Rückmeldungen Nightly 1.9.250

Fragen zur Nutzung, Features, usw..
Beiträge: 3941
Registriert: So Jan 10, 2021 8:49 am

Re: Rückmeldungen Nightly 1.9.250

Beitrag von HSC »

Na, geht doch.....
Beiträge: 3941
Registriert: So Jan 10, 2021 8:49 am

Re: Rückmeldungen Nightly 1.9.250 (bei mir Problem gelöst)

Beitrag von HSC »

Ich hätte noch einen "Schönheitsfehler" mitzuteilen.
Bei Auswahl SDM630 am USB als EVU:
Screenshot 2021-12-05 at 13-10-20 openWB Einstellungen.png
...besteht diese Fehlermeldung unter Status.
Screenshot 2021-12-05 at 13-16-39 openWB Status.png
Allerdings gibt es für mich keinen ersichtlichen Grund dafür, da alle Daten korrekt aktualisiert werden und auch keine Fehler im Debug-Log auftauchen.

Code: Alles auswählen

2021-12-05 13:07:11: **** Regulation loop start **** (LV1) at 50 main /var/www/html/openWB/regel.sh
2021-12-05 13:07:08: Sofort ladung bei minimal A 6 Ladeleistung zu gering (LV1) at 88 sofortlademodus sofortlademodus.sh
2021-12-05 13:07:06: chargestatlp1 0	chargestatlp2 0	chargestatlp3 0 (LV1) at 1260 loadvars loadvars.sh
2021-12-05 13:07:06: plugstatlp1 0	plugstatlp2 0	plugstatlp3 0 (LV1) at 1259 loadvars loadvars.sh
2021-12-05 13:07:06: lp1enabled 1	lp2enabled 1	lp3enabled 1 (LV1) at 1258 loadvars loadvars.sh
2021-12-05 13:07:06: EVU 1:V/0A 2: V/0A 3: V/0A (LV1) at 1257 loadvars loadvars.sh
2021-12-05 13:07:06: lla3 0	llv3 0	llas13  llas23  soclp1 100 soclp2 (LV1) at 1256 loadvars loadvars.sh
2021-12-05 13:07:06: lla2 0	llv2 0	llas12  llas22  sofortll 16 hausverbrauch 30 wattbezug 30 uberschuss -30 (LV1) at 1255 loadvars loadvars.sh
2021-12-05 13:07:06: lla1 0	llv1 0	llas11  llas21  mindestuberschuss 1500 abschaltuberschuss 5 lademodus 0 (LV1) at 1254 loadvars loadvars.sh
2021-12-05 13:07:06: pv1watt 0 pv2watt  pvwatt 0 ladeleistung 0 llalt 6 nachtladen 0 nachtladen 0 minimalA 6 maximalA 16 (LV1) at 1253 loadvars loadvars.sh
2021-12-05 13:07:01: **** Regulation loop start **** (LV1) at 50 main /var/www/html/openWB/regel.sh
Vlt. kann das bei Gelegenheit mit bereinigt werden oder liegt es an meiner Konfig?

Edit: nach einigem hin- und herkonfigurieren im EVU- Modul und reboots, ist die Statusanzeige wieder sauber!
Zuletzt geändert von HSC am So Dez 05, 2021 3:13 pm, insgesamt 3-mal geändert.
Beiträge: 269
Registriert: Di Mär 19, 2019 7:58 am

Re: Rückmeldungen Nightly 1.9.250

Beitrag von MichaO »

Taliman hat geschrieben: Mi Dez 01, 2021 2:13 pm Problem mit der Aufsummierung Bezug/Einspeisung: Es werden keine Summen gebildet.
Hinweis off-topic... das Schwärzen der IP in den Bildern ist unnötig. Die IP liegen im privaten Adressbereich, der von außen nicht erreicht werden kann. Es ist also völlig egal, wenn andere die sehen. Spart Zeit bei der Erstellung von Postings ;)
Beiträge: 1069
Registriert: Fr Jan 22, 2021 6:40 am

Re: Rückmeldungen Nightly 1.9.250

Beitrag von LenaK »

PV4wampu hat geschrieben: Sa Dez 04, 2021 3:18 pm ok, Debug-Level 2 eingestellt und nochmal auf "Zähler auf EVU-Kit" umgestellt.
Mal schauen, ob ich das mit dem Codeblock hinbekomme :-)

Code: Alles auswählen

2021-12-04 16:01:47: Schaltschwelle: 230, zum runterregeln: 0 (LV0) at 555 main /var/www/html/openWB/regel.sh
2021-12-04 16:01:47: Gesamt Anzahl Phasen= 1 (LV0) at 516 main /var/www/html/openWB/regel.sh
2021-12-04 16:01:47: LP1 Anzahl Phasen während keiner Ladung= 0 (LV0) at 455 main /var/www/html/openWB/regel.sh
2021-12-04 16:01:47: Alte Anzahl genutzter Phasen= 0 (LV0) at 422 main /var/www/html/openWB/regel.sh
python3: can't open file '/var/www/html/openWB/modules/wr_pvkit/readsdm.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
2021-12-04 16:01:37: Schaltschwelle: 230, zum runterregeln: 0 (LV0) at 555 main /var/www/html/openWB/regel.sh
2021-12-04 16:01:37: Gesamt Anzahl Phasen= 1 (LV0) at 516 main /var/www/html/openWB/regel.sh
2021-12-04 16:01:37: LP1 Anzahl Phasen während keiner Ladung= 0 (LV0) at 455 main /var/www/html/openWB/regel.sh
2021-12-04 16:01:37: Alte Anzahl genutzter Phasen= 0 (LV0) at 422 main /var/www/html/openWB/regel.sh
python3: can't open file '/var/www/html/openWB/modules/wr_pvkit/readsdm.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
2021-12-04 16:01:27: Schaltschwelle: 230, zum runterregeln: 0 (LV0) at 555 main /var/www/html/openWB/regel.sh
2021-12-04 16:01:27: Gesamt Anzahl Phasen= 1 (LV0) at 516 main /var/www/html/openWB/regel.sh
2021-12-04 16:01:27: LP1 Anzahl Phasen während keiner Ladung= 0 (LV0) at 455 main /var/www/html/openWB/regel.sh
2021-12-04 16:01:27: Alte Anzahl genutzter Phasen= 0 (LV0) at 422 main /var/www/html/openWB/regel.sh
python3: can't open file '/var/www/html/openWB/modules/wr_pvkit/readsdm.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
2021-12-04 16:01:17: Schaltschwelle: 230, zum runterregeln: 0 (LV0) at 555 main /var/www/html/openWB/regel.sh
2021-12-04 16:01:17: Gesamt Anzahl Phasen= 1 (LV0) at 516 main /var/www/html/openWB/regel.sh
2021-12-04 16:01:17: LP1 Anzahl Phasen während keiner Ladung= 0 (LV0) at 455 main /var/www/html/openWB/regel.sh
2021-12-04 16:01:17: Alte Anzahl genutzter Phasen= 0 (LV0) at 422 main /var/www/html/openWB/regel.sh
python3: can't open file '/var/www/html/openWB/modules/wr_pvkit/readsdm.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
2021-12-04 16:01:07: Schaltschwelle: 230, zum runterregeln: 0 (LV0) at 555 main /var/www/html/openWB/regel.sh
2021-12-04 16:01:07: Gesamt Anzahl Phasen= 1 (LV0) at 516 main /var/www/html/openWB/regel.sh
2021-12-04 16:01:07: LP1 Anzahl Phasen während keiner Ladung= 0 (LV0) at 455 main /var/www/html/openWB/regel.sh
2021-12-04 16:01:07: Alte Anzahl genutzter Phasen= 0 (LV0) at 422 main /var/www/html/openWB/regel.sh
python3: can't open file '/var/www/html/openWB/modules/wr_pvkit/readsdm.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
2021-12-04 16:00:57: Schaltschwelle: 230, zum runterregeln: 0 (LV0) at 555 main /var/www/html/openWB/regel.sh
2021-12-04 16:00:57: Gesamt Anzahl Phasen= 1 (LV0) at 516 main /var/www/html/openWB/regel.sh
2021-12-04 16:00:57: LP1 Anzahl Phasen während keiner Ladung= 0 (LV0) at 455 main /var/www/html/openWB/regel.sh
2021-12-04 16:00:57: Alte Anzahl genutzter Phasen= 0 (LV0) at 422 main /var/www/html/openWB/regel.sh
python3: can't open file '/var/www/html/openWB/modules/wr_pvkit/readsdm.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
2021-12-04 16:00:47: Schaltschwelle: 230, zum runterregeln: 0 (LV0) at 555 main /var/www/html/openWB/regel.sh
2021-12-04 16:00:47: Gesamt Anzahl Phasen= 1 (LV0) at 516 main /var/www/html/openWB/regel.sh
2021-12-04 16:00:47: LP1 Anzahl Phasen während keiner Ladung= 0 (LV0) at 455 main /var/www/html/openWB/regel.sh
2021-12-04 16:00:47: Alte Anzahl genutzter Phasen= 0 (LV0) at 422 main /var/www/html/openWB/regel.sh
python3: can't open file '/var/www/html/openWB/modules/wr_pvkit/readsdm.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
2021-12-04 16:00:37: Schaltschwelle: 230, zum runterregeln: 0 (LV0) at 555 main /var/www/html/openWB/regel.sh
2021-12-04 16:00:37: Gesamt Anzahl Phasen= 1 (LV0) at 516 main /var/www/html/openWB/regel.sh
2021-12-04 16:00:37: LP1 Anzahl Phasen während keiner Ladung= 0 (LV0) at 455 main /var/www/html/openWB/regel.sh
2021-12-04 16:00:37: Alte Anzahl genutzter Phasen= 0 (LV0) at 422 main /var/www/html/openWB/regel.sh
python3: can't open file '/var/www/html/openWB/modules/wr_pvkit/readsdm.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
2021-12-04 16:00:27: Schaltschwelle: 230, zum runterregeln: 0 (LV0) at 555 main /var/www/html/openWB/regel.sh
2021-12-04 16:00:27: Gesamt Anzahl Phasen= 1 (LV0) at 516 main /var/www/html/openWB/regel.sh
2021-12-04 16:00:27: LP1 Anzahl Phasen während keiner Ladung= 0 (LV0) at 455 main /var/www/html/openWB/regel.sh
2021-12-04 16:00:27: Alte Anzahl genutzter Phasen= 0 (LV0) at 422 main /var/www/html/openWB/regel.sh
python3: can't open file '/var/www/html/openWB/modules/wr_pvkit/readsdm.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
2021-12-04 16:00:17: Schaltschwelle: 230, zum runterregeln: 0 (LV0) at 555 main /var/www/html/openWB/regel.sh
2021-12-04 16:00:17: Gesamt Anzahl Phasen= 1 (LV0) at 516 main /var/www/html/openWB/regel.sh
2021-12-04 16:00:17: LP1 Anzahl Phasen während keiner Ladung= 0 (LV0) at 455 main /var/www/html/openWB/regel.sh
2021-12-04 16:00:17: Alte Anzahl genutzter Phasen= 0 (LV0) at 422 main /var/www/html/openWB/regel.sh
python3: can't open file '/var/www/html/openWB/modules/wr_pvkit/readsdm.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
2021-12-04 16:00:07: Schaltschwelle: 230, zum runterregeln: 0 (LV0) at 555 main /var/www/html/openWB/regel.sh
2021-12-04 16:00:07: Gesamt Anzahl Phasen= 1 (LV0) at 516 main /var/www/html/openWB/regel.sh
2021-12-04 16:00:07: LP1 Anzahl Phasen während keiner Ladung= 0 (LV0) at 455 main /var/www/html/openWB/regel.sh
2021-12-04 16:00:07: Alte Anzahl genutzter Phasen= 0 (LV0) at 422 main /var/www/html/openWB/regel.sh
python3: can't open file '/var/www/html/openWB/modules/wr_pvkit/readsdm.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
2021-12-04 15:59:58: Schaltschwelle: 230, zum runterregeln: 0 (LV0) at 555 main /var/www/html/openWB/regel.sh
2021-12-04 15:59:58: Gesamt Anzahl Phasen= 1 (LV0) at 516 main /var/www/html/openWB/regel.sh
2021-12-04 15:59:58: LP1 Anzahl Phasen während keiner Ladung= 0 (LV0) at 455 main /var/www/html/openWB/regel.sh
2021-12-04 15:59:58: Alte Anzahl genutzter Phasen= 0 (LV0) at 422 main /var/www/html/openWB/regel.sh
python3: can't open file '/var/www/html/openWB/modules/wr_pvkit/readsdm.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
2021-12-04 15:59:50: Schaltschwelle: 230, zum runterregeln: 0 (LV0) at 555 main /var/www/html/openWB/regel.sh
2021-12-04 15:59:50: Gesamt Anzahl Phasen= 1 (LV0) at 516 main /var/www/html/openWB/regel.sh
2021-12-04 15:59:50: LP1 Anzahl Phasen während keiner Ladung= 0 (LV0) at 455 main /var/www/html/openWB/regel.sh
2021-12-04 15:59:50: Alte Anzahl genutzter Phasen= 0 (LV0) at 422 main /var/www/html/openWB/regel.sh
2021-12-04 15:59:45: PID: 9359: PV Watt: 5.041576385498047
2021-12-04 15:59:45: PID: 9359: PV-Kit Leistung[W]: 5.041576385498047
2021-12-04 15:59:45: PID: 9359: Close Modbus TCP connection
2021-12-04 15:59:44: PID: 9359: Start device reading{'component1': <modules.openwb_flex.inverter.PvKitFlex object at 0x75b8c3d0>}
2021-12-04 15:59:44: PID: 9359: openWB flex-Kit ID: 116
2021-12-04 15:59:44: PID: 9359: openWB flex-Kit Port: 8899
2021-12-04 15:59:44: PID: 9359: openWB flex-Kit IP-Adresse:
2021-12-04 15:59:44: PID: 9359: openWB flex Version: 2
2021-12-04 15:59:44: PID: 9359: Start reading flex
2021-12-04 15:59:42: PV ID : 116 (LV2) at 21 main modules/wr_pvkitflex/main.sh
2021-12-04 15:59:42: PV Port : 8899 (LV2) at 20 main modules/wr_pvkitflex/main.sh
2021-12-04 15:59:42: PV IP: (LV2) at 19 main modules/wr_pvkitflex/main.sh
2021-12-04 15:59:42: PV KIT Version: 2 (LV2) at 18 main modules/wr_pvkitflex/main.sh
Und hier wieder auf "Generic" umgestellt:

Code: Alles auswählen

2021-12-04 16:17:44: PID: 15581: PV Watt: 5.900810718536377
2021-12-04 16:17:44: PID: 15581: PV-Kit Leistung[W]: 5.900810718536377
2021-12-04 16:17:44: PID: 15581: Close Modbus TCP connection
2021-12-04 16:17:44: PID: 15581: Start device reading{'component1': <modules.openwb_flex.inverter.PvKitFlex object at 0x75bb33d0>}
2021-12-04 16:17:44: PID: 15581: openWB flex-Kit ID: 116
2021-12-04 16:17:44: PID: 15581: openWB flex-Kit Port: 8899
2021-12-04 16:17:44: PID: 15581: openWB flex-Kit IP-Adresse:
2021-12-04 16:17:44: PID: 15581: openWB flex Version: 2
2021-12-04 16:17:44: PID: 15581: Start reading flex
2021-12-04 16:17:42: PV ID : 116 (LV2) at 21 main modules/wr_pvkitflex/main.sh
2021-12-04 16:17:42: PV Port : 8899 (LV2) at 20 main modules/wr_pvkitflex/main.sh
2021-12-04 16:17:42: PV IP: (LV2) at 19 main modules/wr_pvkitflex/main.sh
2021-12-04 16:17:42: PV KIT Version: 2 (LV2) at 18 main modules/wr_pvkitflex/main.sh
2021-12-04 16:17:40: Schaltschwelle: 230, zum runterregeln: 0 (LV0) at 555 main /var/www/html/openWB/regel.sh
2021-12-04 16:17:40: Gesamt Anzahl Phasen= 1 (LV0) at 516 main /var/www/html/openWB/regel.sh
2021-12-04 16:17:40: LP1 Anzahl Phasen während keiner Ladung= 0 (LV0) at 455 main /var/www/html/openWB/regel.sh
2021-12-04 16:17:40: Alte Anzahl genutzter Phasen= 0 (LV0) at 422 main /var/www/html/openWB/regel.sh
2021-12-04 16:17:34: PID: 14332: PV Watt: 5.745254039764404
2021-12-04 16:17:34: PID: 14332: PV-Kit Leistung[W]: 5.745254039764404
2021-12-04 16:17:34: PID: 14332: Close Modbus TCP connection
2021-12-04 16:17:34: PID: 14332: Start device reading{'component1': <modules.openwb_flex.inverter.PvKitFlex object at 0x75b403d0>}
2021-12-04 16:17:34: PID: 14332: openWB flex-Kit ID: 116
2021-12-04 16:17:34: PID: 14332: openWB flex-Kit Port: 8899
2021-12-04 16:17:34: PID: 14332: openWB flex-Kit IP-Adresse:
2021-12-04 16:17:34: PID: 14332: openWB flex Version: 2
2021-12-04 16:17:34: PID: 14332: Start reading flex
2021-12-04 16:17:32: PV ID : 116 (LV2) at 21 main modules/wr_pvkitflex/main.sh
2021-12-04 16:17:32: PV Port : 8899 (LV2) at 20 main modules/wr_pvkitflex/main.sh
2021-12-04 16:17:32: PV IP: (LV2) at 19 main modules/wr_pvkitflex/main.sh
2021-12-04 16:17:32: PV KIT Version: 2 (LV2) at 18 main modules/wr_pvkitflex/main.sh
2021-12-04 16:17:29: Schaltschwelle: 230, zum runterregeln: 0 (LV0) at 555 main /var/www/html/openWB/regel.sh
2021-12-04 16:17:29: Gesamt Anzahl Phasen= 1 (LV0) at 516 main /var/www/html/openWB/regel.sh
2021-12-04 16:17:29: LP1 Anzahl Phasen während keiner Ladung= 0 (LV0) at 455 main /var/www/html/openWB/regel.sh
2021-12-04 16:17:29: Alte Anzahl genutzter Phasen= 0 (LV0) at 422 main /var/www/html/openWB/regel.sh
2021-12-04 16:17:24: PID: 13084: PV Watt: 5.70753288269043
2021-12-04 16:17:24: PID: 13084: PV-Kit Leistung[W]: 5.70753288269043
2021-12-04 16:17:24: PID: 13084: Close Modbus TCP connection
2021-12-04 16:17:24: PID: 13084: Start device reading{'component1': <modules.openwb_flex.inverter.PvKitFlex object at 0x75b673d0>}
2021-12-04 16:17:24: PID: 13084: openWB flex-Kit ID: 116
2021-12-04 16:17:24: PID: 13084: openWB flex-Kit Port: 8899
2021-12-04 16:17:24: PID: 13084: openWB flex-Kit IP-Adresse:
2021-12-04 16:17:24: PID: 13084: openWB flex Version: 2
2021-12-04 16:17:24: PID: 13084: Start reading flex
2021-12-04 16:17:22: PV ID : 116 (LV2) at 21 main modules/wr_pvkitflex/main.sh
2021-12-04 16:17:22: PV Port : 8899 (LV2) at 20 main modules/wr_pvkitflex/main.sh
2021-12-04 16:17:22: PV IP: (LV2) at 19 main modules/wr_pvkitflex/main.sh
2021-12-04 16:17:22: PV KIT Version: 2 (LV2) at 18 main modules/wr_pvkitflex/main.sh
Ist gerade behoben worden.
Beiträge: 47
Registriert: Do Mär 11, 2021 3:04 pm

Re: Rückmeldungen Nightly 1.9.250

Beitrag von Taliman »

Danke für den Tipp! Hilft aber leider erst einmal nicht weiter...

Hier nochmal zwei, wie ich finde interessante Screens dazu: (Fehlende Aufsummierung Bezug/Einspeisung weiter oben...)


Müsste hier nicht in der Tagesansicht auch der Verbrauch erscheinen? (Ist übrigens eine OpenWB Series 1 mit AddOn Platine und 1/3-Phasenumschaltung)

MichaO hat geschrieben: So Dez 05, 2021 1:28 pm Hinweis off-topic... das Schwärzen der IP in den Bildern ist unnötig. Die IP liegen im privaten Adressbereich, der von außen nicht erreicht werden kann. Es ist also völlig egal, wenn andere die sehen. Spart Zeit bei der Erstellung von Postings ;)
Beiträge: 195
Registriert: Di Nov 03, 2020 2:42 am

Re: Rückmeldungen Nightly 1.9.250

Beitrag von fawick »

AlphaESS-Speicher-Modul geht mal wieder nicht. :(

installierte Version: 1.9.250 (2021-12-07 10:21:19 +0100 [66d29a67] )
Debug Log:

Code: Alles auswählen

2021-12-07 13:51:26: BattLeistung: 0 (LV1) at 29 main modules/speicher_alphaess/main.sh
2021-12-07 13:51:26: RET: 0 (LV2) at 25 main modules/speicher_alphaess/main.sh

modules.common.fault_state.FaultState: ('modules.common.store._util <class \'modules.common.fault_state.FaultState\'> ("modules.common.store._util <class \'TypeError\'> invalid file: PosixPath(\'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/speicherleistung\')", <FaultStateLevel.ERROR: 2>)', <FaultStateLevel.ERROR: 2>)
    raise FaultState.error(__name__+" "+str(type(e))+" "+str(e)) from e
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_util.py", line 16, in process_error
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_battery.py", line 23, in set
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/alpha_ess/bat.py", line 64, in update
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/alpha_ess/device.py", line 59, in update
Traceback (most recent call last):

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

modules.common.fault_state.FaultState: ("modules.common.store._util <class 'TypeError'> invalid file: PosixPath('/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/speicherleistung')", <FaultStateLevel.ERROR: 2>)
    raise FaultState.error(__name__+" "+str(type(e))+" "+str(e)) from e
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_util.py", line 16, in process_error
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_ramdisk.py", line 20, in ramdisk_write
    ramdisk_write("speicherleistung", bat_state.power, 0)
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_battery.py", line 15, in set
Traceback (most recent call last):

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

TypeError: invalid file: PosixPath('/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/speicherleistung')
    with open(RAMDISK_PATH / file, "w") as f:
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_ramdisk.py", line 17, in ramdisk_write
Traceback (most recent call last):
2021-12-07 13:51:25: PID: 21722: Alpha ESS Speicher: FaultState FaultStateLevel.ERROR, FaultStr modules.common.store._util <class 'modules.common.fault_state.FaultState'> ("modules.common.store._util <class 'TypeError'> invalid file: PosixPath('/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/speicherleistung')", <FaultStateLevel.ERROR: 2>), Traceback: 
2021-12-07 13:51:25: PID: 21722: simcount Zwischenergebnisse atkuelle Berechnung: Import: 312691.34601495264 Export: 0 Power: 2399.04
2021-12-07 13:51:25: PID: 21722: simcount Ergebnis: Bezug[Wh]: 86.85870722637573, Einspeisung[Wh]: 0.0
2021-12-07 13:51:25: PID: 21722: simcount aufsummierte Energie: Bezug[Ws]: 312691.34601495264, Einspeisung[Ws]: 0
2021-12-07 13:51:25: PID: 21722: simcount Gesamtenergie im Zeitintervall: 21188.346014952658
2021-12-07 13:51:25: PID: 21722: simcount Berechnungsgrundlage: vergangene Zeit [s]8.832083940505981, vorherige Leistung[W]: 2399, aktuelle Leistung[W]: 2399.04
2021-12-07 13:51:25: PID: 21722: simcount Zwischenergebnisse letzte Berechnung: Import: 291503 Export: 0 Power: 2399
2021-12-07 13:51:25: PID: 21722: Alpha Ess Leistung[W]: 2399.040000, Speicher-Register: Spannung[V]: 544.000000, Strom[A]: -441.000000
2021-12-07 13:51:25: PID: 21722: Komponente Alpha ESS Speicher auslesen.
2021-12-07 13:51:25: PID: 21722: Start device reading {'componentNone': <modules.alpha_ess.bat.AlphaEssBat object at 0x75b7fbb0>}
2021-12-07 13:51:25: PID: 21722: alpha_ess Version: 1
2021-12-07 13:51:22: Speicher Version: 1 (LV2) at 20 main modules/speicher_alphaess/main.sh
Beiträge: 195
Registriert: Di Nov 03, 2020 2:42 am

Re: Rückmeldungen Nightly 1.9.250

Beitrag von fawick »

fawick hat geschrieben: Di Dez 07, 2021 12:52 pm AlphaESS-Speicher-Modul geht mal wieder nicht. :(
Und wieder mal liegt es am Python 3.5.3, das auf Bestandssystemen (openwb series2 standard+ aus Dezember 2020) laeuft. Siehe https://stackoverflow.com/questions/426 ... hexample-t :
pathlib integrates seemlessly with open only in Python 3.6 and later.
Im SO-Post ist auch ein Workaround fuer Python 3.5 angegeben, einfach in str(___) wrappen.

Hat hier jemand Erfahrungen, das Python im Bestandssystem zu aktualisieren? Gibt's da vielleicht schon einen offiziell empfohlenen Weg vom Support?


Code: Alles auswählen

diff --git a/packages/modules/common/store/_ramdisk.py b/packages/modules/common/store/_ramdisk.py
index ce22142a..f9555626 100644
--- a/packages/modules/common/store/_ramdisk.py
+++ b/packages/modules/common/store/_ramdisk.py
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ def ramdisk_write_to_files(prefix: str, values: Iterable, digits: int = None):
 def ramdisk_write(file: str, value, digits: Optional[int] = None) -> None:
         rounding = get_rounding_function_by_digits(digits)
-        with open(RAMDISK_PATH / file, "w") as f:
+        with open(str(RAMDISK_PATH / file), "w") as f:
     except Exception as e:
Beiträge: 10
Registriert: Mi Mär 03, 2021 4:13 pm

Re: Rückmeldungen Nightly 1.9.250

Beitrag von PV4wampu »

LenaK hat geschrieben: Mo Dez 06, 2021 11:27 am
PV4wampu hat geschrieben: Sa Dez 04, 2021 3:18 pm ok, Debug-Level 2 eingestellt und nochmal auf "Zähler auf EVU-Kit" umgestellt.
Mal schauen, ob ich das mit dem Codeblock hinbekomme :-)
Ist gerade behoben worden.
Leider geht jetzt gar nichts mehr: Alle Module zeigen 0W an


Code: Alles auswählen

modules.common.fault_state.FaultState: ("modules.common.store._util <class 'TypeError'> invalid file: PosixPath('/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/pvwatt')", <FaultStateLevel.ERROR: 2>)
    raise FaultState.error(__name__+" "+str(type(e))+" "+str(e)) from e
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_util.py", line 16, in process_error
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_ramdisk.py", line 20, in ramdisk_write
    ramdisk_write("pv" + filename_extension + "watt", inverter_state.power, 0)
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_inverter.py", line 21, in set
    raise FaultState.from_exception(e)
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_inverter.py", line 27, in set
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/openwb_flex/inverter.py", line 57, in update
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/openwb_flex/device.py", line 59, in update
Traceback (most recent call last):

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

TypeError: invalid file: PosixPath('/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/pvwatt')
    with open(RAMDISK_PATH / file, "w") as f:
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_ramdisk.py", line 17, in ramdisk_write
Traceback (most recent call last):
2021-12-07 19:52:44: PID: 24162: PV-Kit flex: FaultState FaultStateLevel.ERROR, FaultStr modules.common.store._util <class 'TypeError'> invalid file: PosixPath('/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/pvwatt'), Traceback: 
2021-12-07 19:52:44: PID: 24162: PV-Kit Leistung[W]: 6.464453935623169
2021-12-07 19:52:44: PID: 24162: Close Modbus TCP connection
2021-12-07 19:52:43: PID: 24162: Start device reading {'component1': <modules.openwb_flex.inverter.PvKitFlex object at 0x75bc8730>}
2021-12-07 19:52:43: PID: 24162: openWB flex-Kit ID: 116
2021-12-07 19:52:43: PID: 24162: openWB flex-Kit Port: 8899
2021-12-07 19:52:43: PID: 24162: openWB flex-Kit IP-Adresse:
2021-12-07 19:52:43: PID: 24162: openWB flex Version: 2
2021-12-07 19:52:43: PID: 24162: Start reading flex
2021-12-07 19:52:41: PV ID : 116 (LV2) at 21 main modules/wr_pvkitflex/main.sh
2021-12-07 19:52:41: PV Port : 8899 (LV2) at 20 main modules/wr_pvkitflex/main.sh
2021-12-07 19:52:41: PV IP: (LV2) at 19 main modules/wr_pvkitflex/main.sh
2021-12-07 19:52:41: PV KIT Version: 2 (LV2) at 18 main modules/wr_pvkitflex/main.sh
2021-12-07 19:52:41: Schaltschwelle: 230, zum runterregeln: 0 (LV0) at 555 main /var/www/html/openWB/regel.sh
2021-12-07 19:52:41: Gesamt Anzahl Phasen= 1 (LV0) at 516 main /var/www/html/openWB/regel.sh
2021-12-07 19:52:41: LP1 Anzahl Phasen während keiner Ladung= 0 (LV0) at 455 main /var/www/html/openWB/regel.sh
2021-12-07 19:52:41: Alte Anzahl genutzter Phasen= 0 (LV0) at 422 main /var/www/html/openWB/regel.sh

Code: Alles auswählen

modules.common.fault_state.FaultState: ('modules.common.store._util <class \'modules.common.fault_state.FaultState\'> ("modules.common.store._util <class \'TypeError\'> invalid file: PosixPath(\'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/evuv1\')", <FaultStateLevel.ERROR: 2>)', <FaultStateLevel.ERROR: 2>)
    raise FaultState.error(__name__+" "+str(type(e))+" "+str(e)) from e
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_util.py", line 16, in process_error
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_counter.py", line 27, in set
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/openwb_flex/counter.py", line 83, in update
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/openwb/device.py", line 48, in update
Traceback (most recent call last):

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

modules.common.fault_state.FaultState: ("modules.common.store._util <class 'TypeError'> invalid file: PosixPath('/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/evuv1')", <FaultStateLevel.ERROR: 2>)
    raise FaultState.error(__name__+" "+str(type(e))+" "+str(e)) from e
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_util.py", line 16, in process_error
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_ramdisk.py", line 20, in ramdisk_write
    ramdisk_write(prefix + str(index + 1), value, digits)
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_ramdisk.py", line 11, in ramdisk_write_to_files
    ramdisk_write_to_files("evuv", counter_state.voltages, 1)
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_counter.py", line 15, in set
Traceback (most recent call last):

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

TypeError: invalid file: PosixPath('/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/evuv1')
    with open(RAMDISK_PATH / file, "w") as f:
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_ramdisk.py", line 17, in ramdisk_write
Traceback (most recent call last):
2021-12-07 19:34:07: PID: 11482: EVU-Kit: FaultState FaultStateLevel.ERROR, FaultStr modules.common.store._util <class 'modules.common.fault_state.FaultState'> ("modules.common.store._util <class 'TypeError'> invalid file: PosixPath('/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/evuv1')", <FaultStateLevel.ERROR: 2>), Traceback: 
2021-12-07 19:34:07: PID: 11482: EVU-Kit Leistung[W]: 426.8165588378906
2021-12-07 19:34:07: PID: 11482: simcount Zwischenergebnisse atkuelle Berechnung: Import: 245218828.563439 Export: 113394234 Power: 426.8165588378906
2021-12-07 19:34:07: PID: 11482: simcount Ergebnis: Bezug[Wh]: 68116.34126762195, Einspeisung[Wh]: 31498.398333333334
2021-12-07 19:34:07: PID: 11482: simcount aufsummierte Energie: Bezug[Ws]: 245218828.563439, Einspeisung[Ws]: 113394234
2021-12-07 19:34:07: PID: 11482: simcount Gesamtenergie im Zeitintervall: 3805.5634390105843
2021-12-07 19:34:07: PID: 11482: simcount Berechnungsgrundlage: vergangene Zeit [s]8.924694061279297, vorherige Leistung[W]: 426, aktuelle Leistung[W]: 426.8165588378906
2021-12-07 19:34:07: PID: 11482: simcount Zwischenergebnisse letzte Berechnung: Import: 245215023 Export: 113394234 Power: 426
2021-12-07 19:34:07: PID: 11482: Close Modbus TCP connection
2021-12-07 19:34:06: PID: 11482: Start kit reading
2021-12-07 19:34:06: PID: 11482: Start device reading {'componentNone': <modules.openwb.counter.EvuKit object at 0x769e8610>}
2021-12-07 19:34:06: PID: 11482: openWB Version: 2
2021-12-07 19:34:00: **** Regulation loop start **** (LV1) at 50 main /var/www/html/openWB/regel.sh
2021-12-07 19:33:59: Überschuss 0; mindestens 1320 (LV1) at 104 nurpvlademodus nurpv.sh
2021-12-07 19:33:59: uberschuss 0 wattbezug 0 ladestatus 0 llsoll 0 pvwatt 0 mindestuberschussphasen 1320 wattkombiniert 0 schaltschwelle 230 (LV2) at 558 main /var/www/html/openWB/regel.sh
2021-12-07 19:33:59: anzahlphasen 1 (LV1) at 557 main /var/www/html/openWB/regel.sh
2021-12-07 19:33:58: chargestatlp1 0	chargestatlp2 0	chargestatlp3 0 (LV1) at 1260 loadvars loadvars.sh
2021-12-07 19:33:58: plugstatlp1 0	plugstatlp2 0	plugstatlp3 0 (LV1) at 1259 loadvars loadvars.sh
2021-12-07 19:33:58: lp1enabled 1	lp2enabled 1	lp3enabled 1 (LV1) at 1258 loadvars loadvars.sh
2021-12-07 19:33:58: EVU 1:V/0A 2: V/0A 3: V/0A (LV1) at 1257 loadvars loadvars.sh
2021-12-07 19:33:58: lla3 0	llv3 233.3	llas13  llas23  soclp1 47 soclp2 (LV1) at 1256 loadvars loadvars.sh
2021-12-07 19:33:58: lla2 0	llv2 234.6	llas12  llas22  sofortll 25 hausverbrauch 0 wattbezug 0 uberschuss 0 (LV1) at 1255 loadvars loadvars.sh
2021-12-07 19:33:57: lla1 0	llv1 234.4	llas11  llas21  mindestuberschuss 1320 abschaltuberschuss 0 lademodus 2 (LV1) at 1254 loadvars loadvars.sh
2021-12-07 19:33:57: pv1watt 0 pv2watt  pvwatt 0 ladeleistung 0 llalt 0 nachtladen 1 nachtladen 0 minimalA 6 maximalA 32 (LV1) at 1253 loadvars loadvars.sh
2021-12-07 19:33:57: EVU RET: 0 (LV2) at 21 main modules/bezug_ethmpm3pm/main.sh

modules.common.fault_state.FaultState: ('modules.common.store._util <class \'modules.common.fault_state.FaultState\'> ("modules.common.store._util <class \'TypeError\'> invalid file: PosixPath(\'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/evuv1\')", <FaultStateLevel.ERROR: 2>)', <FaultStateLevel.ERROR: 2>)
    raise FaultState.error(__name__+" "+str(type(e))+" "+str(e)) from e
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_util.py", line 16, in process_error
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_counter.py", line 27, in set
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/openwb_flex/counter.py", line 83, in update
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/openwb/device.py", line 48, in update
Traceback (most recent call last):

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

modules.common.fault_state.FaultState: ("modules.common.store._util <class 'TypeError'> invalid file: PosixPath('/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/evuv1')", <FaultStateLevel.ERROR: 2>)
    raise FaultState.error(__name__+" "+str(type(e))+" "+str(e)) from e
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_util.py", line 16, in process_error
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_ramdisk.py", line 20, in ramdisk_write
    ramdisk_write(prefix + str(index + 1), value, digits)
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_ramdisk.py", line 11, in ramdisk_write_to_files
    ramdisk_write_to_files("evuv", counter_state.voltages, 1)
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_counter.py", line 15, in set
Traceback (most recent call last):

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

TypeError: invalid file: PosixPath('/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/evuv1')
    with open(RAMDISK_PATH / file, "w") as f:
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_ramdisk.py", line 17, in ramdisk_write
Traceback (most recent call last):
2021-12-07 19:33:57: PID: 10196: EVU-Kit: FaultState FaultStateLevel.ERROR, FaultStr modules.common.store._util <class 'modules.common.fault_state.FaultState'> ("modules.common.store._util <class 'TypeError'> invalid file: PosixPath('/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/evuv1')", <FaultStateLevel.ERROR: 2>), Traceback: 
2021-12-07 19:33:57: PID: 10196: EVU-Kit Leistung[W]: 426.6949996948242
2021-12-07 19:33:57: PID: 10196: simcount Zwischenergebnisse atkuelle Berechnung: Import: 245215023.3506207 Export: 113394234 Power: 426.6949996948242
2021-12-07 19:33:57: PID: 10196: simcount Ergebnis: Bezug[Wh]: 68115.28426406131, Einspeisung[Wh]: 31498.398333333334
2021-12-07 19:33:57: PID: 10196: simcount aufsummierte Energie: Bezug[Ws]: 245215023.3506207, Einspeisung[Ws]: 113394234
2021-12-07 19:33:57: PID: 10196: simcount Gesamtenergie im Zeitintervall: 4143.350620676493
2021-12-07 19:33:57: PID: 10196: simcount Berechnungsgrundlage: vergangene Zeit [s]8.971252679824829, vorherige Leistung[W]: 497, aktuelle Leistung[W]: 426.6949996948242
2021-12-07 19:33:57: PID: 10196: simcount Zwischenergebnisse letzte Berechnung: Import: 245210880 Export: 113394234 Power: 497
2021-12-07 19:33:57: PID: 10196: Close Modbus TCP connection
2021-12-07 19:33:56: PID: 10196: Start kit reading
2021-12-07 19:33:56: PID: 10196: Start device reading {'componentNone': <modules.openwb.counter.EvuKit object at 0x769ea610>}
2021-12-07 19:33:56: PID: 10196: openWB Version: 2
2021-12-07 19:33:50: **** Regulation loop start **** (LV1) at 50 main /var/www/html/openWB/regel.sh

modules.common.fault_state.FaultState: ('modules.common.store._util <class \'modules.common.fault_state.FaultState\'> ("modules.common.store._util <class \'TypeError\'> invalid file: PosixPath(\'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/evuv1\')", <FaultStateLevel.ERROR: 2>)', <FaultStateLevel.ERROR: 2>)
    raise FaultState.error(__name__+" "+str(type(e))+" "+str(e)) from e
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_util.py", line 16, in process_error
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_counter.py", line 27, in set
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/openwb_flex/counter.py", line 83, in update
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/openwb/device.py", line 48, in update
Traceback (most recent call last):

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

modules.common.fault_state.FaultState: ("modules.common.store._util <class 'TypeError'> invalid file: PosixPath('/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/evuv1')", <FaultStateLevel.ERROR: 2>)
    raise FaultState.error(__name__+" "+str(type(e))+" "+str(e)) from e
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_util.py", line 16, in process_error
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_ramdisk.py", line 20, in ramdisk_write
    ramdisk_write(prefix + str(index + 1), value, digits)
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_ramdisk.py", line 11, in ramdisk_write_to_files
    ramdisk_write_to_files("evuv", counter_state.voltages, 1)
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_counter.py", line 15, in set
Traceback (most recent call last):

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

TypeError: invalid file: PosixPath('/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/evuv1')
    with open(RAMDISK_PATH / file, "w") as f:
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_ramdisk.py", line 17, in ramdisk_write
Traceback (most recent call last):
2021-12-07 19:33:47: PID: 8964: EVU-Kit: FaultState FaultStateLevel.ERROR, FaultStr modules.common.store._util <class 'modules.common.fault_state.FaultState'> ("modules.common.store._util <class 'TypeError'> invalid file: PosixPath('/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/evuv1')", <FaultStateLevel.ERROR: 2>), Traceback: 

modules.common.fault_state.FaultState: ('modules.common.store._util <class \'modules.common.fault_state.FaultState\'> ("modules.common.store._util <class \'TypeError\'> invalid file: PosixPath(\'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/evuv1\')", <FaultStateLevel.ERROR: 2>)', <FaultStateLevel.ERROR: 2>)
    raise FaultState.error(__name__+" "+str(type(e))+" "+str(e)) from e
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_util.py", line 16, in process_error
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_counter.py", line 27, in set
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/openwb_flex/counter.py", line 83, in update
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/openwb/device.py", line 48, in update
Traceback (most recent call last):

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

modules.common.fault_state.FaultState: ("modules.common.store._util <class 'TypeError'> invalid file: PosixPath('/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/evuv1')", <FaultStateLevel.ERROR: 2>)
    raise FaultState.error(__name__+" "+str(type(e))+" "+str(e)) from e
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_util.py", line 16, in process_error
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_ramdisk.py", line 20, in ramdisk_write
    ramdisk_write(prefix + str(index + 1), value, digits)
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_ramdisk.py", line 11, in ramdisk_write_to_files
    ramdisk_write_to_files("evuv", counter_state.voltages, 1)
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_counter.py", line 15, in set
Traceback (most recent call last):

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

TypeError: invalid file: PosixPath('/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/evuv1')
    with open(RAMDISK_PATH / file, "w") as f:
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_ramdisk.py", line 17, in ramdisk_write
Traceback (most recent call last):
2021-12-07 19:33:37: PID: 7710: EVU-Kit: FaultState FaultStateLevel.ERROR, FaultStr modules.common.store._util <class 'modules.common.fault_state.FaultState'> ("modules.common.store._util <class 'TypeError'> invalid file: PosixPath('/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/evuv1')", <FaultStateLevel.ERROR: 2>), Traceback: 

modules.common.fault_state.FaultState: ('modules.common.store._util <class \'modules.common.fault_state.FaultState\'> ("modules.common.store._util <class \'TypeError\'> invalid file: PosixPath(\'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/evuv1\')", <FaultStateLevel.ERROR: 2>)', <FaultStateLevel.ERROR: 2>)
    raise FaultState.error(__name__+" "+str(type(e))+" "+str(e)) from e
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_util.py", line 16, in process_error
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_counter.py", line 27, in set
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/openwb_flex/counter.py", line 83, in update
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/openwb/device.py", line 48, in update
Traceback (most recent call last):

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

modules.common.fault_state.FaultState: ("modules.common.store._util <class 'TypeError'> invalid file: PosixPath('/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/evuv1')", <FaultStateLevel.ERROR: 2>)
    raise FaultState.error(__name__+" "+str(type(e))+" "+str(e)) from e
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_util.py", line 16, in process_error
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_ramdisk.py", line 20, in ramdisk_write
    ramdisk_write(prefix + str(index + 1), value, digits)
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_ramdisk.py", line 11, in ramdisk_write_to_files
    ramdisk_write_to_files("evuv", counter_state.voltages, 1)
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_counter.py", line 15, in set
Traceback (most recent call last):

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

TypeError: invalid file: PosixPath('/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/evuv1')
    with open(RAMDISK_PATH / file, "w") as f:
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_ramdisk.py", line 17, in ramdisk_write
Traceback (most recent call last):
2021-12-07 19:33:27: PID: 6478: EVU-Kit: FaultState FaultStateLevel.ERROR, FaultStr modules.common.store._util <class 'modules.common.fault_state.FaultState'> ("modules.common.store._util <class 'TypeError'> invalid file: PosixPath('/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/evuv1')", <FaultStateLevel.ERROR: 2>), Traceback: 

modules.common.fault_state.FaultState: ('modules.common.store._util <class \'modules.common.fault_state.FaultState\'> ("modules.common.store._util <class \'TypeError\'> invalid file: PosixPath(\'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/evuv1\')", <FaultStateLevel.ERROR: 2>)', <FaultStateLevel.ERROR: 2>)
    raise FaultState.error(__name__+" "+str(type(e))+" "+str(e)) from e
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_util.py", line 16, in process_error
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_counter.py", line 27, in set
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/openwb_flex/counter.py", line 83, in update
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/openwb/device.py", line 48, in update
Traceback (most recent call last):

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

modules.common.fault_state.FaultState: ("modules.common.store._util <class 'TypeError'> invalid file: PosixPath('/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/evuv1')", <FaultStateLevel.ERROR: 2>)
    raise FaultState.error(__name__+" "+str(type(e))+" "+str(e)) from e
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_util.py", line 16, in process_error
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_ramdisk.py", line 20, in ramdisk_write
    ramdisk_write(prefix + str(index + 1), value, digits)
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_ramdisk.py", line 11, in ramdisk_write_to_files
    ramdisk_write_to_files("evuv", counter_state.voltages, 1)
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_counter.py", line 15, in set
Traceback (most recent call last):

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

TypeError: invalid file: PosixPath('/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/evuv1')
    with open(RAMDISK_PATH / file, "w") as f:
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_ramdisk.py", line 17, in ramdisk_write
Traceback (most recent call last):
2021-12-07 19:33:17: PID: 5230: EVU-Kit: FaultState FaultStateLevel.ERROR, FaultStr modules.common.store._util <class 'modules.common.fault_state.FaultState'> ("modules.common.store._util <class 'TypeError'> invalid file: PosixPath('/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/evuv1')", <FaultStateLevel.ERROR: 2>), Traceback: 

modules.common.fault_state.FaultState: ('modules.common.store._util <class \'modules.common.fault_state.FaultState\'> ("modules.common.store._util <class \'TypeError\'> invalid file: PosixPath(\'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/evuv1\')", <FaultStateLevel.ERROR: 2>)', <FaultStateLevel.ERROR: 2>)
    raise FaultState.error(__name__+" "+str(type(e))+" "+str(e)) from e
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_util.py", line 16, in process_error
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_counter.py", line 27, in set
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/openwb_flex/counter.py", line 83, in update
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/openwb/device.py", line 48, in update
Traceback (most recent call last):

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

modules.common.fault_state.FaultState: ("modules.common.store._util <class 'TypeError'> invalid file: PosixPath('/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/evuv1')", <FaultStateLevel.ERROR: 2>)
    raise FaultState.error(__name__+" "+str(type(e))+" "+str(e)) from e
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_util.py", line 16, in process_error
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_ramdisk.py", line 20, in ramdisk_write
    ramdisk_write(prefix + str(index + 1), value, digits)
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_ramdisk.py", line 11, in ramdisk_write_to_files
    ramdisk_write_to_files("evuv", counter_state.voltages, 1)
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_counter.py", line 15, in set
Traceback (most recent call last):

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

TypeError: invalid file: PosixPath('/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/evuv1')
    with open(RAMDISK_PATH / file, "w") as f:
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_ramdisk.py", line 17, in ramdisk_write
Traceback (most recent call last):
2021-12-07 19:33:07: PID: 4003: EVU-Kit: FaultState FaultStateLevel.ERROR, FaultStr modules.common.store._util <class 'modules.common.fault_state.FaultState'> ("modules.common.store._util <class 'TypeError'> invalid file: PosixPath('/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/evuv1')", <FaultStateLevel.ERROR: 2>), Traceback: 

modules.common.fault_state.FaultState: ('modules.common.store._util <class \'modules.common.fault_state.FaultState\'> ("modules.common.store._util <class \'TypeError\'> invalid file: PosixPath(\'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/evuv1\')", <FaultStateLevel.ERROR: 2>)', <FaultStateLevel.ERROR: 2>)
    raise FaultState.error(__name__+" "+str(type(e))+" "+str(e)) from e
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_util.py", line 16, in process_error
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_counter.py", line 27, in set
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/openwb_flex/counter.py", line 83, in update
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/openwb/device.py", line 48, in update
Traceback (most recent call last):

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

modules.common.fault_state.FaultState: ("modules.common.store._util <class 'TypeError'> invalid file: PosixPath('/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/evuv1')", <FaultStateLevel.ERROR: 2>)
    raise FaultState.error(__name__+" "+str(type(e))+" "+str(e)) from e
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_util.py", line 16, in process_error
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_ramdisk.py", line 20, in ramdisk_write
    ramdisk_write(prefix + str(index + 1), value, digits)
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_ramdisk.py", line 11, in ramdisk_write_to_files
    ramdisk_write_to_files("evuv", counter_state.voltages, 1)
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_counter.py", line 15, in set
Traceback (most recent call last):

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

TypeError: invalid file: PosixPath('/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/evuv1')
    with open(RAMDISK_PATH / file, "w") as f:
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_ramdisk.py", line 17, in ramdisk_write
Traceback (most recent call last):
2021-12-07 19:32:58: PID: 2736: EVU-Kit: FaultState FaultStateLevel.ERROR, FaultStr modules.common.store._util <class 'modules.common.fault_state.FaultState'> ("modules.common.store._util <class 'TypeError'> invalid file: PosixPath('/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/evuv1')", <FaultStateLevel.ERROR: 2>), Traceback: 

modules.common.fault_state.FaultState: ('modules.common.store._util <class \'modules.common.fault_state.FaultState\'> ("modules.common.store._util <class \'TypeError\'> invalid file: PosixPath(\'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/evuv1\')", <FaultStateLevel.ERROR: 2>)', <FaultStateLevel.ERROR: 2>)
    raise FaultState.error(__name__+" "+str(type(e))+" "+str(e)) from e
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_util.py", line 16, in process_error
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_counter.py", line 27, in set
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/openwb_flex/counter.py", line 83, in update
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/openwb/device.py", line 48, in update
Traceback (most recent call last):

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

modules.common.fault_state.FaultState: ("modules.common.store._util <class 'TypeError'> invalid file: PosixPath('/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/evuv1')", <FaultStateLevel.ERROR: 2>)
    raise FaultState.error(__name__+" "+str(type(e))+" "+str(e)) from e
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_util.py", line 16, in process_error
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_ramdisk.py", line 20, in ramdisk_write
    ramdisk_write(prefix + str(index + 1), value, digits)
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_ramdisk.py", line 11, in ramdisk_write_to_files
    ramdisk_write_to_files("evuv", counter_state.voltages, 1)
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_counter.py", line 15, in set
Traceback (most recent call last):

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

TypeError: invalid file: PosixPath('/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/evuv1')
    with open(RAMDISK_PATH / file, "w") as f:
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_ramdisk.py", line 17, in ramdisk_write
Traceback (most recent call last):
2021-12-07 19:32:48: PID: 1455: EVU-Kit: FaultState FaultStateLevel.ERROR, FaultStr modules.common.store._util <class 'modules.common.fault_state.FaultState'> ("modules.common.store._util <class 'TypeError'> invalid file: PosixPath('/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/evuv1')", <FaultStateLevel.ERROR: 2>), Traceback: 

modules.common.fault_state.FaultState: ('modules.common.store._util <class \'modules.common.fault_state.FaultState\'> ("modules.common.store._util <class \'TypeError\'> invalid file: PosixPath(\'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/evuv1\')", <FaultStateLevel.ERROR: 2>)', <FaultStateLevel.ERROR: 2>)
    raise FaultState.error(__name__+" "+str(type(e))+" "+str(e)) from e
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_util.py", line 16, in process_error
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_counter.py", line 27, in set
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/openwb_flex/counter.py", line 83, in update
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/openwb/device.py", line 48, in update
Traceback (most recent call last):

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

modules.common.fault_state.FaultState: ("modules.common.store._util <class 'TypeError'> invalid file: PosixPath('/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/evuv1')", <FaultStateLevel.ERROR: 2>)
    raise FaultState.error(__name__+" "+str(type(e))+" "+str(e)) from e
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_util.py", line 16, in process_error
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_ramdisk.py", line 20, in ramdisk_write
    ramdisk_write(prefix + str(index + 1), value, digits)
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_ramdisk.py", line 11, in ramdisk_write_to_files
    ramdisk_write_to_files("evuv", counter_state.voltages, 1)
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_counter.py", line 15, in set
Traceback (most recent call last):

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

TypeError: invalid file: PosixPath('/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/evuv1')
    with open(RAMDISK_PATH / file, "w") as f:
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_ramdisk.py", line 17, in ramdisk_write
Traceback (most recent call last):
2021-12-07 19:32:38: PID: 32629: EVU-Kit: FaultState FaultStateLevel.ERROR, FaultStr modules.common.store._util <class 'modules.common.fault_state.FaultState'> ("modules.common.store._util <class 'TypeError'> invalid file: PosixPath('/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/evuv1')", <FaultStateLevel.ERROR: 2>), Traceback: 

modules.common.fault_state.FaultState: ('modules.common.store._util <class \'modules.common.fault_state.FaultState\'> ("modules.common.store._util <class \'TypeError\'> invalid file: PosixPath(\'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/evuv1\')", <FaultStateLevel.ERROR: 2>)', <FaultStateLevel.ERROR: 2>)
    raise FaultState.error(__name__+" "+str(type(e))+" "+str(e)) from e
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_util.py", line 16, in process_error
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_counter.py", line 27, in set
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/openwb_flex/counter.py", line 83, in update
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/openwb/device.py", line 48, in update
Traceback (most recent call last):

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

modules.common.fault_state.FaultState: ("modules.common.store._util <class 'TypeError'> invalid file: PosixPath('/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/evuv1')", <FaultStateLevel.ERROR: 2>)
    raise FaultState.error(__name__+" "+str(type(e))+" "+str(e)) from e
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_util.py", line 16, in process_error
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_ramdisk.py", line 20, in ramdisk_write
    ramdisk_write(prefix + str(index + 1), value, digits)
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_ramdisk.py", line 11, in ramdisk_write_to_files
    ramdisk_write_to_files("evuv", counter_state.voltages, 1)
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_counter.py", line 15, in set
Traceback (most recent call last):

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

TypeError: invalid file: PosixPath('/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/evuv1')
    with open(RAMDISK_PATH / file, "w") as f:
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_ramdisk.py", line 17, in ramdisk_write
Traceback (most recent call last):
2021-12-07 19:32:29: PID: 31403: EVU-Kit: FaultState FaultStateLevel.ERROR, FaultStr modules.common.store._util <class 'modules.common.fault_state.FaultState'> ("modules.common.store._util <class 'TypeError'> invalid file: PosixPath('/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/evuv1')", <FaultStateLevel.ERROR: 2>), Traceback: 

modules.common.fault_state.FaultState: ('modules.common.store._util <class \'modules.common.fault_state.FaultState\'> ("modules.common.store._util <class \'TypeError\'> invalid file: PosixPath(\'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/evuv1\')", <FaultStateLevel.ERROR: 2>)', <FaultStateLevel.ERROR: 2>)
    raise FaultState.error(__name__+" "+str(type(e))+" "+str(e)) from e
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_util.py", line 16, in process_error
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_counter.py", line 27, in set
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/openwb_flex/counter.py", line 83, in update
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/openwb/device.py", line 48, in update
Traceback (most recent call last):

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

modules.common.fault_state.FaultState: ("modules.common.store._util <class 'TypeError'> invalid file: PosixPath('/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/evuv1')", <FaultStateLevel.ERROR: 2>)
    raise FaultState.error(__name__+" "+str(type(e))+" "+str(e)) from e
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_util.py", line 16, in process_error
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_ramdisk.py", line 20, in ramdisk_write
    ramdisk_write(prefix + str(index + 1), value, digits)
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_ramdisk.py", line 11, in ramdisk_write_to_files
    ramdisk_write_to_files("evuv", counter_state.voltages, 1)
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_counter.py", line 15, in set
Traceback (most recent call last):

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

TypeError: invalid file: PosixPath('/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/evuv1')
    with open(RAMDISK_PATH / file, "w") as f:
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_ramdisk.py", line 17, in ramdisk_write
Traceback (most recent call last):
2021-12-07 19:32:21: PID: 30175: EVU-Kit: FaultState FaultStateLevel.ERROR, FaultStr modules.common.store._util <class 'modules.common.fault_state.FaultState'> ("modules.common.store._util <class 'TypeError'> invalid file: PosixPath('/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/evuv1')", <FaultStateLevel.ERROR: 2>), Traceback: 

modules.common.fault_state.FaultState: ('modules.common.store._util <class \'modules.common.fault_state.FaultState\'> ("modules.common.store._util <class \'TypeError\'> invalid file: PosixPath(\'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/evuv1\')", <FaultStateLevel.ERROR: 2>)', <FaultStateLevel.ERROR: 2>)
    raise FaultState.error(__name__+" "+str(type(e))+" "+str(e)) from e
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_util.py", line 16, in process_error
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_counter.py", line 27, in set
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/openwb_flex/counter.py", line 83, in update
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/openwb/device.py", line 48, in update
Traceback (most recent call last):

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

modules.common.fault_state.FaultState: ("modules.common.store._util <class 'TypeError'> invalid file: PosixPath('/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/evuv1')", <FaultStateLevel.ERROR: 2>)
    raise FaultState.error(__name__+" "+str(type(e))+" "+str(e)) from e
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_util.py", line 16, in process_error
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_ramdisk.py", line 20, in ramdisk_write
    ramdisk_write(prefix + str(index + 1), value, digits)
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_ramdisk.py", line 11, in ramdisk_write_to_files
    ramdisk_write_to_files("evuv", counter_state.voltages, 1)
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_counter.py", line 15, in set
Traceback (most recent call last):

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

TypeError: invalid file: PosixPath('/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/evuv1')
    with open(RAMDISK_PATH / file, "w") as f:
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_ramdisk.py", line 17, in ramdisk_write
Traceback (most recent call last):
2021-12-07 19:32:09: PID: 28841: EVU-Kit: FaultState FaultStateLevel.ERROR, FaultStr modules.common.store._util <class 'modules.common.fault_state.FaultState'> ("modules.common.store._util <class 'TypeError'> invalid file: PosixPath('/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/evuv1')", <FaultStateLevel.ERROR: 2>), Traceback: 

modules.common.fault_state.FaultState: ('modules.common.store._util <class \'modules.common.fault_state.FaultState\'> ("modules.common.store._util <class \'TypeError\'> invalid file: PosixPath(\'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/evuv1\')", <FaultStateLevel.ERROR: 2>)', <FaultStateLevel.ERROR: 2>)
    raise FaultState.error(__name__+" "+str(type(e))+" "+str(e)) from e
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_util.py", line 16, in process_error
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_counter.py", line 27, in set
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/openwb_flex/counter.py", line 83, in update
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/openwb/device.py", line 48, in update
Traceback (most recent call last):

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

modules.common.fault_state.FaultState: ("modules.common.store._util <class 'TypeError'> invalid file: PosixPath('/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/evuv1')", <FaultStateLevel.ERROR: 2>)
    raise FaultState.error(__name__+" "+str(type(e))+" "+str(e)) from e
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_util.py", line 16, in process_error
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_ramdisk.py", line 20, in ramdisk_write
    ramdisk_write(prefix + str(index + 1), value, digits)
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_ramdisk.py", line 11, in ramdisk_write_to_files
    ramdisk_write_to_files("evuv", counter_state.voltages, 1)
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_counter.py", line 15, in set
Traceback (most recent call last):

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

TypeError: invalid file: PosixPath('/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/evuv1')
    with open(RAMDISK_PATH / file, "w") as f:
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_ramdisk.py", line 17, in ramdisk_write
Traceback (most recent call last):
2021-12-07 19:32:03: PID: 27664: EVU-Kit: FaultState FaultStateLevel.ERROR, FaultStr modules.common.store._util <class 'modules.common.fault_state.FaultState'> ("modules.common.store._util <class 'TypeError'> invalid file: PosixPath('/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/evuv1')", <FaultStateLevel.ERROR: 2>), Traceback: 

modules.common.fault_state.FaultState: ('modules.common.store._util <class \'modules.common.fault_state.FaultState\'> ("modules.common.store._util <class \'TypeError\'> invalid file: PosixPath(\'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/evuv1\')", <FaultStateLevel.ERROR: 2>)', <FaultStateLevel.ERROR: 2>)
    raise FaultState.error(__name__+" "+str(type(e))+" "+str(e)) from e
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_util.py", line 16, in process_error
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_counter.py", line 27, in set
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/openwb_flex/counter.py", line 83, in update
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/openwb/device.py", line 48, in update
Traceback (most recent call last):

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

modules.common.fault_state.FaultState: ("modules.common.store._util <class 'TypeError'> invalid file: PosixPath('/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/evuv1')", <FaultStateLevel.ERROR: 2>)
    raise FaultState.error(__name__+" "+str(type(e))+" "+str(e)) from e
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_util.py", line 16, in process_error
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_ramdisk.py", line 20, in ramdisk_write
    ramdisk_write(prefix + str(index + 1), value, digits)
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_ramdisk.py", line 11, in ramdisk_write_to_files
    ramdisk_write_to_files("evuv", counter_state.voltages, 1)
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_counter.py", line 15, in set
Traceback (most recent call last):

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

TypeError: invalid file: PosixPath('/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/evuv1')
    with open(RAMDISK_PATH / file, "w") as f:
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_ramdisk.py", line 17, in ramdisk_write
Traceback (most recent call last):
2021-12-07 19:31:51: PID: 26268: EVU-Kit: FaultState FaultStateLevel.ERROR, FaultStr modules.common.store._util <class 'modules.common.fault_state.FaultState'> ("modules.common.store._util <class 'TypeError'> invalid file: PosixPath('/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/evuv1')", <FaultStateLevel.ERROR: 2>), Traceback: 

modules.common.fault_state.FaultState: ('modules.common.store._util <class \'modules.common.fault_state.FaultState\'> ("modules.common.store._util <class \'TypeError\'> invalid file: PosixPath(\'/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/evuv1\')", <FaultStateLevel.ERROR: 2>)', <FaultStateLevel.ERROR: 2>)
    raise FaultState.error(__name__+" "+str(type(e))+" "+str(e)) from e
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_util.py", line 16, in process_error
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_counter.py", line 27, in set
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/openwb_flex/counter.py", line 83, in update
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/openwb/device.py", line 48, in update
Traceback (most recent call last):

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

modules.common.fault_state.FaultState: ("modules.common.store._util <class 'TypeError'> invalid file: PosixPath('/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/evuv1')", <FaultStateLevel.ERROR: 2>)
    raise FaultState.error(__name__+" "+str(type(e))+" "+str(e)) from e
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_util.py", line 16, in process_error
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_ramdisk.py", line 20, in ramdisk_write
    ramdisk_write(prefix + str(index + 1), value, digits)
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_ramdisk.py", line 11, in ramdisk_write_to_files
    ramdisk_write_to_files("evuv", counter_state.voltages, 1)
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_counter.py", line 15, in set
Traceback (most recent call last):

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

TypeError: invalid file: PosixPath('/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/evuv1')
    with open(RAMDISK_PATH / file, "w") as f:
  File "/var/www/html/openWB/packages/modules/common/store/_ramdisk.py", line 17, in ramdisk_write
Traceback (most recent call last):
: EVU-Kit: FaultState FaultStateLevel.ERROR, FaultStr modules.common.store._util <class 'modules.common.fault_state.FaultState'> ("modules.common.store._util <class 'TypeError'> invalid file: PosixPath('/var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk/evuv1')", <FaultStateLevel.ERROR: 2>), Traceback: 
kill: (30897): No such process
2021-12-07 19:31:27: boot done :-)
AH00558: apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using Set the 'ServerName' directive globally to suppress this message
fix upload limit...OS Stretch
not activated, skipping
update broker...
load versions...
display update...
clear warning...

  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0
100    41    0     0  100    41      0    177 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--   177
100    41    0     0  100    41      0    160 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--   160
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
ipparser installed...
jq installed...
python requests installed...
pymodbus installed...
aiohttp installed...
certifi installed...
docopt installed...
mqtt installed...
packages 2...
updating mosquitto config file
cp: '/usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Berlin' and '/etc/localtime' are the same file
evdev installed...
packages 1...
crontab 2...
crontab 1...
mqtt handler...
smarthome handler...
deleting browser cache
Ramdisk init done.
Trigger update of logfiles...
Initializing Ramdisk /var/www/html/openWB/ramdisk
Config file Update done.
Updating /var/www/html/openWB/openwb.conf...
loading config
atreboot.sh started
Viele Grüße, PV4wampu
openWB series2 standard+
Enphase IQ 7A Mikro-Wechselrichter mit Sunpower Maxeon 5-E3-AC Modulen
Toyota RAV4 PHEV
Beiträge: 96
Registriert: Do Jun 06, 2019 6:15 pm

Re: Rückmeldungen Nightly 1.9.250

Beitrag von BuzzLightyear »

Habe den Fehler auch mit dem openWB EVU-Kit...
Bildschirmfoto 2021-12-07 um 23.12.30.jpg
Beiträge: 1069
Registriert: Fr Jan 22, 2021 6:40 am

Re: Rückmeldungen Nightly 1.9.250

Beitrag von LenaK »

fawick hat geschrieben: Di Dez 07, 2021 2:24 pm
fawick hat geschrieben: Di Dez 07, 2021 12:52 pm AlphaESS-Speicher-Modul geht mal wieder nicht. :(
Und wieder mal liegt es am Python 3.5.3, das auf Bestandssystemen (openwb series2 standard+ aus Dezember 2020) laeuft. Siehe https://stackoverflow.com/questions/426 ... hexample-t :
pathlib integrates seemlessly with open only in Python 3.6 and later.
Im SO-Post ist auch ein Workaround fuer Python 3.5 angegeben, einfach in str(___) wrappen.

Hat hier jemand Erfahrungen, das Python im Bestandssystem zu aktualisieren? Gibt's da vielleicht schon einen offiziell empfohlenen Weg vom Support?


Code: Alles auswählen

diff --git a/packages/modules/common/store/_ramdisk.py b/packages/modules/common/store/_ramdisk.py
index ce22142a..f9555626 100644
--- a/packages/modules/common/store/_ramdisk.py
+++ b/packages/modules/common/store/_ramdisk.py
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ def ramdisk_write_to_files(prefix: str, values: Iterable, digits: int = None):
 def ramdisk_write(file: str, value, digits: Optional[int] = None) -> None:
         rounding = get_rounding_function_by_digits(digits)
-        with open(RAMDISK_PATH / file, "w") as f:
+        with open(str(RAMDISK_PATH / file), "w") as f:
     except Exception as e:
Danke für das Patch!
Es ist soeben gemergt worden.