »

ich hab' aktuell wieder den Zustand dass die Ladung trotz mangelndem Überschuss nicht gestoppt wird, diesmal war ich mit den Logs schnell genug.

Abschaltschwelle ist auf 500W konfiguriert, diese wurden dauerhaft überschritten, dennoch gibts es keine Meldung dass der Timer zur Abschaltung läuft.
Screenshot 2022-03-28 124212.png

Code: Alles auswählen

2022-03-28 12:40:02,190 - {root:41} - INFO - # ***Start*** 
2022-03-28 12:40:02,196 - {modules.common.component_context:23} - DEBUG - Update Komponente ['Ladepunkt']
2022-03-28 12:40:02,197 - {modules.sma_shm.device:50} - DEBUG - Beginning update
2022-03-28 12:40:02,199 - {modules.sma_modbus_tcp.device:61} - DEBUG - Start device reading {'component9': <modules.sma_modbus_tcp.inverter_modbus_tcp.SmaModbusTcpInverter object at 0x75fc66d0>}
2022-03-28 12:40:02,200 - {modules.common.component_context:50} - DEBUG - Update Komponenten ['EnergyMeter 1.0']
2022-03-28 12:40:02,202 - {modules.http.device:62} - DEBUG - Start device reading {'component10': <modules.http.counter.HttpCounter object at 0x734f6328>}
2022-03-28 12:40:02,202 - {modules.common.component_context:23} - DEBUG - Update Komponente ['PV1']
2022-03-28 12:40:02,206 - {modules.common.component_context:23} - DEBUG - Update Komponente ['LP1']
2022-03-28 12:40:02,207 - {modules.sma_modbus_tcp.inverter_modbus_tcp:37} - DEBUG - Komponente PV1 auslesen.
2022-03-28 12:40:02,208 - {modules.json.device:58} - DEBUG - Start device reading {'component14': <modules.json.counter.JsonCounter object at 0x734fc820>}
2022-03-28 12:40:02,219 - {urllib3.connectionpool:227} - DEBUG - Starting new HTTP connection (1):
2022-03-28 12:40:02,221 - {modules.common.component_context:50} - DEBUG - Update Komponenten ['Pumpe']
2022-03-28 12:40:02,224 - {pymodbus.client.sync:215} - DEBUG - Connection to Modbus server established. Socket ('', 33779)
2022-03-28 12:40:02,230 - {urllib3.connectionpool:452} - DEBUG - "GET /openWB/ramdisk/lla1 HTTP/1.1" 200 3
2022-03-28 12:40:02,233 - {pymodbus.transaction:139} - DEBUG - Current transaction state - TRANSACTION_COMPLETE
2022-03-28 12:40:02,240 - {urllib3.connectionpool:227} - DEBUG - Starting new HTTP connection (1):
2022-03-28 12:40:02,243 - {modules.common.req:11} - DEBUG - Get-Response: 0.0
2022-03-28 12:40:02,244 - {pymodbus.transaction:144} - DEBUG - Running transaction 1617
2022-03-28 12:40:02,249 - {modules.http.api:16} - DEBUG - Antwort auf 0.0
2022-03-28 12:40:02,251 - {pymodbus.transaction:272} - DEBUG - SEND: 0x6 0x51 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x6 0x3 0x3 0x78 0x37 0x0 0x2
2022-03-28 12:40:02,257 - {pymodbus.client.sync:76} - DEBUG - New Transaction state 'SENDING'
2022-03-28 12:40:02,267 - {urllib3.connectionpool:227} - DEBUG - Starting new HTTP connection (1):
2022-03-28 12:40:02,270 - {pymodbus.transaction:286} - DEBUG - Changing transaction state from 'SENDING' to 'WAITING FOR REPLY'
2022-03-28 12:40:02,272 - {urllib3.connectionpool:452} - DEBUG - "GET /meter/0 HTTP/1.1" 200 118
2022-03-28 12:40:02,281 - {modules.common.req:11} - DEBUG - Get-Response: {"power":1.13,"overpower":0.00,"is_valid":true,"timestamp":1648471202,"counters":[1.116, 1.123, 1.122],"total":209564}
2022-03-28 12:40:02,676 - {urllib3.connectionpool:452} - DEBUG - "GET /openWB/ramdisk/lla2 HTTP/1.1" 200 3
2022-03-28 12:40:03,067 - {modules.common.component_context:23} - DEBUG - Update Komponente ['EnergyMeter 1.0']
2022-03-28 12:40:03,456 - {modules.common.req:11} - DEBUG - Get-Response: 0.0
2022-03-28 12:40:03,457 - {} - DEBUG - Saving CounterState(voltages=[230.0, 230.0, 230.0], powers=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], currents=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], power_factors=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], imported=209564, exported=0, power=1.13, frequency=50)
2022-03-28 12:40:03,458 - {pymodbus.transaction:374} - DEBUG - Changing transaction state from 'WAITING FOR REPLY' to 'PROCESSING REPLY'
2022-03-28 12:40:03,458 - {} - DEBUG - Saving CounterState(voltages=[231.339, 226.795, 228.258], powers=[-101.7, 330.0, 1518.1], currents=[-3.409, 1.675, 6.701], power_factors=[0.14, 0.892, 0.999], imported=31683201.2, exported=71694629.2, power=1746.5, frequency=None)
2022-03-28 12:40:03,459 - {modules.http.api:16} - DEBUG - Antwort auf 0.0
2022-03-28 12:40:03,468 - {pymodbus.transaction:296} - DEBUG - RECV: 0x6 0x51 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x7 0x3 0x3 0x4 0x0 0x0 0xa 0xc3
2022-03-28 12:40:03,480 - {urllib3.connectionpool:227} - DEBUG - Starting new HTTP connection (1):
2022-03-28 12:40:03,482 - {pymodbus.framer.socket_framer:147} - DEBUG - Processing: 0x6 0x51 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x7 0x3 0x3 0x4 0x0 0x0 0xa 0xc3
2022-03-28 12:40:03,483 - {modules.sma_shm.device:67} - DEBUG - All components updated
2022-03-28 12:40:03,485 - {pymodbus.factory:266} - DEBUG - Factory Response[ReadHoldingRegistersResponse: 3]
2022-03-28 12:40:03,486 - {modules.sma_shm.device:58} - DEBUG - Update complete
2022-03-28 12:40:03,487 - {pymodbus.transaction:453} - DEBUG - Adding transaction 1617
2022-03-28 12:40:03,489 - {pymodbus.transaction:464} - DEBUG - Getting transaction 1617
2022-03-28 12:40:03,489 - {pymodbus.transaction:224} - DEBUG - Changing transaction state from 'PROCESSING REPLY' to 'TRANSACTION_COMPLETE'
2022-03-28 12:40:03,490 - {pymodbus.payload:312} - DEBUG - [0, 2755]
2022-03-28 12:40:03,490 - {pymodbus.payload:368} - DEBUG - [b'\x00\x00', b'\n\xc3']
2022-03-28 12:40:03,490 - {pymodbus.transaction:139} - DEBUG - Current transaction state - TRANSACTION_COMPLETE
2022-03-28 12:40:03,491 - {pymodbus.transaction:144} - DEBUG - Running transaction 1618
2022-03-28 12:40:03,491 - {pymodbus.transaction:272} - DEBUG - SEND: 0x6 0x52 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x6 0x3 0x3 0x77 0x41 0x0 0x2
2022-03-28 12:40:03,491 - {pymodbus.client.sync:76} - DEBUG - New Transaction state 'SENDING'
2022-03-28 12:40:03,492 - {urllib3.connectionpool:452} - DEBUG - "GET /openWB/ramdisk/lla3 HTTP/1.1" 200 3
2022-03-28 12:40:03,494 - {modules.common.req:11} - DEBUG - Get-Response: 0.0
2022-03-28 12:40:03,494 - {modules.http.api:16} - DEBUG - Antwort auf 0.0
2022-03-28 12:40:03,500 - {urllib3.connectionpool:227} - DEBUG - Starting new HTTP connection (1):
2022-03-28 12:40:03,502 - {pymodbus.transaction:286} - DEBUG - Changing transaction state from 'SENDING' to 'WAITING FOR REPLY'
2022-03-28 12:40:03,507 - {urllib3.connectionpool:452} - DEBUG - "GET /openWB/ramdisk/llkwh HTTP/1.1" 200 8
2022-03-28 12:40:03,509 - {modules.common.req:11} - DEBUG - Get-Response: 3983.933
2022-03-28 12:40:03,510 - {modules.http.api:16} - DEBUG - Antwort auf 3983.933
2022-03-28 12:40:03,515 - {urllib3.connectionpool:227} - DEBUG - Starting new HTTP connection (1):
2022-03-28 12:40:03,521 - {urllib3.connectionpool:452} - DEBUG - "GET /openWB/ramdisk/llkwhlp8 HTTP/1.1" 200 2
2022-03-28 12:40:03,523 - {modules.common.req:11} - DEBUG - Get-Response: 0

2022-03-28 12:40:03,524 - {modules.http.api:16} - DEBUG - Antwort auf 0

2022-03-28 12:40:03,530 - {urllib3.connectionpool:227} - DEBUG - Starting new HTTP connection (1):
2022-03-28 12:40:03,538 - {urllib3.connectionpool:452} - DEBUG - "GET /openWB/ramdisk/llaktuell HTTP/1.1" 200 1
2022-03-28 12:40:03,540 - {modules.common.req:11} - DEBUG - Get-Response: 0
2022-03-28 12:40:03,540 - {modules.http.api:16} - DEBUG - Antwort auf 0
2022-03-28 12:40:03,542 - {} - DEBUG - Saving CounterState(voltages=[230.0, 230.0, 230.0], powers=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], currents=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], power_factors=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], imported=3983.933, exported=0.0, power=0.0, frequency=50)
2022-03-28 12:40:03,546 - {pymodbus.transaction:374} - DEBUG - Changing transaction state from 'WAITING FOR REPLY' to 'PROCESSING REPLY'
2022-03-28 12:40:03,547 - {pymodbus.transaction:296} - DEBUG - RECV: 0x6 0x52 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x7 0x3 0x3 0x4 0x2 0x3e 0xe4 0xd
2022-03-28 12:40:03,548 - {pymodbus.framer.socket_framer:147} - DEBUG - Processing: 0x6 0x52 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x7 0x3 0x3 0x4 0x2 0x3e 0xe4 0xd
2022-03-28 12:40:03,550 - {pymodbus.factory:266} - DEBUG - Factory Response[ReadHoldingRegistersResponse: 3]
2022-03-28 12:40:03,551 - {pymodbus.transaction:453} - DEBUG - Adding transaction 1618
2022-03-28 12:40:03,551 - {pymodbus.transaction:464} - DEBUG - Getting transaction 1618
2022-03-28 12:40:03,551 - {pymodbus.transaction:224} - DEBUG - Changing transaction state from 'PROCESSING REPLY' to 'TRANSACTION_COMPLETE'
2022-03-28 12:40:03,552 - {pymodbus.payload:312} - DEBUG - [574, 58381]
2022-03-28 12:40:03,552 - {pymodbus.payload:368} - DEBUG - [b'\x02>', b'\xe4\r']
2022-03-28 12:40:03,556 - {} - DEBUG - Saving InverterState(currents=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], power=-2755, counter=37676045)
2022-03-28 12:40:04,078 - {control.counter:365} - DEBUG - 22253.5W EVU-Leistung, die noch bezogen werden kann.
2022-03-28 12:40:04,082 - {control.chargepoint:686} - DEBUG - EV-Phasenzahl beschränkt die nutzbaren Phasen auf 3
2022-03-28 12:40:04,083 - {control.chargepoint:713} - DEBUG - Lademodus-Phasen beschränkt die nutzbaren Phasen auf 1
2022-03-28 12:40:04,085 - {control.ev:269} - DEBUG - Anpassen der Sollstromstärke an EV-Vorgaben. Sollstromstärke: 1 neue Sollstromstärke: 6
2022-03-28 12:40:04,087 - {control.ev:197} - DEBUG - Änderung der Sollstromstärke :False, Änderung des Lademodus :False
2022-03-28 12:40:04,095 - {control.prepare:279} - DEBUG - LP 13, EV: Tesla (EV-Nr.1): Theoretisch benötigter Strom 6A, Lademodus pv_charging, Submodus: pv_charging, Phasen: 1, Priorität: False, max. Ist-Strom: 6.1
2022-03-28 12:40:04,098 - {control.pv:88} - DEBUG - -1671.5W EVU-Überschuss, der für die Regelung verfügbar ist, davon 0W für die Einschaltverzögerung reservierte Leistung.
2022-03-28 12:40:04,104 - {} - DEBUG - all
{'get': {'power': 0}, 'config': {'configured': False}, 'set': {'charging_power_left': 0, 'switch_on_soc_reached': 0, 'hybrid_system_detected': False}}
2022-03-28 12:40:04,106 - {} - DEBUG - all
{'get': {'daily_yield': 3197.0, 'power': 1378, 'counter': 2026966.0}}
2022-03-28 12:40:04,106 - {} - DEBUG - cp13
{'set': {'charging_ev': 1, 'charging_ev_prev': -1, 'autolock_state': 0, 'current': 6, 'energy_to_charge': 0, 'plug_time': '03/27/2022, 15:26:52', 'rfid': '0', 'manual_lock': False, 'loadmanagement_available': True, 'log': {'counter_at_plugtime': 2019950.0, 'timestamp_start_charging': '03/27/2022, 15:33:43', 'counter_at_mode_switch': 2019950.0, 'charged_since_mode_switch': 7013.0, 'charged_since_plugged_counter': 7013.0, 'range_charged': 41252.94117647059, 'time_charged': '21:06', 'chargemode_log_entry': 'pv_charging'}, 'change_ev_permitted': [True, ''], 'phases_to_use': 1, 'required_power': 1380, 'charging_ev_data': <control.ev.Ev object at 0x75fced90>}, 'get': {'read_tag': {'tag': '0', 'timestamp': '0'}, 'daily_yield': 3197.0, 'plug_state': 1, 'charge_state': 1, 'power': 1378, 'connected_vehicle': {'soc_config': {}, 'soc': {'range': 41223.529411764706, 'range_unit': 'km'}, 'info': {'id': 1, 'name': 'Tesla'}, 'config': {'charge_template': 0, 'ev_template': 1, 'chargemode': 'pv_charging', 'priority': False, 'current_plan': '', 'average_consumption': 17}}, 'state_str': None, 'phases_in_use': 1, 'currents': [6.1, 0.0, 0.0], 'counter': 2026966.0, 'voltages': [226.5, 231.7, 227.7], 'fault_str': 'Kein Fehler.', 'fault_state': 0}, 'config': {'name': 'Gartenhaus', 'type': 'external_openwb', 'ev': 1, 'template': 0, 'connected_phases': 3, 'phase_1': 3, 'auto_phase_switch_hw': True, 'control_pilot_interruption_hw': True, 'id': 13, 'connection_module': {'type': 'external_openwb', 'configuration': {'ip_address': '', 'duo_num': 1}}, 'power_module': {}}}
2022-03-28 12:40:04,107 - {} - DEBUG - cpt0
{'name': 'Standard Ladepunkt-Vorlage', 'autolock': {'wait_for_charging_end': False, 'active': False, 'plans': {}}, 'rfid_enabling': False, 'valid_tags': []}
2022-03-28 12:40:04,107 - {} - DEBUG - all
{'set': {'loadmanagement_active': False, 'home_consumption': 3122, 'invalid_home_consumption': 0, 'daily_yield_home_consumption': 7368.099999997765}, 'get': {'hierarchy': [{'id': 7, 'type': 'counter', 'children': [{'id': 9, 'type': 'inverter', 'children': []}, {'id': 10, 'type': 'counter', 'children': []}, {'id': 13, 'type': 'cp', 'children': []}, {'id': 14, 'type': 'counter', 'children': []}]}]}}
2022-03-28 12:40:04,107 - {} - DEBUG - counter7
{'set': {'consumption_left': 22253.5, 'currents_used': [-3.41, 1.68, 6.7]}, 'get': {'daily_yield_export': 468.0, 'daily_yield_import': 4020.099999997765, 'voltages': [231.34, 226.79, 228.26], 'currents': [-3.41, 1.68, 6.7], 'powers': [-101.7, 330.0, 1518.1], 'power_factors': [0.14, 0.89, 1.0], 'imported': 31683201.2, 'exported': 71694629.2, 'power': 1746.5, 'fault_str': 'Kein Fehler.', 'fault_state': 0}, 'config': {'max_currents': [35, 35, 35], 'max_total_power': 24000}}
2022-03-28 12:40:04,111 - {} - DEBUG - counter10
{'set': {'currents_used': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]}, 'get': {'daily_yield_export': 0.0, 'daily_yield_import': 0.0, 'fault_str': 'Kein Fehler.', 'fault_state': 0, 'voltages': [230.0, 230.0, 230.0], 'currents': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'powers': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'power_factors': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'imported': 3983.933, 'exported': 0.0, 'power': 0.0, 'frequency': 50}, 'config': {'max_currents': [16, 16, 16], 'max_total_power': 11000}}
2022-03-28 12:40:04,112 - {} - DEBUG - counter14
{'set': {'currents_used': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]}, 'get': {'daily_yield_export': 0, 'daily_yield_import': 0, 'fault_str': 'Kein Fehler.', 'fault_state': 0, 'voltages': [230.0, 230.0, 230.0], 'currents': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'powers': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'power_factors': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'imported': 209564, 'exported': 0, 'power': 1.13, 'frequency': 50}, 'config': {'max_currents': [16, 16, 16], 'max_total_power': 11000}}
2022-03-28 12:40:04,113 - {} - DEBUG - ct0
{'name': 'Standard-Ladeprofil-Vorlage', 'disable_after_unplug': False, 'prio': False, 'load_default': False, 'time_charging': {'active': False, 'plans': {}}, 'chargemode': {'selected': 'pv_charging', 'pv_charging': {'min_soc_current': 10, 'min_current': 0, 'feed_in_limit': False, 'min_soc': 0, 'max_soc': 100}, 'scheduled_charging': {'plans': {}}, 'instant_charging': {'current': 16, 'limit': {'selected': 'none', 'soc': 50, 'amount': 19}}}}
2022-03-28 12:40:04,113 - {} - DEBUG - ct1
{'name': 'Tesla', 'disable_after_unplug': False, 'prio': False, 'load_default': False, 'time_charging': {'active': False, 'plans': {}}, 'chargemode': {'selected': 'pv_charging', 'pv_charging': {'min_soc_current': 32, 'min_current': 0, 'feed_in_limit': False, 'min_soc': 0, 'max_soc': 1}, 'scheduled_charging': {'plans': {}}, 'instant_charging': {'current': 32, 'limit': {'selected': 'soc', 'soc': 75, 'amount': 10}}}}
2022-03-28 12:40:04,113 - {} - DEBUG - ct2
{'name': 'e2008', 'disable_after_unplug': False, 'prio': False, 'load_default': False, 'time_charging': {'active': False, 'plans': {}}, 'chargemode': {'selected': 'stop', 'pv_charging': {'min_soc_current': 10, 'min_current': 6, 'feed_in_limit': False, 'min_soc': 0, 'max_soc': 80}, 'scheduled_charging': {'plans': {}}, 'instant_charging': {'current': 16, 'limit': {'selected': 'none', 'soc': 50, 'amount': 10}}}}
2022-03-28 12:40:04,114 - {} - DEBUG - ev0
{'set': {'ev_template': {'name': 'Standard-Fahrzeug-Vorlage', 'max_current_multi_phases': 16, 'max_phases': 3, 'phase_switch_pause': 2, 'prevent_switch_stop': False, 'control_pilot_interruption': False, 'average_consump': 17, 'min_current': 6, 'max_current_one_phase': 32, 'battery_capacity': 82, 'nominal_difference': 2, 'request_interval_charging': 5, 'request_interval_not_charging': 720, 'request_only_plugged': False}}, 'get': {'range_charged': 0, 'soc': 0}, 'control_parameter': {'required_current': 6, 'phases': 1, 'prio': False, 'timestamp_switch_on_off': '0', 'timestamp_auto_phase_switch': '0', 'timestamp_perform_phase_switch': '0', 'submode': 'pv_charging', 'chargemode': 'pv_charging'}, 'name': 'Standard-Fahrzeug', 'charge_template': 0, 'ev_template': 0, 'tag_id': []}
2022-03-28 12:40:04,114 - {} - DEBUG - ev1
{'set': {'ev_template': {'name': 'Tesla', 'max_current_multi_phases': 16, 'max_phases': 3, 'phase_switch_pause': 2, 'prevent_switch_stop': False, 'control_pilot_interruption': False, 'average_consump': 17, 'min_current': 6, 'max_current_one_phase': 32, 'battery_capacity': 79, 'nominal_difference': 2, 'request_interval_charging': 5, 'request_interval_not_charging': 720, 'request_only_plugged': False}}, 'get': {'range_charged': 0, 'soc': 0}, 'control_parameter': {'required_current': 6, 'phases': 1, 'prio': False, 'timestamp_switch_on_off': '0', 'timestamp_auto_phase_switch': '0', 'timestamp_perform_phase_switch': '0', 'submode': 'pv_charging', 'chargemode': 'pv_charging'}, 'charge_template': 1, 'ev_template': 1, 'name': 'Tesla', 'tag_id': ['Tesla']}
2022-03-28 12:40:04,116 - {} - DEBUG - ev2
{'set': {'ev_template': {'name': 'e2008', 'max_current_multi_phases': 16, 'max_phases': 3, 'phase_switch_pause': 2, 'prevent_switch_stop': False, 'control_pilot_interruption': True, 'control_pilot_interruption_duration': 4, 'average_consump': 20, 'min_current': 6, 'max_current_one_phase': 32, 'battery_capacity': 45, 'nominal_difference': 2, 'request_interval_charging': 5, 'request_interval_not_charging': 720, 'request_only_plugged': False}}, 'get': {'range_charged': 0, 'soc': 0}, 'control_parameter': {'required_current': 0, 'phases': 1, 'prio': False, 'timestamp_switch_on_off': '0', 'timestamp_auto_phase_switch': '0', 'timestamp_perform_phase_switch': '0', 'submode': 'stop', 'chargemode': 'stop'}, 'charge_template': 2, 'ev_template': 2, 'name': 'e2008', 'tag_id': []}
2022-03-28 12:40:04,117 - {} - DEBUG - et0
{'name': 'Standard-Fahrzeug-Vorlage', 'max_current_multi_phases': 16, 'max_phases': 3, 'phase_switch_pause': 2, 'prevent_switch_stop': False, 'control_pilot_interruption': False, 'average_consump': 17, 'min_current': 6, 'max_current_one_phase': 32, 'battery_capacity': 82, 'nominal_difference': 2, 'request_interval_charging': 5, 'request_interval_not_charging': 720, 'request_only_plugged': False}
2022-03-28 12:40:04,119 - {} - DEBUG - et1
{'name': 'Tesla', 'max_current_multi_phases': 16, 'max_phases': 3, 'phase_switch_pause': 2, 'prevent_switch_stop': False, 'control_pilot_interruption': False, 'average_consump': 17, 'min_current': 6, 'max_current_one_phase': 32, 'battery_capacity': 79, 'nominal_difference': 2, 'request_interval_charging': 5, 'request_interval_not_charging': 720, 'request_only_plugged': False}
2022-03-28 12:40:04,121 - {} - DEBUG - et2
{'name': 'e2008', 'max_current_multi_phases': 16, 'max_phases': 3, 'phase_switch_pause': 2, 'prevent_switch_stop': False, 'control_pilot_interruption': True, 'control_pilot_interruption_duration': 4, 'average_consump': 20, 'min_current': 6, 'max_current_one_phase': 32, 'battery_capacity': 45, 'nominal_difference': 2, 'request_interval_charging': 5, 'request_interval_not_charging': 720, 'request_only_plugged': False}
2022-03-28 12:40:04,122 - {} - DEBUG - general
{'grid_protection_active': False, 'chargemode_config': {'instant_charging': {'phases_to_use': 3}, 'pv_charging': {'bat_prio': 1, 'switch_on_soc': 60, 'switch_off_soc': 40, 'rundown_power': 1000, 'rundown_soc': 50, 'charging_power_reserve': 200, 'control_range': [-100, 250], 'switch_off_threshold': 500, 'switch_off_delay': 180, 'switch_on_delay': 40, 'switch_on_threshold': 1100, 'feed_in_yield': 0, 'phase_switch_delay': 7, 'phases_to_use': 1}, 'scheduled_charging': {'phases_to_use': 0}, 'standby': {'phases_to_use': 1}, 'phases_to_use': 1, 'time_charging': {'phases_to_use': 3}, 'individual_mode': False, 'unbalanced_load': False, 'unbalanced_load_limit': 18}, 'control_interval': 10, 'extern': False, 'extern_display_mode': 'local', 'external_buttons_hw': False, 'grid_protection_configured': False, 'notifications': {'selected': 'none', 'plug': False, 'start_charging': False, 'stop_charging': False, 'smart_home': False, 'configuration': {}}, 'price_kwh': 0.23, 'range_unit': 'km', 'ripple_control_receiver': {'configured': False}}
2022-03-28 12:40:04,122 - {} - DEBUG - graph
{'config': {'duration': 120}}
2022-03-28 12:40:04,122 - {} - DEBUG - optional
{'et': {'get': {}, 'active': False, 'config': {'max_price': 0, 'provider': {}}}, 'int_display': {'active': False, 'on_if_plugged_in': True, 'pin_active': False, 'pin_code': '0000', 'standby': 60, 'theme': 'cards'}, 'led': {'active': False}, 'active': False, 'max_current': 16, 'rfid': {'active': False}}
2022-03-28 12:40:04,123 - {} - DEBUG - all
{'set': {'overhang_power_left': -1671.5, 'available_power': -1671.5, 'reserved_evu_overhang': 0, 'released_evu_overhang': 0}, 'get': {'power': -2736, 'counter': 37676037, 'daily_yield': 7021, 'monthly_yield': 0, 'yearly_yield': 0}, 'config': {'configured': True}}
2022-03-28 12:40:04,124 - {} - DEBUG - pv9
{'get': {'daily_yield': 7021, 'monthly_yield': 0, 'yearly_yield': 0, 'power': -2755, 'counter': 37676045, 'currents': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'fault_str': 'Kein Fehler.', 'fault_state': 0}}
2022-03-28 12:40:04,125 - {} - DEBUG - system
{'update_in_progress': False, 'perform_update': False, 'boot_done': True, 'ip_address': '', 'dataprotection_acknowledged': True, 'debug_level': 10, 'release_train': 'master', 'lastlivevaluesJson': {'timestamp': 1648463994, 'time': '12:39:54', 'grid': 1.28, 'counter10-power': 0.0, 'counter14-power': 0.001, 'house-power': 2.63, 'charging-all': 1.384, 'pv-all': -2.752, 'cp13-power': 1.384}}
2022-03-28 12:40:04,126 - {} - DEBUG - 

2022-03-28 12:40:04,126 - {control.algorithm:41} - DEBUG - # Algorithmus-Start
2022-03-28 12:40:04,126 - {control.algorithm:43} - INFO - EVU-Punkt: Leistung[W] 1746.5, Ströme[A] [-3.41, 1.68, 6.7]
2022-03-28 12:40:04,126 - {control.algorithm:48} - INFO - ## Überschuss-Ladung über Mindeststrom bei PV-Laden zurücknehmen.
2022-03-28 12:40:04,127 - {control.pv:382} - DEBUG - -1648.5W EVU-Überschuss, der für die folgenden Ladepunkte übrig ist, davon 0W für die Einschaltverzögerung reservierte Leistung.
2022-03-28 12:40:04,129 - {control.algorithm:124} - DEBUG - Ladung an LP13 um -0.09999999999999964A auf 6A angepasst.
2022-03-28 12:40:04,132 - {control.algorithm:219} - DEBUG - ## Ladung muss nicht wegen aktiven Lastmanagements gestoppt werden.
2022-03-28 12:40:04,134 - {control.algorithm:581} - DEBUG - Switch-Off-Threshold für Ladepunkte [13] in Lademodus pv_charging Submodus pv_charging Prio False prüfen.
2022-03-28 12:40:04,135 - {control.algorithm:640} - INFO - ## Zuteilung des Überschusses
2022-03-28 12:40:04,136 - {control.algorithm:679} - INFO - ## Zuteilung beendet, da kein Ladepunkt mehr auf Zuteilung wartet.
2022-03-28 12:40:04,136 - {control.algorithm:958} - INFO - ## Übrigen Überschuss verteilen.
2022-03-28 12:40:04,140 - {control.process:22} - DEBUG - # Ladung starten.
2022-03-28 12:40:04,142 - {control.chargelog:61} - DEBUG - charged_since_mode_switch 7016.0 counter 2026966.0
2022-03-28 12:40:04,145 - {control.process:108} - INFO - LP13: set current 6 A
2022-03-28 12:40:04,154 - {modules.common.component_context:23} - DEBUG - Update Komponente ['Ladepunkt']
2022-03-28 12:40:04,172 - {control.pv:432} - DEBUG - 0W EVU-Überschuss, der für die Regelung verfügbar ist, davon 0W für die Einschaltverzögerung reservierte Leistung.
2022-03-28 12:40:04,173 - {control.counter:384} - DEBUG - 22253.5W verbleibende EVU-Bezugs-Leistung
2022-03-28 12:40:12,190 - {root:41} - INFO - # ***Start*** 
15,2kWp SMA (SB4000TL-21, SB3.0, STP6.0-SE + BYD HVS, EnergyMeter), openWB Standard+, openWB Pro, Smart #1 (ersetzt den e2008), Tesla Model Y LR.
Beiträge: 206
Registriert: Fr Apr 24, 2020 6:52 am

Re: Feedback Alpha 2

Beitrag von Jonny »


hat jemand aktuell ein EVU Kit 2 mit Levato Zähler am laufen ?

Bei mir wollen da keine Werte erscheinen, ausgewählt habe ich
OpenWB-Kit --> EVU-Kit

Aber auch mit der Flex Version bin ich nicht weiter gekommen.
IP Adresse stimmt, da wurde nichts verändert.

Ich denke nicht das es daran liegt das ich parallel fahre ?

Diese Fehlermeldung steht im Status Bereich

modules.common.modbus <class
('modules.common.modbus Modbus Error: [Input/Output] No
Response received from the remote unit/Unable to decode
response', <FaultStateLevel.ERROR: 2>)
Beiträge: 871
Registriert: Mo Nov 02, 2020 9:50 am

Re: Feedback Alpha 2

Beitrag von rleidner »

Bei mir hat das EVU-Kit direkt an der Test-OWB auch nicht funktioniert.

Mein Workaround:
Nur die "produktive" OWB hängt am EVU-Kit (v2/Lovato), die Test-OWB bekommen die Daten via MQTT-Bridge.
Da ich nur einen RasPi zum testen habe, fährt der abwechselnd 1.9 oder 2.0, momentan meistens 1.9.
openWB-2 Standard+ | openWB EVU Kit v2 MID| 9,9kWp mit Kostal Plenticore 8.5 plus | VW ID.3, Kia EV6, Smart EQ forfour
Beiträge: 206
Registriert: Fr Apr 24, 2020 6:52 am

Re: Feedback Alpha 2

Beitrag von Jonny »


wie übermittelst du die Daten per MQTT ?
Meine Eingesetzte WB bekommt die Daten ja über dieses EVU Kit.

Wie hast du jetzt die Übermittlung von der "alten" auf die V2 gemacht.

Die läuft bei mir nur auf nem Pi (nicht im Einsatz)

Möchte nebenbei die MQTT Sachen schon vorbereiten, damit später dann der Umzug schneller geht. :D
PV geht schon, da wird nur der Wert der Leistung im Status als Minus Wert angezeigt.
Varta Speicher geht noch nicht.
Nächsten Monat kommt noch ein Speicher von Vion Tech dazu (100KW).

Dazu habe ich aber die Anfrage schon gestellt bzgl. eines Moduls.
Den Chef der Firma kenne ich persöhnlich, und hat volle Unterstützung angeboten.
Beiträge: 871
Registriert: Mo Nov 02, 2020 9:50 am

Re: Feedback Alpha 2

Beitrag von rleidner »

Jonny hat geschrieben: Di Apr 05, 2022 2:45 pm wie übermittelst du die Daten per MQTT ?
Ich habe auf dem Test-Raspi in /etc/mosquitto/conf.d folgende Datei angelegt:

Code: Alles auswählen

pi@openwbtest-buster:/etc/mosquitto/conf.d $ cat testbridge.conf 
# bridge to openWB Wallbox
connection openwbprod
address <ip_der_produktiven_OWB>:1883
start_type automatic
topic evu/# in  1 openWB/set/ openWB/
topic pv/# in  1 openWB/set/ openWB/
topic lp/# in  1 openWB/set/ openWB/
local_clientid openwb.mosquitto
try_private false
cleansession false
Damit werden alle evu/#, pv/# und lp/# -Daten der produktiven OWB mit einem set versehen und in die Test-OWB geschrieben.
openWB-2 Standard+ | openWB EVU Kit v2 MID| 9,9kWp mit Kostal Plenticore 8.5 plus | VW ID.3, Kia EV6, Smart EQ forfour